Obama to officially begin 2012 campaign on Karl Marx’s birthday [Coincidence? Nah.]

By  | May 4, 2012 | Examiner.com

President Obama and the First Lady will officially kick off the 2012 campaign with with rallies at Ohio State University in Columbus and Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond on Saturday, May 5.

It turns out, however, that May 5 also happens to be the birthday of Prussian philosopher Karl Marx, the man who wrote the Communist Manifesto.

An item posted this week at the Freedom Post blog noted:

First, we learn that Earth Day was started on the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, the Communist butcher and founder of the USSR, now we learn that Barack Obama, America’s first Marxist president, is launching his campaign on the father of communism’s birthday?  Come on, now.  This is just too appropriate!  How fitting!

Recently, Obama chose the slogan “Forward,” for the 2012 campaign – a slogan that has deep roots in European marxism and communism.

Read the full article here.

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The Big Picture: Our Curiously Failing Civilization

By Jack Curtis | May 7, 2012 | American Thinker

Governments around the world are in various stages of financial failure, all seemingly trying to be Argentina.  Curious, no?  Look at debt and deficits; you see government spending issues; most of the few exceptions have other problems.  Look then at global migration patterns showing people leaving poor places for places going broke, an unhappy trend line.  Look anywhere; we can’t seem to govern ourselves worldwide, while people protesting are multiplying everywhere.

The U.S. and the EU can’t stop borrowing and spending, though no one can expect their stultified economies to bear the debt they’ve run up.  Arab riots and civil wars reflect those countries’ corrupt dictators’ inability to sufficiently subsidize the citizens.  Armed insurrections and massive demonstrations plague Russia, India, China, and Latin America; Africa has more than its share of failed and failing states.  The Global Incident Map shows worldwide terrorism and both underlines instability and helps explain the migrations.  Predictable civil order seems lost.

For “rich” Europe and North America, it’s the famous doom of all democracies: the citizens have learned to vote others’ wealth to themselves via a devil’s compact with demagogues.  Once in place, such deals can’t be controlled (Who’s re-elected for shutting off the goodies?) until they outrun available resources and impoverish the economy.  “Kick the can down the road” (meaning past the next election) is the U.S. mantra for postponing the end-game; in the EU, it’s quasi-austerity.  It’s the same game in both places: Save the Banks.  The people?  Let them eat cake…

For everybody outside the rich world, it’s the same thing at one remove.  That rich world has been such an engine of the world economy that most of the rest are, in varying degrees, dependents.  When the rich customer cuts back, the dependent suffers.  For those living hand-to-mouth in the first place, the suffering is worse; that puts those governments at more immediate risk.  If we really look, much post-WWII stability has been a wire-walking façade.

Civilization: a state of social culture characterized by relative progress in the arts, science, and statecraft.  Start with the Babylonians; the picture is later expanded by the multicultural Romans (equal opportunity conquerors) and expanded again by the widely differing but integrated Europeans, Indians, and Chinese.  Perhaps it’s time we recognized an additional element in the mix that now defines civilization: technology.

Modern transport, communication, and information technology have linked the whole planet into a functional unity irrespective of language, culture, religion, or other differences.  Whether very poor or wealthy, educated or illiterate, nearly everybody on earth is in reach of a network of information and services via a common, worldwide technology.  The only obvious threats to that lie with paranoid governments insistent on controlling it and various Luddites intent on its destruction to preserve interests under threat.

Such miracles, like free lunches, carry costs.  One cost of the world’s economic integration: a cold in the rich world quickly produces sneezes everywhere else, an unsung partner of things like just-in-time inventory control.  Another cost is the greater awareness of events and conditions everywhere.  The whole world knows at once of riots anywhere; if cell phones organize the rioters, the world knows that, too.  And how a local dictator reacts will appear quickly on YouTube, with any blood in full color.  Poorly informed people are becoming much more knowledgeable and sophisticated, seeing how others live, and developing greater expectations that their governments aren’t prepared to accommodate.  As citizens’ expectations rise, governments facing them before a world audience find their control of events affected, more so when such strategic interests as oil are involved.  An event anywhere can light a fire under a planetary pot; the technology that spreads civilization also expands risk.

When considering political collapse, we look for the signature social meltdown; a strong civilization may work through bad finances.  Before they’re swept from history’s stage, civilizations rot from inside.  What do we see?

Western civilization was the Judeo-Christian replacement for failed Classical Europe.  Its centrality was the general acceptance of Christian morality, built on widespread religious belief and embedded in governments and law.  In what’s being called a post-Christian era, that’s dissolving; Western citizens are struggling with each other over such basics as human rights, obligations, behavior, and the value of human life.

Read the full article here.

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Michael Mukasey: Obama and the bin Laden Bragging Rights

By Michael B. Mukasey | April 30, 2012 | Wall Street Journal

It’s hard to imagine Lincoln or Eisenhower claiming such credit for the heroic actions of others.

The first anniversary of the SEAL Team 6 operation that killed Osama bin Laden brings the news that President Obama plans during the coming campaign to exploit the bragging rights to the achievement. That plan invites scrutiny that is unlikely to benefit him.

Consider the events surrounding the operation. A recently disclosed memorandum from then-CIA Director Leon Panetta shows that the president’s celebrated derring-do in authorizing the operation included a responsibility-escape clause: “The timing, operational decision making and control are in Admiral McRaven’s hands. The approval is provided on the risk profile presented to the President. Any additional risks are to be brought back to the President for his consideration. The direction is to go in and get bin Laden and if he is not there, to get out.”

Which is to say, if the mission went wrong, the fault would be Adm. McRaven’s, not the president’s. Moreover, the president does not seem to have addressed at all the possibility of seizing material with intelligence value—which may explain his disclosure immediately following the event not only that bin Laden was killed, but also that a valuable trove of intelligence had been seized, including even the location of al Qaeda safe-houses. That disclosure infuriated the intelligence community because it squandered the opportunity to exploit the intelligence that was the subject of the boast.

mukaseyThe only reliable weapon that any administration has against the current threat to this country is intelligence. Every operation like the one against bin Laden (or the one that ended the career of Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. citizen and al Qaeda propagandist killed in a drone attack last September) dips into the reservoir of available intelligence. Refilling that reservoir apparently is of no importance to an administration that, after an order signed by the president on his second day in office, has no classified interrogation program—and whose priorities are apparent from its swift decision to reopen investigations of CIA operators for alleged abuses in connection with the classified interrogation program that once did exist.

While contemplating how the killing of bin Laden reflects on the president, consider the way he emphasized his own role in the hazardous mission accomplished by SEAL Team 6:

“I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority . . . even as I continued our broader effort. . . . Then, after years of painstaking work by my intelligence community I was briefed . . . I met repeatedly with my national security team . . . And finally last week I determined that I had enough intelligence to take action. . . . Today, at my direction . . .”

That seems a jarring formulation coming from a man who, when first elected, was asked which president he would model himself on and replied, Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln, on the night after Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender ended the Civil War, delivered from the window of the White House a speech that mentioned his own achievements not at all, but instead looked forward to the difficulties of reconstruction and called for black suffrage—a call that would doom him because the audience outside the White House included a man who muttered that Lincoln had just delivered his last speech. It was John Wilkes Booth.

The man from whom President Obama has sought incessantly to distance himself, George W. Bush, also had occasion during his presidency to announce to the nation a triumph of intelligence: the capture of Saddam Hussein. He called that success “a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq.” He attributed it to “the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator’s footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers. . . . Their work continues, and so do the risks.”

Read the full article here.

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Obama’s ‘Martial Law’ Order Revealed: Hidden Executive Orders

By Chris Kitze | March 19, 2012 | The Intel Hub

The dismissals over President Obama’s latest Executive Order for National Defense Resources Preparedness as just “an update” miss the point. We’ve hit a nerve on Before It’s News with this story with almost 60,000 views this morning. (Intel Hub Note: The two stories on our site reached another 45,000 people) People are upset, angry and disappointed. Why? Because a normally arcane proclamation is seeing the light of day, exposing the tip of a vast “shadow government” of black budgets and rules that go beyond anything spelled out by the Constitution. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air played down the significance of this order :

“In fact, that’s almost entirely what it is.  The original EO dealing with national defense resources preparedness was issued in 1939 (EO 8248) according to the National Archives.  It has been superseded a number of times, starting in 1951 by nearly every President through Bill Clinton, and amended twice by George W. Bush.   Barack Obama may be arrogant, and the timing of this release might have looked a little strange, but this is really nothing to worry about at all.”

Nothing to see here, move along.  Actually, Ed, this is a HUGE deal and it’s not going to go away that quickly. As World Net Daily intoned “If someone wants to make the argument that this is an expansion of presidential powers, then do so based on actual language,” warns Jacobson. Professor Jacobson is correct, this is really a minor expansion of these powers.   The article goes on to point out that:

As it turns out, Obama’s executive order is nearly identical to EO 12919, issued by President Clinton on June 7, 1994, which itself was an amendment to EO 10789, issued in 1958 by President Eisenhower, and which in fact, was later amended by EO 13286, issued in 2003 by George W. Bush.

What’s the REAL story, as the WND email asks? The story is about the power of the internet as a media force. People are hopping mad because this information is now openly available. In the past, none of this ever saw the light of day. They are waking up and they aren’t happy about what they are seeing. It’s a similar reaction to when people find out that the Federal Reserve is a private business, not a part of the U.S. Government. Let’s look at order #12919 mentioned in the WND story. When Bill Clinton was president in 1994, the internet barely existed and the government hadn’t yet set up web sites to publish this sort of proclamation. People got their news from the NY Times, the Wall St. Journal and the major TV networks…let’s see what kind of coverage this got. A search of the NY Times since 1851 turned up…ZERO…for a search of Clinton “executive order” 12919. The major TV networks? This wouldn’t even make it into Walter Cronkite’s “circular file”. These orders barely merit a mention, even today. Yet they have teeth. Go ask any Japanese American who was interned during WWII and had their property stolen. That was Executive Order 9066 issued by FDR. The real problem is that a “shadow government” has been established by these executive orders and now you know about it.  It’s being exposed.  People now realize that they are basically property that can be disposed of at the whim of the president. Don’t believe me, let’s have a look in the comments to the stories downplaying this order, the WND commenters got right to the point this morning:

dumbboy: BALONEY!  Why does it have the word “peacetime” all over it.  I can understand during war or “real” national emergencies, but not peacetime!  Hey, Mr. Cornell Law (liberal) professor, good try, but some of us aren’t as dumb as you would like us to be!  We know how to read and we can actually comprehend!  Wonder who you voted for?  Wonder where your campaign donations went?  Nothing to worry about?  Are you kiddin’ me?  If it is nothing to worry about them why did Obama do it?  You “know it all” guys really crack me up. EdwinBuck: Calm yourselves, don’t worry, there’s nothing to fear. This is what these government types want to tell you. If you believe this government, shame on you. I have a question; WHAT IS THE FIRST DUTY OF ANY GOVERMENT? ANS: TO PROTECT ITSELF FROM THE PEOPLE. Look what’s happening in SYRIA? The Syrian Government is just protecting themselves from their own people. If you don’t think this government is doing the same thing, protecting itself from the very people they were sworn to protect. They will lie, cheat, steal and yes even commit murder to protect itself from their own people that they have stolen from.

People are starting to wake up. In case you were wondering here’s a long list of some of the other “Executive Orders” you might not be aware of that were collected by Harry Martin:

A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed. Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:

  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

Read full article here.

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