Uncommon Knowledge: Dennis Prager on Why America Is Still the Best Hope [Video]

Mark Steyn: The End of Europe – America Alone (Parts 1-5) [Video]

Book Description:

In this, his first major book, Mark Steyn–probably the most widely read, and wittiest, columnist in the English-speaking world–takes on the great poison of the twenty-first century: the anti-Americanism that fuels both Old Europe and radical Islam. America, Steyn argues, will have to stand alone. The world will be divided between America and the rest; and for our sake America had better win.

From the Inside Flap:

Its the end of the world as we know it
Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a muezzin. Europeans already are.

And liberals will still tell you that “diversity is our strength”—while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesnt violate the “separation of church and state,” and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.

If you think this cant happen, you havent been paying attention, as the hilarious, provocative, and brilliant Mark Steyn—the most popular conservative columnist in the English-speaking world—shows to devastating effect in this, his first and eagerly awaited new book on American and global politics.

The future, as Steyn shows, belongs to the fecund and the confident. And the Islamists are both, while the West—wedded to a multiculturalism that undercuts its own confidence, a welfare state that nudges it toward sloth and self-indulgence, and a childlessness that consigns it to oblivion—is looking ever more like the ruins of a civilization.

Europe, laments Steyn, is almost certainly a goner. The future, if the West has one, belongs to America alone—with maybe its cousins in brave Australia. But America can survive, prosper, and defend its freedom only if it continues to believe in itself, in the sturdier virtues of self-reliance (not government), in the centrality of family, and in the conviction that our country really is the worlds last best hope.

Steyn argues that, contra the liberal cultural relativists, America should proclaim the obvious: we do have a better government, religion, and culture than our enemies, and we should spread Americas influence around the world—for our own sake as well as theirs.

Mark Steyns America Alone is laugh-out-loud funny—but it will also change the way you look at the world. It is sure to be the most talked-about book of the year. [Read more…]

Where Greed Meets Envy — the Structural Foundation of the Political Left

The Left: Where Greed Meets Envy

By David P. McGinley | June 17, 2012 | American Thinker

In ascertaining the general hierarchy of sins, a good point of reference is the Ten Commandments.  While the Decalogue is not all-inclusive, God dictated these specific directives to Moses as the basis upon which His people should live.  Among the ten is the command not to covet: “You shall not covet … anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Ex. 20:17 [NIV]).

Covetousness (or envy), meaning the possession of a strong desire for what another has, does not get the attention that its close relation “greed” gets.  Greed, of course, is greatly derided in scripture, and for good reason, but God did not see fit to include it in the commandments He set out on Mt. Sinai.  Why?

For one thing, greed is not always destructive, while envy is.  Greed is the desire to have more and, depending how that desire is acted upon, can be beneficial or detrimental.  The profit motive has made the United States the most prosperous nation in history; but, conversely, the abuse of that motive was greatly responsible for the September 2008 financial collapse.  When envy, on the other hand, is acted upon, there is no good, only bad.  At its worst, it leads to mass theft and murder.

[Read more…]

2012 A World In Turmoil: Will America be next? [Video]

You Must Watch ‘2012 A World In Turmoil’ Video

By Ron Holland | June 4, 2012 | The Daily Bell

Will America be next? Here at the Daily Bell we believe the West is facing payback time for the forced, non-democratic and now failing EU experiment as well as the central banking cartel inspired fiat money and sovereign debt collapse now wrecking economies and impoverishing the citizens of most nations.

Daily Bell Chief Editor Anthony Wile stated: “I encourage all Daily Bell readers interested in gaining a better understanding about the geopolitical and monetary factors influencing today’s major financial trends to attend FreedomFest 2012. The lineup of speakers is outstanding and valuable information will doubtless be offered through this important three-day gathering.”

[Read more…]

Progressing Toward Moral Darkness

By Gary Horne | May 19, 2012 | American Thinker

 A fashionable name for the left these days is “progressive.”  The use of this word hints that the progressive has already passed the rest of us and is moving on to some place where the normal rules of reality don’t apply.  Is it the Garden of Eden?  Atlantis?  Oz?

What will life be like in this destination?  Will the moral standards be compatible with the society we want?  How do progressive values compare with the traditional American ethical standards from the founding of the United States and from the major religions?

From the Founding:

The moral underpinnings of the United States of America were beautifully and concisely expressed in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Can we rely on the progressives to protect those unalienable rights derived from our nature as human beings?  Will they uphold the standards in the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?

[Read more…]

The Psychology of the liberal Mind: How Mainstream Americans Can Beat Liberals at Their Own Game [Video]

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The Church of Malthus [Video]

By Tony Cartalucci | April 14, 2012 | Land Destroyer Report

Hating humanity is their creed, corporate-fascists its patriarchs, pseudo-scientists its priest-class, brain-addled cultists its practitioners.

Video: Church of Malthus evangelist, Paul Gilding in his “the Earth is Full” talk, tells us one million years of human progress has “finally” reached its limits. This is a tale that has been fallaciously told for at least the last 200 years since crackpot economist Thomas Malthus warned of imminent societal collapse based on a growing population – a prediction, like those of a suicidal doomsday cult, that has been demonstratively and repeatedly proven wrong. Gilding also attempts to link “climate change” in as a manifestation of our reached limits.


April 14, 2012 – Paul Gilding describes himself as an “independent writer, advisor and advocate for action on climate change.” He is not a scientist, nor does he appear to participate in any sort of productive industry. He is a modern day Malthusian evangelist – preaching the limits of population growth as hysterically as Thomas Malthus did over 200 years ago, warning of imminent societal collapse. Gilding’s contemporaries include John P. Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, who in 1977 ludicrously concluded that the United States would collapse when its population reached “280 million in 2040.”

America’s population stands well over 300 million today, and the only collapse it faces is due to a maniacal government attempting to carry out global imperial conquest through trillion dollar decade-spanning wars, and mega-trillion dollar banker bailouts paid to the order of institutionalized degenerate gamblers.

Clearly, whatever “science” men like Gilding and Holdren are basing their system of beliefs on is divorced from the science that gives us technology and progress. It is analytical, theoretical, and compiled by men who have little experiential knowledge of how the world actually functions. They are priests and evangelists perched in ivory towers and behind podiums shouting out their patently false conclusions to the crowds before them. Their resumes are devoid of accomplishments in applied science and technology, and instead filled with ridiculous predictions and “academia” that have humiliatingly and repeatedly been proven false.

Worst of all, their work is carried out on behalf of a “Green Vatican” of sorts – not based in Rome, Italy, but on Wall Street and in the financier capital of London – who in reality are the greatest purveyors of environmental catastrophe. Like many cults and organized religions before them, they shift the burden of reconciling “sin” onto its growing flock of followers instead of taking responsibility for its own actions, resultant from perpetual greed.

For instance, Gilding in his TED Talk, claims that humanity has exceeded Earth’s carrying capacity by 1.5 times – a number drawn from the “Global Footprint Network” funded by a myriad of corporate-financier funded foundations, not the least of which is Biotech GMO giant, Syngenta (2010 Annual Report, page 26 of the .pdf). A recent report published by investigative journalist Patrick Henningsen titled “Big Green Oil Money: WWF founded and run by Royal Dutch-Shell,” exposes how yet another denomination of the Church of Malthus is indeed funded by Wall Street and London. It should be noted that the WWF is linked directly to the “Global Footprint Network.”

Following this pattern is Deutsche Bank, one of the “leading participants” in the carbon credit market, who had erected a monolithic “Carbon Clock” in New York City to add a sense of moral justification, public urgency, and support to their newly devised pyramid scheme. This is not some sort of new culture of “corporate responsibility” but just the latest in a long line of lies told by banking and industrial cartels to market their products and services to an infinitely exploited and purposefully misled population.

The Fallacy of Anthropogenic-Driven Climate Change Explained.

In order to deconstruct the dogma of the Church of Malthus it helps first to understand that the planet Earth is in a constant state of change. Beneath its surface are geological processes that literally turn the planet inside-out over the ages through tectonic shifts and the volcanism that results. When land is thrust up above sea-level resulting in the creation of an island, it in turn shifts weather patterns. Atmospheric moisture that would otherwise carry on until it reached landfall upon the ever shifting major continents of Earth, would instead condense and fall due to new variations in pressure and temperature.



Image: Islands and landmasses are formed naturally and continuously through tectonic shifts and in many cases volcanic activity pushing submerged land above sea-level (top). Once above sea-level, increased elevation and variations in pressure and temperature collectively affect local weather patterns (bottom). The constant shifting of Earth’s geography in turn perpetually changes global climate.


Collectively these geological changes result in new global weather patterns. Weather patterns then directly affect biological adaptation. Species that lived in previously cool regions may adapt significantly to deal with an increase in regional temperatures. Their ecosystem may be so vastly affected in such a short period of time, some species may even go extinct – a process that has been ongoing long before man arrived.


Images: According to Discovery Magazine, this dinosaur (top left) existed in the “rainforests” of Antarctica, which today is a frozen wasteland (top right). The map (below) shows what the world looked like some 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. North America is covered with an inland sea, as is Africa’s now arid Sahara Desert. Antarctica is depicted as covered in forests. Climate change is nothing new, nor is the “change” we are experiencing now the most extreme in terms of either temperature or CO2 levels.


To illustrate this, we can look at the state of planet Earth in terms of biology, geology, and climatology, approximately 65 million years ago, where the continents we now know today were already taking recognizable shape. CO2 levels were over 10 times what they are now, and sea levels were so high that North America featured an inland sea centered on what is now theLinkMississippi River. Global temperatures were also many times greater than they are today, so much so, that Antarctica despite already shifting to Earth’s southern pole, was covered in temperate forests and was home to a thriving dinosaur population.

Collectively, these changes and shifts in biological diversity across the planet’s surface then feed back into atmospheric conditions which in turn affect the weather. Since at no point in Earth’s history has its geology or biodiversity been the same, it stands to reason that weather driven by these two constantly changing variables would also constantly change. Therefore, the concept of “normality” in Earth’s climate is a ridiculous notion. The best one could do is claim that the indefinitely changing weather and biodiversity of the planet is being altered by human activity before proving how weather would have naturally changed and how it is now artificially changing. Since the ideological doctrine of the Church of Malthus is an irrational climate “status quo” it is clear that their conclusions and the “science” used to arrive at them are significantly flawed. As we will later see, real environmental damage is being done by human activity, but by precisely the sponsors of the charlatans pushing “anthropogenic climate change.”


Image: The Sun is a star. All stars have a life-cycle during which it exhibits varying characteristics in both physical size and intensity. Between major stages of a star’s life-cycle lie many poorly understood forces that affect a star’s intensity during shorter time spans.


Another factor conveniently overlooked by the Church of Malthus’s priest class, is the role the Sun plays in driving not only Earth’s climate, but the climate of extraterrestrial planets such as Mars and the moons of the jovian planets (gas giants), such as Titan of Saturn. The Sun, like all stars, is a fusion reaction that exhibits drastically different characteristics throughout its life-cycle. Additionally, the internal cycles and anomalies that occur within the Sun on a daily basis are just now being examined and understood by stellar astronomers. Variations in the Sun’s intensity, however minute, can have wide-ranging affects on planetary climate throughout the entire solar system.


Image: Jupiter’s moon Io has volcanism so extreme, eruptions can be observed from space. Io’s volcanism, unlike the Earth, is not primarily driven by plate tectonics, but rather the powerful tidal forces warping the moon’s geology much the way Earth’s moon warps our oceans. The Earth’s moon may affect Earth geology in a similar, though more subtle manner adding yet another variable to the incomplete and dubious calculus of men like Gilding and Holdren (or Al Gore for that matter).


Additionally, observations of the gravitational effects gas giant Jupiter has on its moons’ geology also hold profound implications regarding Earth’s geology, and subsequently the climate affected by that geology. Jupiter’s pull on it’s moons is so great that it literally causes tidal shifts of their mantles in the same way the sea is affected by tidal forces of Earth’s moon. These forces are so great, the friction caused by the moons’ flexing mantle so extreme, it creates volcanism on a scale that dwarfs any volcanic display seen on Earth.

How the Earth’s moon has affected Earth’s plate tectonics is also now only beginning to be understood. The moon’s distance from Earth is constantly changing, thus its effect on Earth’s geology is also in constant flux – and adds yet another variable to the very incomplete calculus used by “environmentalists” and “climatologists” who insist CO2 emissions from human activity are the primary drivers of an otherwise “static climate.”

Like priest-classes throughout history, the Church of Malthus abuses the ignorance of the general population regarding the basic forces of nature, oversimplifying planetary climatology that otherwise involves factors including geology, biology, meteorology, Newtonian physics, and stellar astronomy. Not only do they do this in order to sell their version of “indulgences” in the form of ineffectual “carbon credits,”and to assert their control over society in what they themselves call a planetary regime (Ecoscience, pages 942-943, 1977), but they are ignoring naturally driven climate change and the consequences that may indeed jeopardize human civilization. This priest class and their political and monetary “solutions” leaves civilization with no plans or contingencies in the event that the conditions seen during the Cretaceous period revisit us once again.

Climate change is indeed real – it occurs with or without humans, and can drastically change the face of the planet giving rise to great masses of biodiversity or killing off great numbers of species in what are called “mass extinction events.” Carbon credits, carbon taxes, forced sterilizations, destroying the family, piling humanity into micro-managed cities, and instituting a “planetary regime” to administer “global governance” will do absolutely nothing to stop climate change, but it is a great way for an elitist oligarchy to exercise megalomanical domination over humanity, as dreamed of by all tyrants since the dawn of human civilization.

The Church of Malthus is Regressive, not Progressive.

Without a doubt – the planet Earth, humanity’s sole refuge amongst the vastness of the universe, is being destroyed. It is not being destroyed, as we would be led to believe, by people having children, consuming natural resources, or expelling carbon dioxide (CO2). Instead, it is demonstratively being destroyed by reckless genetic engineering by big-agricultural corporations like Monsanto and Syngenta. It is being demonstratively destroyed by immense, ludicrously centralized supply chains like those of Pepsi and Coca-Cola supplying the world with poisoned sugar water.

Read the full article here.

Bill Whittle: Generations [Video]

Obama Thinks America as Founded is Unfair

Rush Limbaugh | April 10, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: Let me tell you what’s going on. I mentioned this in the third hour of the program, but I want to mention it again just as an overall explanation of Obama and Obamaism. For the past couple of years max, maybe past year and a half, Obama… And he started this at a speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, on an anniversary of a speech given at the same place by Winston Churchill.

And he went out in that speech and basically said that the nation, as founded, had never worked; that this “you’re on your own” economy has never worked. And, by that, he means capitalism. By that, he means rugged individualism, self-reliance. That’s never worked. Obama’s point, ladies and gentlemen, is that the founding of the country was unjust and immoral economically, that it was set up by the equivalent (in those days) of today’s 1%: a bunch of really exclusive, elite, wealthy, old white guys. And they set up this country so as to ensure their own wealth and prosperity while denying opportunities to others. And the way they did it was with this social Darwinism. This “you’re on your own.” They knew that the vast majority of people couldn’t take care of themselves. They knew…

This is Obama’s thinking now. He’s never said this, but I’m telling you this is what’s the foundation for his current campaign strategy at the root of his speeches. So it’s never worked, by design, ’cause the founders are smart enough to know that the vast majority of people are not capable of fending for themselves. And they purposely set up a system where those people would suffer. And that’s what happened! That’s what Obama’s trying to say: “It’s never worked. This country has never worked. Capitalism, this ‘you’re on your own’ business has never worked, and it’s all coming to a head now. It’s finally showing itself as the recent failure it is now.”

Read the full article here.

How the President ‘Accommodates’ Free-Market Thinking

By  | April 6, 2012 | The American Spectator

He does it the same way a boa constrictor swallows its prey.

Living like a liberal isn’t easy. Just ask Matt Labash, who tried it for ten days — doing his best to break none of the 538 commandments found in the book: 538 Ways to Live Work and Play Like a Liberal.

To take one example, the book tells you to question the source of the foodstuffs at your local grocery or supermarket. Labash manned up to the task. Seeing a big pile of Chiquita bananas on display at a Trader Joe’s, he grilled a stock clerk, who played it safe by referring him to a manager named Sunshine.

“Say, Sunshine,” he said. “You guys stock Chiquita bananas here. Don’t they lop off their workers’ hands to keep them in line?”

“I’ve heard something like that,” she laughed nervously. “But I really couldn’t tell you specifics — though you should check our website if you’re curious about labor conditions.”

At first glance, it might seem that all Labash got from his valiant and sustained effort of trying to think and live like a liberal was a brilliantly funny cover story in the Weekly Standard. But his story also clues us into an important reality.

Most of us who aren’t liberals are caught up in the same dreary game of thinking it is necessary to go along with the liberal playbook in many matters. We do it without even thinking about it. This is how Labash described the scene at the Weekly Standard:

Many of his other liberalizing-the-workplace suggestions I skip, because we already do them. We already recycle. We don’t have plastic water coolers. We already have environmentally friendly toilets… Krebs [i.e. the author, Justin Krebs] says to relax the office dress code. But if our dress code were any more relaxed, we’d be wearing cut-offs and half-shirts to work, making us look like some sort of neocon Mountain Dew commercial.

Our acquiescence to liberal norms allows liberals to think that they have already won the cultural war and have only a mopping up exercise to do before getting back to the kind of raw political power that they enjoyed at the outset of the Obama administration.

This allows the president to act in a magnanimous way — like a cat playing with a mouse that has no chance of escape. In such a mood Mr. Obama went out of his way to sing the praises of free enterprise in his speech on Wednesday to the Associated Press.

Perhaps you didn’t know that Barack Obama might be the second coming of Milton Friedman or F. A. Hayek. But this is straight from the official transcript of his speech:

As president, I’ve eliminated dozens of programs that weren’t working, and announced over 500 regulatory reforms that will save businesses and taxpayers billions, and put annual domestic spending on a path to become the smallest share of the economy since Dwight Eisenhower held this office. I know that the true engine of job creation in this country is the private sector, not Washington, which is why I’ve cut taxes for small business owners 17 times over the last three years.

So I believe deeply that the free market is the greatest force for economic progress in human history. My mother and grandmother who raised me instilled the values of self-reliance and personal responsibility that remain the cornerstone of the American idea.

Read the full article here.

Defining the American Dream Down: Serfdom in the Era of Neo-Feudalism

“If you’re willing to put in the work, the idea is that you should be able to raise a family and own a home; not go bankrupt because you got sick, because you’ve got some health insurance that helps you deal with those difficult times; that you can send your kids to college; that you can put some money away for retirement. That’s all most people want. Folks don’t have unrealistic ambitions. They do believe that if they work hard they should be able to achieve that small measure of an American Dream. That’s what this country is about. That’s what you deserve.” ~Barack Obama

On Restoring American Individualism

By Daren Jonescu | March 31, 2012 | American Thinker

Much of the political crisis facing America today stems from a disintegration of the ethical basis of the free society.  That is why the core of the 2012 election fight is not tax rates, job growth, or the national debt.  These issues, though of enormous practical importance, are merely the policy manifestations of underlying moral sentiments.  The fundamental battle to be waged concerns nothing less than the nature of man, and the moral implications of that nature.  If public disapproval of particular Obama policies is to become a lasting movement toward societal renewal, then the conservative’s primary objective must be the restoration of American individualism.

The problem is that the warm quilt of entitlement and dependency which the left has so cozily tucked around American society not only restricts freedom of movement; it also effectively reinforces the anti-individualist morality that makes the left’s advances possible.  In the doublethink names of “fairness” and “security,” soft despotism of the modern leftist sort produces a siren-song promise of carefree mother’s love forever — with its corresponding appeal to a toddler’s moral myopia, the inability to concretize and respect the wishes and wills of other people.  Thus, creeping socialism ushers in a hitherto unknown ethic, which we might dub “collectivist self-absorption.”

“We Are the World” and “We are the 99 percent” are both products of this ethic, expressed as, respectively, self-aggrandizing “brotherly love” and self-aggrandizing slothful covetousness.  In both cases, the heart of the message is, “We are one; give us what we want.”  This sensibility is the very meaning of the “entitlement mentality” with which the left seeks to charm America into moral and intellectual submission.  The constitutionalist is therefore saddled with the thankless task of serving up the repeated splashes of cold water that might prevent the cozily blanketed moral invalid from drifting into the long, nightmarish sleep of collectivist authoritarianism.

The most indispensable resource in this struggle to renew the individualist ethic is a clear understanding of the moral terms of the argument, and a refusal to allow those terms to be redefined by the authoritarians.

Read the full article here.

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