Eerie Coincidence: Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre

By Paul Joseph Watson | July 23, 2012 |

Exercise revolved around gunman attacking theater

A Colorado university just 16 miles away from the site of Friday morning’s deadly ‘Batman’ massacre staged an identical exercise the very same day in which students were trained how to react to a gunman firing at people in a movie theater.

“Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle of holding specialized classes in disaster life support for 150 second-year medical students. Along with response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods and terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used to train the students is how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in the attack,” reports the Denver Post.

The added detail of a bomb being used in the drill makes the similarity with the shooting even more creepy given the fact that gunman James Holmes used a smoke bomb during his deadly assault.

The drill was part of an Advanced Disaster Life Support Training exercise which involves emergency specialist physicians. The shootings in Aurora were actually incorporated into the training at the University which took place just hours after the massacre.

“The irony is amazing, just amazing,” said Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin.

The school drill was just one of a number of strange coincidences that eerily paralleled the tragic massacre druing which 12 people were killed dozens more injured.

One of them was a 1986 Batman cartoon in which “a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movie theater and begins shooting it up.”

As Angus Hogwarth notes, there are numerous other paralells with the Batman series involving acts of violence taking place in theaters.

In another shocking coincidence, a trailer that preceded The Dark Knight Rises for a movie called Gangster Squad shows gangsters emerging from behind the screen to shoot up a movie theater. Warner Brothers were forced to desperately pull the trailer within hours of the Aurora shooting.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.



  1. […] Eerie Coincidence: Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massa… ( […]

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