Good Intentions: Progressives’ Fundamental Misunderstanding of Human Nature

Progressivism: An Adolescent Ideology

By Arnold Ahlert | June 4, 2012 | Canadian Free Press

One of the things I learned growing up is that, in order to actually grow up, you have to be man enough to admit when you’re wrong. In one sense I feel sorry for those people who are unable to do so, because I know they’re stuck in a self-imposed purgatory of semi-permanent adolescence. On the other hand, when those people are running things—into the ground—and dragging the adults along with them, my sympathy meter moves back to zero.

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Democrat Desperation Time in Wisconsin

By Rush Limbaugh | June 4, 2012 |


RUSH: The Wisconsin recall election tomorrow. The incumbent Scott Walker is opposing the former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and the Democrats are pulling out all the stops in the past three or four days. I don’t know what the exact time frame is, but somebody in Wisconsin started a rumor that Scott Walker fathered an illegitimate child 24 years ago. It’s much like the rumor on the Friday before the election in 2000 that George Bush had been convicted of a DUI that nobody heard of. That rumor did hurt Bush.It has been documented statistically that that rumor did some damage to Bush’s vote count on Election Day five days later. Now this rumor about Scott Walker having fathered an illegitimate child 24 years ago is by some outfit called the Wisconsin Citizens Media Co-op and they said they got it from a woman named Bernadette Gillick. Bernadette Gillick teaches physical therapy at the University of Minnesota. [Read more…]

Scott Walker vs. Barack Obama

By Rush Limbaugh | May 31, 2012 |


RUSH:  Matthews, North Carolina.  Hi, Neil.  Great to have you with us.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush, how you doing?

RUSH:  Very good, sir.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Hey, listen, there’s an important lesson to be learned when you examine the stark contrast between Governor Scott Walker’s campaign and President Obama’s campaign.

RUSH:  What would that be?

CALLER:  Both men have records, but only Scott Walker is running on nothing but his record and winning big.

RUSH:  And Obama can’t run on his record.  Is that the lesson?

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Bill Whittle: Beta Nation [Video]

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