Today’s Media Narrative: Obama the All-American Hero, Romney the Elitist Extremist

By John Nolte | May 29, 2012 | Breitbart News

After a fairly quiet Memorial Day weekend, the media obviously took a little time last night to get its Journolisting message together for this morning so it would be ready when America emerged on Tuesday. The New York Times, which is the primary deliverer of White House talking points to the corrupt media, is leading the charge today with this story about what a brave and solid leader Obama has been in the War on Terror. As you can see this story has already been viralized into today’s narrative.

Obama’s Secret Plan to Seize Americans’ Land

By Kevin DeAnna | April 18, 2012 | WND

Revealed! Confidential memos from inside administration


Brian Sussman, author of “Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America,” has exposed Barack Obama’s secret plan to seize land from the American people, on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.”

In an interview with Steve Doocy, Sussman said the scheme was “secret no longer” because of his new book, “Eco-Tyranny,” which reveals confidential memos from inside the administration.

Sussman explained to Doocy’s audience that the plan revealed in “Eco-Tyranny” was “concocted by Obama’s Department of the Interior to take over hundreds of thousands of acres of private land, take it off the books for development.”

Doocy observed that federal landholdings are already considerable, with the government owning more than half of some Western states.

Agreed, Sussman said.

“The government owns seven hundred million acres and they want more.”

He added, “This plan must be stopped because it’s antithetical to what America is all about. It’s not about the federal government owning land, it’s about we the people owning land and allowing us to do whatever we would like to do with that land, especially when it comes to natural resources.”

Sussman believes that the Obama administration is deliberately trying to restrict America’s energy production in order to keep the country dependent on foreign foes. He drew laughter from Doocy when he commented, “If we started drilling for oil in our own country the way we should, the Saudis would soil their tunics.”

Sussman also made the point that environmentalists explicitly seek to prevent energy production, even clean nuclear energy, which Doocy referred to as a no brainer.

Finally, Sussman laid out the case that rising population requires not just additional energy but additional water supplies that are not being developed. Sussman asked, “Who is standing in the way of our water resources? The environmentalists and the Department of the Interior.”

“This is a long running plot, quite frankly concocted in the minds as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – use the environment to hammer capitalism,” he said.

Read the  full article here.

The Tea Party Is Not Over

By  | April 12, 2012 | American Spectator

Don’t write it off just yet, as it continues to add candidates to this year’s mix.

WASHINGTON — All is bleak. All is woe! I speak of the Tea Party movement, the movement of 2009 and 2010 that was the hot news story of those years, and led to the Republican rout of the Democrats in 2010. Now the Tea Party movement is according to reports in the media in decline.

Was it extremist? Was it racist? Distinguished Americans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton said it was. Yet their evidence when it came under objective scrutiny kept falling apart, as so many of their hoaxes over the years have fallen apart: Ms. Tawana Brawley, the 1979-1980 Atlanta killings supposedly by local cops who spent their leisure hours in the Ku Klux Klan. I cannot think of another couple of hucksters who have adduced so much evidence of heinous behavior by the American majority only to have the evidence go poof! The Tea Party movement was neither extremist nor racist. In fact, it was what Americans look like when they suddenly become alive to politics: somewhat amateurish, terrifically enthusiastic, and eventually quite serious about practicing the political arts at the local level, in Madison, Wisconsin; in Waco, Texas; in Tucson, Arizona — all locales far, far away from Washington, D.C. Though I have reason to suspect that the Tea Partiers may return to Washington, D.C. after the November elections. Read on.

Read the full article here.

Paul Harvey: If I Were the Devil (October 13, 1964) [Are his predictions accurate?]

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