White House, ‘Washington Post’ Coordinate Another Anti-Romney Attack

By John Nolte | June 23, 2012 | Breitbart News

The narrative.

In politics, the media narrative is everything. The media narrative drives the national conversation, opinion, and, unfortunately, poll numbers. Thanks to bad economic news and a number of unforced errors, narrative-wise, Obama and his media pal have had a very bad June. Desperate to change the subject for Their Precious One, this week we saw the media attempt to rescue Obama by pushing the White House talking points about illegal immigration.

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Rep. Allen West: ‘Family Values, Not Government’ Needed for Economic Stability in Black Community

By Amanda Swysgood | June 20, 2012 | CNS News

Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.)

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army Lt. Col. (AP photo)

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a freshman conservative congressman and former Army officer, said that the “breakdown of the Black family” is one of the most important causes of the economic disparity facing the black community.

“We are here today to talk about economic freedom, as opposed to economic dependency,” West said at a Capitol Hill forum Monday addressing “Economic Empowerment in the Black Community.”

“‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ in the black community are at 28 percent; that leads to a failure in education and that leads to a failure in urban statistics and revitalization,” West said.

A panelist at the forum, West said Black unemployment remains at almost 14 percent — almost double the rate for whites.

“This is a trend that has continued for the past 50 years, during both strong and weak economies,” he said.

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Only Voters Can Hold Obama Accountable For Illegal Amnesty Policy

By Ken Klukowski | June 17, 2012 | Breitbart News

President Obama’s new amnesty policy regarding illegal aliens violates the law. But there’s probably no route to trump it either in Congress or in court, so the only recourse is for the American people to trump it by electing a new president.

Obama Thinks the Private Sector is Doing Fine and He Did NOT Walk It Back

By Rush Limbaugh | June 11, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH:  Barack Hussein Kardashian, the Celebrity of the United States, went out for a press conference, impromptu on Friday. A State-Controlled Media reporter said, “What about the Republicans saying that you’re blaming the Europeans for the failures of your own policies?”

OBAMA: The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government — oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, governors or mayors.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I think that he meant to say exactly what he said. I don’t see a problem here. The private sector, as far as he’s concerned, is doing fine. If he thinks that the public sector is losing jobs, that’s a problem. If there are fewer government workers, that’s a major problem to Barack Obama. As far as he’s concerned, the private sector’s fine. And as far as he’s concerned, the way he’s been educated and taught, the private sector’s always just gonna be there.

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What the Media Choose Not to Know about Trayvon

By Jack Cashill | June 7, 2012 | American Thinker

Unnerved by an unspoken mix of political bias and racial queasiness, the major media have chosen to know as little about Trayvon Martin as they know about Barack Obama.

As a case in point, consider this boy vs. man fable spun by the New York Times‘ Charles Blow:

A boy’s blood had been spilled on a rain-soaked patch of grass behind a row of mustard-colored condominiums by a man who had pursued him against the advice of 911 dispatchers. That man carried a 9-millimeter handgun. The boy carried a bag of candy.

Blow was writing seven weeks after Trayvon’s death.  He had no excuse for missing the actual story.  Worse, since he is a writer for the Times, his reporting has helped set the media tone worldwide

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Dennis Prager: Americanism is the Best Hope

By Dave Gordon | June 3, 2012 | Breitbart News

Dennis Prager is a popular and respected conservative radio talk show host, broadcasting since 1982 and nationally syndicated since 1999.

In his fifth book, Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph (Broadside Books) Prager maintains that the world must decide between American values and two oppositional alternatives: Islamism and European-style democratic socialism.

The reasons for America’s greatness lie in what he calls the American Trinity, imprinted on US coins: E Pluribus Unum, In God We Trust, and Liberty. [Read more…]

Exposed: Wisconsin Democrats’ Plan to Smear Conservatives and Governor Walker [Slideshow]

Exposed: Wisconsin Democrats’ Plan to Smear Conservatives and Governor Walker

Louisiana’s bold bid to privatize schools

By Stephanie Simon | June 1, 2012 | Reuters

(Reuters) – Louisiana is embarking on the nation’s boldest experiment in privatizing public education, with the state preparing to shift tens of millions in tax dollars out of the public schools to pay private industry, businesses owners and church pastors to educate children.

Starting this fall, thousands of poor and middle-class kids will get vouchers covering the full cost of tuition at more than 120 private schools across Louisiana, including small, Bible-based church schools.

The following year, students of any income will be eligible for mini-vouchers that they can use to pay a range of private-sector vendors for classes and apprenticeships not offered in traditional public schools. The money can go to industry trade groups, businesses, online schools and tutors, among others.

Every time a student receives a voucher of either type, his local public school will lose a chunk of state funding.

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Scott Walker vs. Barack Obama

By Rush Limbaugh | May 31, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH:  Matthews, North Carolina.  Hi, Neil.  Great to have you with us.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush, how you doing?

RUSH:  Very good, sir.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Hey, listen, there’s an important lesson to be learned when you examine the stark contrast between Governor Scott Walker’s campaign and President Obama’s campaign.

RUSH:  What would that be?

CALLER:  Both men have records, but only Scott Walker is running on nothing but his record and winning big.

RUSH:  And Obama can’t run on his record.  Is that the lesson?

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17 Year Old Honor Student Jailed for Missing School [Video]

By Staff Report | May 29, 2012 | The Daily Bell

A judge threw a 17-year-old 11th grade honor student from Willis High School in jail after she missed school again … Diane Tran, a 17-year-old honor student in Texas, was forced to spend the night in jail last week after missing too many classes, KHOU-11’s Sherry Williams reports. The Willis High School junior, who helps support two siblings, has both a full time and part-time job. She said that she’s often too tired to go to school. “She goes from job to job from school,” Devin Hill, one of Tran’s classmates, told KHOU-11. “She stays up until 7:00 in the morning doing her homework.” In an interview with KHOU-11, Tran said she takes AP Spanish, college level algebra and dual credit English and history courses. Her parents divorced and no longer live near her, so she lives with the family that owns the wedding venue where she works on weekends. – Huffington Post

Dominant Social Theme: That’ll teach ‘er.

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Turn Out The Lights – The Largest U.S. Cities Are Becoming Cesspools Of Filth, Decay And Wretchedness

Staff Report | May 24, 2012 | The Economic Collapse Blog

Once upon a time, the largest U.S. cities were the envy of the entire world.  Sadly, that is no longer the case.  Sure, there are areas of New York City, Boston, Washington and Los Angeles that are still absolutely beautiful but for the most part our major cities are rapidly rotting and decaying.  Cities such as Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, Memphis, New Orleans, St. Louis and Oakland were all once places where middle class American workers thrived and raised their families.  Today, all of those cities are rapidly being transformed into cesspools of filth, decay and wretchedness.  Millions of good jobs have left our major cities in recent decades and poverty has absolutely exploded.    Basically, you can turn out the lights because the party is over.  In fact, some major U.S. cities are literally turning out the lights.  In Detroit, about 40 percent of the streetlights are already broken and the city cannot afford to repair them.  So Mayor Bing has come up with a plan to cut the number of operating streetlights almost in half and leave vast sections of the city totally in the dark at night.  I wonder what that will do to the crime rate in the city.  But don’t look down on Detroit too much, because what is happening in Detroit will be happening where you live soon enough.

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Are the Poor Getting Poorer? Upward Mobility is the Key! [Video]

Data overlook upward mobility

By Steven G. Horwitz | January 26, 2011 | Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is once again arguing that the United States is suffering from a widening gap between the rich and the poor. Using a variety of economic data, they argue in “The State of Working America” that a few are profiting at the expense of the many, whose hard work continues to go unrewarded. Indeed, they argue that the “poor are getting poorer.”

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Is GOP Headed for Ash Heap of History?

By Patrick J. Buchanan | May 17, 2012 | WND

Pat Buchanan applies latest racial data to realities of Republican Party policies

 Among the more controversial chapters in “Suicide of a Superpower,” my book published last fall, was the one titled, “The End of White America.”

It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity.

That book and chapter proved the proximate cause of my departure from MSNBC, where the network president declared that subjects such as these are inappropriate for “the national dialogue.”

Apparently, the mainstream media are reassessing that.

For, in rare unanimity, the New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today all led yesterday with the same story.

“Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.,” blared the Times headline. “Minority Babies Majority in U.S.,” echoed the Post. “Minorities Are Now a Majority of Births,” proclaimed USA Today.

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NC Teacher Suspended for Hectoring Students About Respecting Obama

By John Sexton | May 21, 2012 | Breitbart News

Yesterday, Breitbart News reported a story about a North Carolina high school teacher who began screaming at students who dared to criticize President Obama. Today, the teacher in question, Tanya Dixon-Neely, was suspended with pay by the school.

Change—and Some Hope

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 12, 2012 | PJ Media

Rays of Sun Amid the Storm

The Rasmussen Tracking Poll recently had Romney up 50 to 42 over Obama. At this early juncture, such polls mean nothing—except as diagnostic indices of why perhaps both candidates go up and down in popularity.

So why has Barack Obama plunged in the polls these last few days?

The Republican slugfest is over. The media cannot headline any longer the daily conservative suicide. Barack Obama’s job report came out at 8.1% unemployment—but, more importantly, with information that a smaller percentage of adult Americans are working than ever before, and fewer in absolute numbers than nearly four years ago when Obama took office.

So someone must be asking, “What then was the lost $5 trillion for?” Note, in this regard, the 5.4% unemployment rate that won George Bush the slur of a “jobless recovery” in 2004.

There was some pushback to Obama’s spiking the football on the anniversary of bin Laden’s death.

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NC Teacher Screams at Student: It’s Criminal to Criticize Obama

By Ben Shapiro | May 20, 2012 | Breitbart News

A YouTube video uploaded on Monday afternoon apparently shows a schoolteacher from the Rowan-Salisbury school district in North Carolina informing a student that failing to be respectful of President Obama is a criminal offense. Breitbart News has uncovered that the student is a high school junior, and that the teacher is apparently one Tanya Dixon-Neely.

The video shows a classroom discussion about the Washington Post hit piece about Mitt Romney bullying a kid some five decades ago. One student says, “Didn’t Obama bully someone though?” The teacher says: “Not to my knowledge.” The student then cites the fact that Obama, in Dreams from My Father, admits to shoving a little girl. “Stop, no, because there is no comparison,” screams the teacher. Romney is “running for president. Obama is the president.”

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Enviro-Idiots: Two Earths Needed by 2030

By Rush Limbaugh | May 17, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: I have here, ladies and gentlemen, a full-fledged story at the Huffing and Puffington Post: “WWF Living Planet Report Warns That By 2030 Two Earths Will Be Needed To Sustain Our Lifestyles.” There is a single reason that they give this warning.  And while I read this I want you to ponder what that single reason might be.  Why might we need two earths by 2030?  That’s just 18 years from now.

“Humans will need two Earths to support our lifestyles by 2030 because we are draining the world’s resources so quickly, a new report has warned.  Produced by the World Wildlife Fund, the Zoological Society of London, the Global Footprint Network and the European Space Agency, the 2012 Living Planet Report measures humans’ ecological footprint on the planet. At the moment, the picture is bleak, according to Jim Leape, Director General of WWF International, with resources being drained 50 per cent faster than they can be replenished. He said: ‘We’re all familiar with the stories of what we’re doing to Planet Earth, the ways in which we’re changing the climate, depleting the world’s fisheries, destroying the world’s forests.'”

None of that’s true.  There is more forest area in this country than at the time of the founding.  Each time that stat is mentioned, the left goes nuts.  But here we get to the real reason this is happening.  Mr. Leape, Jim Leape, director general, WWF International, says, “The starting point for reducing our impact on the planet is to end our love affair with fossil fuels — ‘the energy technology of the 20th century’ — and switch to renewable energy.” That shift alone will make a huge difference on our footprint on the planet.  So once again an all-out assault on fossil fuels and oil.  You know, it could be argued — no, I don’t think it is arguable.  Life on earth has never been better, has it?  For more people on earth, life has never been better.  It’s never been more full of opportunity. It’s under assault, of course, but the life expectancy, medicines, never been better.  This is typical bunk.


RUSH: I want to beg your indulgence for just for a second.  I kind of glossed over this story that’s on the Huffing and Puffington Post from the World Wildlife Fund. I want to go back to it for just a couple of points.  And I want you to stop when I read this opening sentence.  I want you to realize that the people behind this are dead serious.  “Humans will need two Earths to support our lifestyles [in 18 years] because we are draining the world’s resources so quickly,” according to a new report.

Now, to you and I, this is pure bunk.  It’s insane.  But college professors, high school teachers all over the country will likely pick this up, and it will become part of the daily lesson plan.  It will be added to, just like Lexis and Nexis is a massive database of news stories, and whatever is published today on AP, say about me, will end up in LexisNexis and will be there forever.  Lazy journalists will cite it, go back and look, “Oh, a story about Limbaugh?  What else is there.” They’ll find stuff that’s been in the database for 45 years and they’ll run it.  Same thing here.  Need two earths.  I want you to stop and think how literally ridiculous this is, but these people, and they are full-fledged liberals, leftists, whatever, they mean it.

It is another in a never ending series of crises that the people of this country are inundated with practically every day now in the media.  Now we’re going to need two earths.  It’s all about climate change. It’s all about global warming. It’s all about our sinful, unacceptable use of oil and fossil fuels.  We are destroying the planet. We are using up this planet’s resources so quickly we’re gonna need two planets to handle our needs.  These predictions have been made for over a hundred years, that we’re running out of resources, that we’re gonna deplete the world of natural resources, minerals, food, and none of it has ever been true.  None of it.

They have a statistic in this story that is just patently ridiculous.  We are using 50% more resources than the earth can provide.  That is not possible.  If the earth can’t provide the resources, how can we use them?  The simple fact of the matter is, the earth is providing the resources.  Paul Ehrlich back in the seventies predicted that by now there would be war, pestilence, famine because of too many billions of people.  We have shot past his prediction.  We have not run out of anything.  We continue to produce enough and more for what everybody needs.  Look at the growing countries of China and India.  Without getting into why, their economies are growing.  People there are buying cars.  They’re driving cars.  They’re buying gasoline.  They’re not having any problem finding gasoline.  If they can afford it, it’s available.  We’re not running out.

Whatever the demands, economic or otherwise, lifestyle, they are met, be it food or what have you.  Now, you might be able to go to a country and say people are starving, but that’s not because the earth is being depleted.  That’s because there’s a dictatorship likely starving his people in order to maintain power.  Or you have a socialist or communist government which has no idea how to create wealth and doesn’t really want to.  The only thing in short supply in the world is capitalism.  We have an unequal, unfair distribution of capitalism.  There simply isn’t enough of it.  There’s way too much socialism in the world.  There’s way too much Marxism.  There’s way too much communism.  There is way too much dictatorship, which, by the way, is the way humanity, for the most part, has lived since we first began walking the earth.

Read the full article here.

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Why Conservatives Must Join the Battle for America on Twitter

By John Nolte | May 15, 2012 | Breitbart

 In 2004,  The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth scared the hell out of the corrupt media. The MSM was sure incumbent President George W. Bush would finally get the humiliation he deserved after the close election in 2000 because, in a time of war, Democrats had nominated Senator John F. Kerry, a “war hero.”

Those best laid plans completely fell apart when a number of veterans, some of whom had served with Kerry in Vietnam, came out with a series of television ads attacking the credibility of Kerry’s wartime claims, and most especially, the hagiography the media had written to back those claims up.

At first, Kerry and his media minions willfully ignored the Swift Boat Veterans, assuming they could wait them out. What happened, though, is that the story took off in the alternative media: Drudge, blogs, and Fox News. Finally, the media was forced to report on it, and the result was the whole episode blowing up in the media’s face. Kerry’s primary strength was undermined by the truth, and Bush went on to a second term.

The media was rattled to the core by this and quickly figured out what had happened. A narrative had grown on New Media, damaged their candidate, and by the time the corrupt media got around to attempting to destroy the credibility of the story and, quite reprehensibly, the men who told it, it was too late.

The media cried “Never again!” and, as a result, birthed an unholy set of twins to back that cry up: Media Matters and a number of corrupt truth squads and fact checkers, like Politifact.

Both of these entities are what I call Inconvenient Narrative Zappers. Their job is to spot emerging and potential narratives damaging to the Left and, before they make their way into the mainstream media, to use lies, half-truths, rationalizations, shameless spin, and anything else they can think of to discredit those narratives and ensure they gain no traction. This allows the MSM to either completely ignore stories it doesn’t want to amplify or to simply report on “an already discredited story” bubbling online.

Think about what the anti-Semitic, Soros-funded, tax-exempt Media Matters and its equally dishonest brethren in the form of these MSM fact-checkers would’ve done to the Swift Boat Veterans. Actually, you don’t have to imagine it, because we all saw what was done to stories inconvenient to Obama’s ascendancy to the presidency in 2008.

Anything and everything having to do with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and the rest of Obama’s inexperienced and shadowy past was attacked, marginalized,  and exploded in a controlled environment before it ever got to the MSM. By the time Anderson Cooper or Bryan Williams got around to the story, they had already been supplied the talking points necessary to downplay it. This tactic was absurdly effective and now 23 million unemployed Americans are living with the result of an unqualified Leftist sitting in the Oval Office.

We all laughed in 2009 when Politifact fact-checked an “SNL” sketch critical of Obama, but there was a method to their madness. Leftists like those at Politifact understand the power of satire to define someone. Thus, in order to protect Obama, Politifact was willing to make of fools of themselves to undermine any traction the “SNL” sketch about Obama’s broken promises might have received.

On a more serious note, here’s the harrowing story of how Media Matters stole justice from a black man beaten in public by Obama’s SEIU thugs only hours after the White House issued an order to “punch back twice as hard.” Most importantly, it’s the tale of how Media Matters gave the media the cover it so desired to ignore the story.

But it’s not 2009 anymore; it’s 2012, and Twitter has not only changed everything, it’s allowing everyday American conservatives the opportunity to beat Media Matters and these corrupt fact checkers at their own game.

The first time I took notice of the power of Twitter was when hundreds and perhaps thousands of everyday Americans completely dismantled the left-wing, superior snark-site, Wonkette, after the reprehensible publication viciously ridiculed Sarah Palin’s youngest child, Trig, who has Down Syndrome. This showed me that Twitter was an unbelievably effective organizing tool that could effectively call attention to and do something about an issue the media would’ve normally ignored. This was a passionate citizenry meting out justice, and because it was done in a responsible way, it was a beautiful thing to watch.

The Twitter event that really caught my attention, though, was what happened in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden. All of America was celebrating our president’s only successful decision to date, and it looked as though Obama would get a huge poll bounce as a result. Once again, though, everyday Americans who had taken to Twitter weren’t having any of it. Within hours of the news breaking, people started to ask how Obama could take this credit when it was the policies he opposed regarding enhanced interrogations that resulted in the intelligence that located bin Laden.

This question blew up on Twitter in such a way that, up to that time, only the media could do. It changed the narrative, and as a result of thousands of people having this discussion without their filter, the MSM couldn’t do what they normally would’ve done: ignore something inconvenient to the Left. Suddenly the fact that Obama opposed the very policies that resulted in bin Laden’s death became very much a part of the news narrative and, as a consequence, in my opinion, Obama’s bounce was pretty much of the dead cat variety.

In the ensuing year, again and again, I’ve seen Twitter overwhelm the MSM and their protectors at Media Matters and those phony left-wing fact-checkers. Try as they might, whether it’s about Obama eating a dog, the hypocrisy of the War on Women, or the real facts behind the economic “recovery”; the media cannot ignore a conversation being had by millions upon millions of citizens. Most importantly, they can’t filter or control that conversation. If the media won’t tell the truth or point out the hypocrisies, we will — and the media not only can’t stand that, they’re also forced to grudgingly cover it or look completely out of step with what the “real news” is.

There are five crucial reasons for this:

Read the full article here.

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The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 15, 2012 | National Review

John McCain fought Obama with one hand tied behind his back. Not Romney.

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

Last week the Washington Post ran a piece on presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s high-school years, in which he supposedly was cruel to a shy, perhaps gay fellow student. The piece, mirabile dictu, appeared in the middle of the Biden-Obama reversal on gay marriage. Errors were spotted almost as soon as it was published, and the essay was summarily denounced as nonfactual by the family of the supposed victim of Romney’s supposed half-century-old callousness.

Of more interest was the reaction to the story. Aside from Romney’s gracious acknowledgment that he might have done something in his teens that he was not proud of (although he could not remember the Post’s hazing incident), and aside from the errors of fact pointed out in the Post story, apparent Romney supporters hit back hard — and in equally trivial fashion. If Romney was an insensitive preppie, well then, so was Obama — and for the matter, we had the punkish young Joe Biden. Almost immediately, all over the Internet, Obama’s own voice was heard reading from Dreams from My Father about his ancient drug use while in prep school, and about earlier unkind treatment of a middle-school girl chum. If high school is fair game in these doggy wars, then why not seventh and eighth grade?

For a year, we had heard from the liberal media the old tale of Seamus the dog, as a sort of Aesop’s fable warning about Mitt Romney’s innate cruelty. You see, on a family vacation, Romney in purportedly callous fashion put the family dog, Seamus, into a custom carrier on top of the family car. Forget about America borrowing $5 trillion in three years; worry instead about a dog on a car roof three decades ago.But after yet another serial telling, suddenly the Romney supporters fought back: If Romney had confessed to putting the dog out like a masthead to the winds, Obama in his memoirs confessed to eating dogs! In short order, the Internet was flooded with Photoshopped images of cynophagia — as Obama munched on dachshund sandwiches and terrier burgers. I guess the point was that Americans would prefer putting Spot on top of the car to eating him.

The same trump had earlier happened with the “war against women.” Team Obama saw an opening with Rush Limbaugh’s crude “slut” putdown of Sandra Fluke — for which he later apologized — and attempted to inflate the slur as something emblematic of right-wing misogyny. But again it was not to be.

Limbaugh apologized; Limbaugh did not give money to the Romney campaign and indeed opposed his nomination in the primaries; and Limbaugh’s slur at least could be printed in family newspapers — in contrast to liberal Bill Maher’s. The latter’s profanity-laced and misogynistic sick rants against conservative women could not be quoted without dashes and asterisks. He never apologized. And he gave the Obama campaign $1 million in contributions. The desperate comeback of Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen that Ann Romney — a cancer and MS survivor and mother of five — had “never worked” (a point the odious Maher seconded) only made things worse, before this chapter of the doggy war was apparently called off by those who started it.

There have been more of these tit-for-tit, na-na na-na na-na doggy wars — with charges ranging from patrimonial polygamy to prep-school privilege — but you get the picture. So what can we learn from them, aside from the obvious fact that Barack Obama prefers not to talk about 40 months of 8 percent–plus unemployment, 1.7 percent GDP growth, $5 trillion in new debt, $4-a-gallon gas, and Obamacare?

Team Obama usually starts the exchange, either to distract from dismal economic news, or in zeal to portray Romney as aristocratic and out of touch — but without careful thinking about what the inevitable Romney rebuttal might look like.

The Romney people apparently will not run a repeat of McCain’s 2008 campaign, in which the candidate put such petty retaliation off limits. There will be no sanctimonious putdowns from Romney about dredging up Obama’s dog-eating past, in the manner in which McCain lectured his supporters about the inappropriateness of emphasizing the tripartite name Barack Hussein Obama — although Obama himself did, and would go on to focus on his middle name as proof of his multicultural resonance abroad. Just as Bill Clinton’s war room swore not to do a rerun of Mike Dukakis’s punching-bag 1988 campaign, so Romney apparently has determined not to repeat the McCain one-hand-tied-behind-the-back model.

In other words, each time we hear of an irrelevant hit on Romney, we will probably hear of something equally irrelevant — and worse — about Obama, in a way we never would have in 2008. Petty? A distraction from the failing economy? Of course, but the Romney people apparently believe that they must and will achieve deterrence by replying in kind and to such a degree that Team Obama will soon cease playing such a childish game of taunts.

Read the full article here.

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Obama Campaign: Romney Would Ruin Life of Composite Woman

By Ben Shapiro | May 3, 2012| Breitbart

President Obama’s campaign re-election website has put up a public relations initiative called “The Life of Julia.” The goal of this initiative: to compare “how President Obama’s policies would help one woman over her lifetime – and how Mitt Romney would change her story.” It’s propaganda of the worst order. It’s a typical Obama scare tactic. And worst of all, it assumes that Julia will remain dependent on the government her entire life.

Julia’s story begins when she’s 3. Thanks to President Obama, the website says:

Julia is enrolled in a Head Start program to help get her ready for school. Because of steps President Obama has taken to improve programs like this one, Julia joins thousands of students across the country who will start kindergarten ready to learn and succeed.

Well, no. Head Start has been one of the worst failures of the federal government. The Department of Health and Human Services itself found that the government has invested $150 billion in Head Start since 1965 … and that has yielded precisely zero impact for the kids involved. But according to Obama, that dastardly Romney fellow would cut Head Start by 20%. The horror, the horror!

Apparently, nothing happens in Julia’s life until she’s 17. There’s a reason for that – America’s public school system is an utter failure, and Obama knows it. But Obama says that Julia at age 17 is flourishing (presumably she isn’t one of the approximately 25 percent of all students who drop out of school, or one of the 40 percent of black or Hispanic students who do so). Here’s Julia’s life under Obama at 17:

Julia takes the SAT and is on track to start her college applications. Her high school is part of the Race to the Top program, implemented by President Obama. Their new college- and career-ready standards mean Julia can take the classes she needs to do well.

Julia must be one of the lucky ones to get into a charter school. If she goes to one of America’s normal public schools, this is a pipe dream. But according to Obama, nasty Romney would cut funding for public education “to pay for tax cuts to millionaires.” Because what we need is more education spending, not less – even while districts like the Los Angeles Unified School District expend about $30,000 per year per student to achieve the worst results in the nation.

By age 18, Julia’s taking out college loans – with the help of the taxpayer:

As she prepares for her first semester of college, Julia and her family qualify for President Obama’s American Opportunity Tax Credit – worth up to $10,000 over four years. Julia is also one of millions of students who receive a Pell Grant to help put a college education within reach.

So Julia majors in lesbian dance at one of our nation’s colleges. Who pays? Obama doesn’t say.

At age 22, Julia undergoes surgery:

It is thankfully covered by her insurance due to a provision in health care reform that lets her stay on her parents’ coverage until she turns 26.

Because God knows that this independent young woman can’t buy her own health care, obtain it through her college, or find another way to pay for her surgery. Also, what kind of surgery is this? Is it elective? Is it required? Who knows? And let’s not mention that the average 22-year-old isn’t receiving surgery. Obamacare hurts Julia because she’s subsidizing her parents, since she has to pay higher costs once she obtains her own insurance.

At 23, Julia “starts her career as a web designer.” This assumes she will have a job in the private sector under Obama. Or, that she’s going to be hired to design programs like “The Life of Julia.”

Because of steps like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Julia is one of millions of women across the country who knows she’ll always be able to stand up for her right to equal pay.

She can sue people. Julia’s friends, the trial lawyers, are overjoyed!

Read the full article here.

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Dumb As A Rock: You Will Be Absolutely Amazed At The Things That U.S. High School Students Do Not Know

Staff Report | January 10, 2012 | End of the American Dream

Are we raising the stupidest generation in American history?  The statistics that you are about to read below are incredibly shocking.  They indicate that U.S. high school students are basically as dumb as a rock.  As you read the rest of this article, you will be absolutely amazed at the things that U.S. high school students do not know.  At this point, it is really hard to argue that the U.S. education system is a success.  Our children are spoiled and lazy, our schools do not challenge them and students in Europe and in Asia routinely outperform our students very badly on standardized tests.  In particular, schools in America do an incredibly poor job of teaching our students subjects such as history, economics and geography that are necessary for understanding the things that are taking place in our world today.  For example, according to a survey conducted by the National Geographic Society, only 37 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 can find Iraq on a map of the world.  According to that same survey, 50 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 can’t even find the state of New York on a map.  If our students cannot even find Iraq and New York on a map, what hope is there that they will be able to think critically about the important world events of our day?

Sadly, almost every survey or study about high school students that gets done shows that most of our students are not even receiving a basic education.

For example, the following comes from an article posted on MSNBC….

Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation’s Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history.

Read the full article here.

The Vetting: Bell’s Critical Race Theory Promoted in Public Schools

By Kyle Olson | March 19, 2012 | Breitbart.com

A radical organization known as the Pacific Educational Group (PEG) is actively promoting Derrick Bell’s Critical Race Theory in public elementary and high schools nationwide, with an intense focus on what PEG calls “Systemic Racism.”

With the approval of the Obama administration, and under the guise of closing achievement gaps between black and white students, PEG is promoting teaching methods that discourage “black and brown” students from conforming to an inherently “white” — and therefore racist — curriculum.

PEG also encourages teachers to conform to the presumed cultural backgrounds of students, rather than focusing on norms of assessment and accountability.

Breitbart.com was alerted to the activity of PEG within schools by readers who responded to our reporting on President Barack Obama’s endorsement of Bell, and his use of Critical Race Theory in his lectures at the University of Chicago.

Subsequent investigation led to the revelation that Critical Race Theory is being introduced nationwide through the efforts of PEG.

Read full article here.

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