2012 A World In Turmoil: Will America be next? [Video]

You Must Watch ‘2012 A World In Turmoil’ Video

By Ron Holland | June 4, 2012 | The Daily Bell

Will America be next? Here at the Daily Bell we believe the West is facing payback time for the forced, non-democratic and now failing EU experiment as well as the central banking cartel inspired fiat money and sovereign debt collapse now wrecking economies and impoverishing the citizens of most nations.

Daily Bell Chief Editor Anthony Wile stated: “I encourage all Daily Bell readers interested in gaining a better understanding about the geopolitical and monetary factors influencing today’s major financial trends to attend FreedomFest 2012. The lineup of speakers is outstanding and valuable information will doubtless be offered through this important three-day gathering.”

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World War III – To Be Officially Declared [Video]

Rush Limbaugh: Obama to Wage Campaign Based on Fear

By Rush Limbaugh | May 29, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: New York Magazine, John Heilemann.  This is the coauthor of the book Game Change, that made the movie, Sarah Palin, the absolute worst thing that happened to America. Sarah Palin, the absolute worst thing that ever happened to John McCain.  Sarah Palin, the absolute worst thing that ever happened to the Republican Party.  Those guys.  It’s a long piece.  And his point is that for Obama and company this time around, it’s all about fear.  There’s no hope and change.  There’s no bringing people together.  There’s no unity.  There’s no postracial, no postmodernism, no post anything.  We’re not unified.  The world is not in love with us.  All of the stuff that was promised or alluded to in 2008, down the tubes now. But this guy, the author, John Heilemann, gets it right this time around.  It’s all about fear.  Obama’s got nothing to run on.  So he’s gonna try to scare the public with clever ads and half-truths, 100% lies, anything that he can use.  Here, let me read one sentence.  This is a long piece.  I’m not gonna bore you with the whole thing, but I think I can get to the nub of this with the sentence here that’s near the end of this long story.  “For all their brio, Obama’s people know their campaign could be derailed by myriad events outside their control.”  That’s the key.  For all of their brio, for all their confidence, it’s their time.

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Afterburner With Bill Whittle: Into the Sea [Video]

Bill Whittle weaves together monetary policy, aeronautics, and the European Union on this edition of Afterburner. Whittle thinks the Euro is heading for catastrophic failure, just like the tragic Airbus A330 that crashed into the Atlantic. How does this affect you? Find out.

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Globalists plan to sabotage Greek election: in fact they already have

By Richard Cottrell | May 18 | End the Lie

Greece is a small country of about ten million people, who normally mind their own business and don’t give a lunchtime ouzo for what the rest of the world is doing.

Yet here they are slap bang in the eye of the great fiscal storm wracking the euro and the European proto-superstate.

Lately they have been behaving really badly, such as voting for the wrong parties in the recent general election, refusing to swallow the toxic medicine force-fed by mad foreign doctors, and worst of all, ignoring diktats issued by German politicians.

Just over twenty years ago I wrote a book (see here) that explained how it is always the curse of Greeks to be pushed and shoved around by big bullies.

Examples:  the Italian and German invasion of 1940; then the bitter, deadly Greek civil war stirred up by Churchill and Truman after WW2 because they were obsessed with the idea that the communists would seize the gateway to the Suez Canal; and not least the imposition of the fascist military junta at the behest of NATO in 1967.

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