Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Math

By Clarice Feldman | August 12, 2012 | American Thinker

Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul  Ryan’s nomination  about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical  notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama  began his term as the spinner of naïve  hopes and dreams  and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of  fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

“Paul Ryan represent[s] Obama’s most horrifying nightmare: math.”

Let me remind you how nightmarish Ryan is to Obama. Here’s a six-minute take down of Obamacare by Congressman Ryan.

Watch the vacant look in Obama’s eyes as it becomes clear he has no idea how to respond to the facts Ryan raises, to the math which demonstrates the utter unsustainability of Obama’s legislative scheme.

And then observe how that look in Obama’s eyes turns to rage. [Read more…]

Dozens Of Underwater Drones Deployed To The Waters Of Iran

By Peter Murray | August 11, 2012 | Singularity Hub


Facing sanctions, Iran has once again threatened to choke off the Strait of Hormuz, the only way into and out of the Gulf for oil tankers.

What to do when international talks begin falling apart? Send a fleet of unmanned submersibles in preparation for a waterway showdown. As US talks with Iran over their nuclear program began to sour and the possibility of sanctions against the country rose, Iran responded by threatening to cut off the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway and the only way into and out of the petroleum-rich Persian Gulf. The US responded in turn, the LA Times reports, by sending dozens of SeaFox unmanned submersibles to the region to seek out and destroy mines in the strait.

Each SeaFox is outfitted with an underwater television camera, homing sonar, an explosive charge, and is controlled through an optic fiber tether. None of the submersibles, however, return from a successful mission as they end, not only with the destruction of the mine, but the craft itself, each costing about $100,000. The SeaFox can sniff out both submerged and surface mines.

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Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many

By Anonymous | August 12, 2012 | Washington’s Blog

Fraud caused the Great Depression and the current financial crisis, and the economy will never recover until fraud is prosecuted.

Fraud is the business model adopted by the giant banks. See this.

The Obama administration has made it official policy not to prosecute fraud.  Indeed, the “watchdogs” in D.C. are so corrupt that they are as easily bribed as a policeman in a third world banana republic.

The mouthpieces in Wall Street and D.C.  pretend that financial  fraud (like Libor) is a “victimless crime“.

But the World Bank notes that the financial crisis  – you know, the one caused by financial fraud – has driven between 64 and  100 million people into destitution.

Some estimate the figure to be much higher. For example, one 2009 study estimated that 140 million people would be driven into poverty in Asia alone.

AP reported in 2009: [Read more…]

The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues

By Paul Craig Roberts | August 11, 2012 | Institute for Political Economy

The election of the next puppet president of the “world’s only superpower” is about two and one-half months off, and what are the campaign issues? There aren’t any worthy of the name.

Romney won’t release his tax returns, despite the fact that release is a customary and expected act. Either the non-release is a strategy to suck in Democrats to make the election issue allegations that Romney is another mega-rich guy who doesn’t pay taxes, only to have the issue collapse with a late release that shows enormous taxes paid, or Romney’s tax returns, as a candidate who advocates lower taxes for the rich, don’t bear scrutiny.

What are Romney’s issues? The candidate says that his first act will be to repeal Obamacare, a program that Romney himself first enacted as governor of Massachusetts. This will cost Romney political contributions from the insurance industry, which is thankful for the 50 million new private insurance policies that Obamacare, written not by Obama but by the private insurance companies, provides at public expense. It is not to the insurance industry’s benefit to have a single payer system like other western countries.

Romney’s other issue is to blame Obama for America’s unemployment caused by the offshoring of the US economy by Republican corporate CEOs. In order to enhance their compensation packages, the Republican CEOs sent millions of America’s best jobs to India, China and elsewhere. The lower cost of labor in these offshore sites means much higher earnings, which drives up share prices for shareholders and drives up performance bonuses for management, while wrecking US employment, GDP growth and tax base and driving up the deficit in the balance of payments.

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Veep Pick Paul Ryan Is No Conservative

By   | August 12, 2012 | The New American

Photo of Rep. Paul Ryan: AP Images

No sooner had Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate become known than the world of punditry was abuzz with talk of “Ryanmania.” Since mania is by definition an excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm, the label may be regarded as an understatement. For while the seven-term Republican congressman from Wisconsin and chairman of the House Budget Committee is not yet a household name across America, he does generate excitement within the “conservative movement,” an excitement and enthusiasm that suggests the talking heads at Fox News and the warriors at The Weekly Standard have no more sense of conservative, constitutional government than the cheering chanting crowd of Republican partisans who greeted the vice presidential hopeful in Norfolk, Virginia, Saturday morning.

Like him or not, the one thing politically aware Americans are supposed to know about Paul Ryan is that he is a fiscal conservative, a bold budget hawk. He is, after all, the prime author of the House budget plan (titled “the Path to Prosperity”) to repeal the Obama health insurance program (“ObamaCare”), turn the Medicaid program for low-income Americans over to the states and create a private insurance option for Medicare beneficiaries starting in 2023. The plan would also turn food stamps and other federal programs for the poor into block grants to the states, with limits on the growth of those programs. If Republican voters have any doubts about Ryan’s commitment to budget austerity, they need only hear the Democrats’ outcry that Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” will be a road to the poorhouse for elderly and low-income Americans.

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Stefan Molyneux: Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand [Video]

Yes, They Can Do That in Public School

By Drew Zahn | August 11, 2012 | WND

Principals in America no longer have excuse for squashing religious freedom

120810studentprayerzEvery public school in America is about to receive a wake-up call that will eliminate any excuse for stomping on students’ and teachers’ religious liberty.

Ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that neither students nor teachers “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate,” activists of various stripes – most recently from atheist and homosexual groups – have tried to find ways around the ruling, to squash free speech, and religious speech in particular, in America’s public schools.

Last year, for example, Florida teacher Jerry Buell at Mount Dora High School faced suspension after the homosexual advocacy group Equality Florida demanded he be disciplined for voicing disapproval of same-sex marriage on Facebook.

Though Buell used his personal computer, on his personal time to post his opinion on his personal Facebook page, he lost three days in the classroom to suspension before the Lake County School Board realized its mistake and decided to exonerate and reinstate the teacher.

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See No Evil: Racial Violence Under-Reported

By Colin Flaherty | August 12, 2012 | WND

DOJ: Victims don’t tell police about half of violent crimes

PoliceDoc(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.)

Please be forewarned the links in the following report may contain offensive language.

Racial violence might be up. It might be down. Either way we may never know: A new study from the Department of Justice says victims of violent crime often do not call the police.

And if they do, police often do not file crime reports, say local newspapers around the country.

“More than half of the nation’s violent crimes, or nearly 3.4 million violent victimizations per year, went unreported to the police between 2006 and 2010,” said a Justice Department analysis.

That’s 17 million violent crimes off the books in five years.

Some say it is even worse. They point to the experience that cities around America are having with ShotSpotter: An anti-crime technology that features an array of wireless microphones that can pinpoint the location of a gun shot to within 40 feet.

The system is 96 percent accurate.

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‘Our Right Come From Nature and God, Not Government’: Paul Ryan Channels Philosopher John Locke in Announcement Speech [Video]

By  | August 12, 2012 | The Blaze

Paul Ryan Channels Philosopher John Locke in Running Mate Announcement Speech

There was a rare, pure philosophical moment in Rep. Paul Ryan’s running mate announcement speech in Norfolk, Va. Saturday that should not be overlooked. The Wisconsin congressman waxed on the natural contract between government, man and God: [Read more…]

Blasted Fools

Here we have yet another example of the cowardly and reprehensible racial violence aimed at defenseless (dare I say?) White victims.  This latest atrocity took place in Kansas City, Missouri.   An elderly gentleman aged 93, whose name was not disclosed by authorities was resting peacefully in his home, when a piece of human garbage named Tony Putnam, 18 broke into the home for the purpose of theft – and no doubt, the bonus of assaulting the occupants.

Putnam discovered the homeowner and commenced to punching the man in the face and binding him with belts so as to immobilize the target of the attack.  Shortly after this ordeal began, the man’s 84 year old wife returned from the local bank, where she had withdrawn $400.00 cash.  She heard her husband’s cries of pain and injury.

On her way upstairs to find out what might be troubling her husband, she…

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Paul Ryan’s CPAC 2012 Keynote Address [Video]

Paul Ryan – 2011 Statesmanship Award – “Our Churchillian Moment” [Video]

Barone: Romney-Ryan ticket puts entitlement crisis at center of campaign

By Michael Barone | August 12, 2012 | The Washington Examiner

Photo - Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, left, points to a supporter in the crowd as his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. looks on during a rally at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012.  (AP Photo/The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Joe Mahoney)

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, left, points to a supporter in the crowd as his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. looks on during a rally at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Joe Mahoney)

In front of the U.S.S. Wisconsin in Norfolk harbor, a coatless Mitt Romney named a tieless Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee.

Romney’s choice was not much of a surprise after he told NBC’s Chuck Todd on Thursday that he wanted someone with “a vision for the country, that adds something to the political discourse about the direction of the country. I mean I happen to believe that this is a defining election for America, that we’re going to be voting for what kind of America we’re going to have.”

This arguably describes some of the others mentioned as possible nominees, but it clearly fits Paul Ryan.

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Uncommon Knowledge: Paul Ryan—Fixing government and not running for president [Video]

In a wide-ranging interview, Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin discusses his plans for repealing ObamaCare, fixing Medicare and Medicaid and the federal budget, and why he’s not running for president in 2012.

Romney-Ryan Would Complete the Reagan Revolution

By James Pethokoukis | August 11, 2012 | Ricochet

What I know of Paul Ryan is this: Born in 1970, he was old enough to see and understand the amazing reversal of fortune that happened in the 1980s and 1990s when free enterprise and earned success was again valued and respected in America. He is a true and faithful son of the Reagan Revolution.

But Ryan is not an ideologue holding out for perfect solutions and proposing fantasy plans. He understands that it will be impossible to move forward without tradeoffs and compromise. Indeed, his Medicare reform plan is based on a centrist approach that Democrats used to support – some still do – but now use as evidence that the Ryan GOP is guilty of “Social Darwinism.”

With Mitt Romney’s selection of the Wisconsin Republican as his running mate, the GOP has assembled a “Fix-It” presidential ticket where the solutions sync with America’s founding principles.

So this is the binary choice now facing American voters (at least those for whom the Long Recession hasn’t already been decisive):

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Romney’s Declaration of War

By Paul A. Rahe | August 11, 2012 | Ricochet

In choosing Paul Ryan as his Vice-Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney has opted to go for broke, and he has indicated that he is a serious man — less concerned with becoming President of the United States than with saving the country from the disaster in store for it if we not radically reverse course, willing to risk a loss for the sake of being able to win a mandate for reform.

I have been unsparing in my criticism of Romney’s political record. I unsay not one word about that. If we were to judge him honestly by his conduct as a Senatorial candidate in Massachusetts and as that state’s Governor, I believe that we would find him sadly wanting.

I have also consistently been of the opinion that, of the declared Republican presidential aspirants, Mitt Romney was the least unacceptable. In his private capacity, he is a man of excellent character; as a businessman, he was accomplished in the extreme; and, as a candidate, he consistently displayed the discipline required. There were others in the race who had good qualities, but they lacked one or more of the crucial qualities that Romney possesses.

I also hazarded a guess — that current circumstances might make a genuine conservative of Mitt Romney, that his understanding of the fiscal crisis we face might very well force him to think more deeply about the moral roots of that fiscal crisis, which is to say, about the inner logic of the administrative entitlements state and the moral as well as the fiscal bankruptcy produced by that inner logic. I was accused of wishful thinking, and the accusation was just. For my wish was, indeed, father to the thought, but this does not mean that the thought was wrong.

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Ryan’s voting record shows conservatism tinged with maverick streak

By Stephen Dinan | August 11, 2012 | The Washington Times

Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, right, his wife, Ann, second from right, wave to the crowd along with his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., second form left, and his wife, Janna, left, during a rally at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, right, his wife, Ann, second from right

Rep. Paul Ryan, Republicans’ presumptive vice presidential nominee, has amassed a very conservative voting record during his seven terms in Congress, including repeated votes against spending bills, unemployment benefit extensions and most of President Obama’s agenda.

But he also voted for some of the major parts of the Bush administration that have drawn fire, including the No Child Left Behind education bill, and the 2003 Medicare prescription drug law that added a new entitlement to the government’s books without finding a way to pay for it.

He also voted for the Wall Street bailout in 2008, which has become a a flashpoint for both ends of the political spectrum.

His chief breaks with most Republicans usually came on spending bills, where he regularly voted against his party leadership when they controlled the chamber before 2007. In 1999 he voted against expanding the Peace Corps, and voted against expanding debt relief to impoverished nations.

Mr. Ryan voted for the Patriot Act and later voted to preserve federal authorities’ ability under that law to seek library records in their investigations — a major test point for the legislation.

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Landslide on the Horizon

By Paul A. Rahe | August 9, 2012 | Ricochet

MittRomney4When I read Nate Silver, Sean Trende, Charlie Cook, Jay Cost, and the others who make a profession of political prognostication, I pay close attention to their attempts to dissect the polling data and predict what is to come. But I also take everything that they say with a considerable grain of salt. You see, I lived through the 1980 election, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I was struck at the time by the fact that next to no one among the political scientists who made a living out of studying presidential elections, communism in eastern Europe, and Sovietology saw any of these upheavals coming. Virtually all of them were caught flat-footed.

This is, in fact, what you would expect. They were all expert in the ordinary operations of a particular system, and within that framework they were pretty good at prognostication. But the apparent stability of the system had lured them into a species of false confidence – not unlike the false confidence that fairly often besets students of the stock market.

There were others, less expert in the particulars of these systems, who had a bit more distance and a bit more historical perspective and who saw it coming. The Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik wrote a prescient book entitled Can the Soviet Union Survive 1984? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn predicted communism’s imminent collapse, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan suspected that the Soviet Union would soon face a fatal crisis. They were aware that institutions and outlooks that are highly dysfunctional will eventually and unexpectedly dissolve.

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American Bridge: Paul Ryan [Opposition] Research Book [Document]


Ryan’s Hope

By James Pethokoukis | May 2012 | Commentary Magazine

It’s probably safe to assume that no elected official in America understands the ins and outs of the labyrinthine U.S. budget the way Paul Ryan does. The 42-year-old Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Budget Committee has dreams of completing the small-government Reagan Revolution so that America might avoid repeating the “managed decline” of Old Europe. Ryan knows the numbers and projections and models backward and forward. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of his own arguments about reforming the Entitlement State and of those espoused by his opponents across the aisle and inside the Obama White House. He knows how the legislative process can breathe life into ambitious budget plans or, far more often, suffocate them in the cradle.

Ryan knows it all to a fine granularity. And that is not all he knows. As a veteran of the conservative movement who started out writing speeches for Jack Kemp and William J. Bennett at their joint think tank, Empower America, Ryan knows how three decades of off-and-on conservative governance in Washington have given credence to the notion that, in domestic affairs, Republicans understand how to cut taxes—and not much else. This has certainly been the case when it comes to fixing America’s social-insurance entitlements. Creating a financially sustainable safety net that does not sap America’s economic dynamism has been a political and policy puzzle, and repeated attempts to solve it have ended in economic or political disaster, or both.

Consider this: In 1983, President Ronald Reagan and House Speaker Tip O’Neill struck a deal to save Social Security through a combination of benefit cuts and tax increases. The agreement continues to be highlighted by Democrats as a model for bipartisan reform. Yet not only was Social Security not saved—the program almost immediately veered back into long-term insolvency—but several decades of surpluses in the Social Security “lockbox” were used cynically to make federal budget deficits look smaller than they were. For instance, if you don’t count “borrowings” from the Social Security trust fund, the four-year, $559 billion surplus in the late 1990s was really a two-year, $88 billion surplus.

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Paul Ryan Takes Apart Obamacare in 6 Minutes [Video]

Path to Prosperity (Episode 3): 3 Steps to Pro-Growth Tax Reform — Visualized [Video]

The Path to Prosperity (Episode 2): Saving Medicare, Visualized [Video]

The Path to Prosperity (Episode 1): America’s two futures, visualized [Video]

The Ryan Test: Demagoguery Versus Ideas

By  | August 11, 2012 | Commentary Magazine

As John wrote earlier today, liberals are convinced that Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan to be his running mate offers them a golden opportunity to savage the Republicans about the Wisconsin congressman’s budget plans. Predictably, the New York Times delivered one of the first such salvos in its editorial posted hours after Romney announced his pick in which it slammed Ryan as “callous” and claimed his attempt to control the nation’s out-of-control entitlements would leave the poor and the elderly sicker while also harming the unemployed and students. Not considering it advisable to even make a pretense of noting the GOP veep candidate’s strengths, the Times thought it advisable to go for the jugular first and worry about nuance later. We can expect the rest of the liberal mainstream media to do no less in the days and weeks that will follow.

However, it must be noted that the expectation by liberals that they can get away with such blatant demagoguery is not entirely without foundation. The pick of Ryan should energize the Republican base and will lend intellectual heft to a Romney campaign that has often seemed intent on merely waiting for the voters to fire Barack Obama rather than putting forward its own vision. But we know that “Mediscare” tactics employed by the Democrats have worked sometimes. And, as Times political blogger and statistical analyst Nate Silver pointed out on Wednesday, Ryan brings no obvious or immediate tactical political advantages to the Republicans. If Romney’s choice does anything it is to provide a test for the electorate. Are they prepared to listen to reasoned arguments articulated by Ryan about the need for entitlement reform, or will they succumb to simplistic liberal cant about pushing grandma over the cliff? As much as conservatives want to believe the American public is not so foolish or shortsighted as to simply accept the left’s defense of the status quo, we won’t know the answer to that question until November.

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Smoking Obama’s Crack and Yearning for the Mud

By Vanderleun | August 10, 2012 | American Digest

[From 2008. Only the names have been changed because the target has changed.]


This downward flight of intellectuals has been going on ever since the Romantic movement began its counter-revolution a couple hundred years ago. No matter how much they flap their lips it’s a fall, not a flight, but it feels like one until you hit bottom. Unless you keep digging. Which is the job of liberal arts departments.– One Cosmos: The Metaphysics of Envy and the Revenge of the Left

The tsunami of mud dredged up and thrown in the direction of Sarah Palin and her Mitt Romney and his family over the long weekend is, I think, unprecedented. The size of the wave of filth is only exceeded by its velocity. Overall the volume of mud represents just how much Palin Romney is feared by those for whom nothing less than an Obama victory is required for them to keep breathing on Earth.

One of the few other places we see this sort of behavior in nature is when, threatened, a tribe of primates joins together in a hooting display that quickly escalates into the flinging of feces in all directions. As a result we also note that rising above the mud is the unmistakable odor of fear. But there are, as many have noted, deeper foundations of filth on which the rumors and the ranting rests.

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Israel’s ‘You Built It’ Culture

By Daniel Greenfield | August 7, 2012 | FrontPageMag.Com

When Mitt Romney arrived in Jerusalem and suggested that Israel’s success contrasted with its Muslim neighbors was due to a culture of success, he was waving a red flag in front of a red bull. Romney’s comments were as provocative to the left as Obama’s  “You didn’t build that” remark was to us.

To the left, success has become the Mark of Cain. Where success once used to be proof of good character, the balance has shifted and it is now proof of bad character. The left blames all disparities on injustice. If A has less than B, then B has somehow discriminated against A. All that’s left is for the sociologists and critical race theorists to plug in the variables, write their papers and explain the mechanism for the injustice and how it can be remedied through centralized redistribution.

This is the era of “You didn’t build that” where achievement is inherently unfair and an object of guilt. To succeed is to steal. Anyone who has achieved more than those around him has unfairly taken from them. And the more he succeeds, the more he has to feel guilty about and the more he must atone through social justice.

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Flashback: Glenn interviews VP pick Paul Ryan in April 2011 about his proposed plans for the federal budget [Video]

By Staff Report | August 11, 2012 | GlennBeck.Com

In the wake of Mitt Romney selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, we are reposting this article from Glenn’s interview with Paul Ryan in April 2011:

Glenn interviews the $6 trillion dollar man

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The Most Divisive Campaign in American History [Video]

By Daniel Greenfield | August 11, 2012 | Sultan Knish

In 1980, when President Reagan asked Americans, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago”, it was still possible to campaign on a theme as simple as the job performance of the other guy. But now, 32 years later, the campaign hinges on a much more fundamental split among the voting population.

Romney appeals to voters who are dissatisfied with the last four years. Obama appeals to voters who are dissatisfied with America.

This basic gap was obscured in the 2008 campaign by the window trappings of inspiration. Among all the plastic pillars and stolen quotes from poets who stole them from sermons, it was harder to see that the underlying theme of the campaign was dissatisfaction with America. But in 2012, Obama can no longer run as a reformer or an optimist.

The coalition that he committed to last year is a coalition of those who are unhappy with America, not in the last four years, but in the last two-hundred years. Its core is composed of groups that fear democracy and distrust the will of the people. There is no optimism here, but a deeply rooted pessimism about human nature and the country as a whole. It is the Democratic Party’s coalition against democracy.

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