The Population Control Holocaust

By Robert Zubrin | Spring 2012 | The New Atlantis

Editor’s Note: The essay below is adapted from Robert Zubrin’s Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism, the latest in our New Atlantis Books series.

There is a single ideological current running through a seemingly disparate collection of noxious modern political and scientific movements, ranging from militarism, imperialism, racism, xenophobia, and radical environmentalism, to socialism, Nazism, and totalitarian communism. This is the ideology of antihumanism: the belief that the human race is a horde of vermin whose unconstrained aspirations and appetites endanger the natural order, and that tyrannical measures are necessary to constrain humanity. The founding prophet of modern antihumanism is Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), who offered a pseudoscientific basis for the idea that human reproduction always outruns available resources. Following this pessimistic and inaccurate assessment of the capacity of human ingenuity to develop new resources, Malthus advocated oppressive policies that led to the starvation of millions in India and Ireland.

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Today’s Media Narrative: Obama the All-American Hero, Romney the Elitist Extremist

By John Nolte | May 29, 2012 | Breitbart News

After a fairly quiet Memorial Day weekend, the media obviously took a little time last night to get its Journolisting message together for this morning so it would be ready when America emerged on Tuesday. The New York Times, which is the primary deliverer of White House talking points to the corrupt media, is leading the charge today with this story about what a brave and solid leader Obama has been in the War on Terror. As you can see this story has already been viralized into today’s narrative.

Breitbart News: Media Ties Romney to Trump, Ignores Obama-Sharpton Connection

By John Nolte | May 29, 2012 | Breitbart News

As I mentioned in my piece this morning examining the organized narrative the media built over the weekend to aid Obama and damage Romney, the primary push was going to be to tie Romney to Donald Trump. Because Trump is still pushing the discredited “birther” conspiracy surrounding Obama’s place of birth, the corrupt media feels it can hurt our likely GOP nominee by either tying him to a “racist extremist” or by threatening him with this distraction until he backs down and repudiates Trump.

Constitutional Elections Conference: Carl Gallups speaks on Obama’s Eligibility Fraud (Running Time 59:40) [Video]

Anybody But Obama 2012 [Infographic]

Source: Roger Kimball

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Either way, Obama has lied. And either way, the respective lie is no small matter.

Will the 1991 Biography Discovery Force Obama to Open the Hood?

By Monte Kuligowski | May 26, 2012 | American Thinker

 If you have a young boy, you’ve probably watched Disney’s Cars 2 about a thousand times.  For those who don’t know, at the movie’s end (an obligatory spoiler warning here), Sir Miles Axlerod is exposed as a fraud when he’s forced to open his hood by Mater, the hayseed hick.  Hold that thought.

Three possibilities follow the bombshell discovery that Barack Obama was promoted in 1991 through 2007 by his professional agency as an author “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”  (1) Obama untruthfully presented himself as Kenya-born.  (2) Obama untruthfully presents himself as Hawaii-born.  (3) Obama had no knowledge that his bio contained the 16-year-old “error” which was corrected in April of 2007, when Obama was gearing up his campaign for the U.S. presidency.

[Read more…] Obama Campaign Responds to Breitbart ‘Kenya’ Booklet Story

By John Nolte | May 19, 2012 | Breitbart News

Though it quickly became an Internet punchline, Attack Watch should not be dismissed. Attack Watch is paid for and an extension of Obama for America, which is part of, the online campaign hub for the White House. That means that the Obama campaign itself has decided to comment on the Breitbart News’ exclusive surrounding a 1991 booklet published by President Obama’s literary agency that falsely claimed the President was born in Kenya. It’s also worth noting that this claim extended to the lit agency’s website until 2007, two months after Obama announced his candidacy for president.

Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No ‘Fact Checking Error’

By Jack Cashill | May 19, 2012 | American Thinker

 No sooner did the literary agency brochure in which Barack Obama was said to be Kenyan-born surface than the media went to work to deep-six it.

“This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me – an agency assistant at the time,” Miriam Goderich, now a named partner in the literary agency, Dystel & Goderich, wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News, which was then picked up ABC News.  “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons.  Let us start with the obvious.  At the time, 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant.  How likely is it that Goderich would have remembered enough about a 1991 “error” to know it was hers, especially since it went uncorrected through several revisions until changed in 2007?  To make this claim credible, there would have to be an existing paper trail leading to an Obama submission in which he lists an Hawaiian birth.  I am confident that there is no such submission.

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Roger Simon and Jack Cashill: Literary Bio Claims Obama Born in Kenya [Video]

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Media Works to Suppress Obama ‘Born in Kenya’ Bio

By Ben Shapiro | May 18, 2012 | Breitbart News

While the internet buzzed with Breitbart News’ release of a booklet from President Obama’s literary agency circa 1991 describing him as being “born in Kenya,” the mainstream media still refuses to report the story, or plays defense for Obama.

Never mind that the agency used the “born in Kenya” biography until 2007. Never mind that authors who have worked with the agency state that the agency asks that authors pen their own biographies. Never mind that Obama has routinely padded his biographical details to appeal to particular audiences.

Nothing to see here.

Michael Shear, at the New York Times, was in full defense mode:

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Obama Publicist Claims Fact-Checking Mistake: Carl Gallups says “More Deceit” [Video]

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Obama ‘Kenya’ Lit Booklet Raises Question MSM Will Refuse to Ask

By John Nolte | may 17, 2012 | Breitbart

Never once have I doubted that President Obama was born in Hawaii. There’s no way in the world that little constitutional issue would ever have got past the Clintons during the 2008 Democratic primary. Now that we’re clear on that…

The exclusive story published by Breitbart News today about a 1991 booklet released by Obama’s literary agent that falsely claims the President was born in Kenya, is about many things NOT having to do with where our President was born. And one of those things is the abject failure of the mainstream media to vet properly the man they so desperately wanted to be president.

Breitbart News is a scrappy, upstart organization less than four years old, and the fact that this is our exclusive is great for us. However, more importantly, it is a condemnation of a media that most certainly had the resources to find this story…had they wanted to. And who knows, maybe someone in the media did come across it but chose to cover it up.

The booklet in question that falsely states the President of the United States was born in Kenya is only 21 years old. It’s less than half as young as the now-discredited story that ran in The Washington Post last week about Mitt Romney’s supposed bullying as a teenager in high school.

Read the full article here.

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The Vetting: Exclusive – Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’

By Joel B. Pollak | May 17, 2012 | Breitbart

Note from Senior Management:

Andrew Breitbart was never a “Birther,” and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of “Birtherism.” In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

Yet Andrew also believed that the complicit mainstream media had refused to examine President Obama’s ideological past, or the carefully crafted persona he and his advisers had constructed for him.

It is for that reason that we launched “The Vetting,” an ongoing series in which we explore the ideological background of President Obama (and other presidential candidates)–not to re-litigate 2008, but because ideas and actions have consequences.

It is also in that spirit that we discovered, and now present, the booklet described below–one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review

It is evidence–not of the President’s foreign origin, but that Barack Obama’s public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.


Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

The booklet, which was distributed to “business colleagues” in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

It also promotes Obama’s anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White–which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.

Obama’s biography in the booklet is as follows (image and text below):

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.  The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.   He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

The booklet, which is thirty-six pages long, is printed in blue ink (and, on the cover, silver/grey ink), using offset lithography. It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976.

Read the full article here.

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British Media Provides Better Obama Coverage Than American MSM

By Ron Futrell | May 5, 2012 | Breitbart

 It’s been known for years that the US media has decided not to do its job when it comes to vetting Barack Obama, but when the British media is out there reporting critically on this White House on a daily basis, the contrast is startling.

If the Activist Old Media in this country had the ability to be embarrassed, they would cower in the corner over the way the British media pounds them on Obama coverage.

The American media chooses not to report these stories; it’s not that they are getting “beaten” on them. Of course, that fact makes this much worse.

Dr. Tim Stanely of the UK Telegraph reports this week on the issue of President Obama’s latest revelations of his “composite” girlfriend and the stories of him eating dog in Indonesia. In the last paragraph of his column, Dr. Stanley says these issues should’ve been brought out long ago, since Obama wrote of them in his book:

That we are only discussing them this late into Obama’s career suggests that the vetting that should have happened four years ago was unforgivably neglected. But, hey, it’s never too late to start.

We’ll see about the media and when/if it actually decides to start vetting this president. I have heard from many of my media friends that the vetting of Obama was already done, so it is not needed now. Of course, he was not vetted during the last election because the media did not want to vet him for fear of what they might find; and besides, all their crews were in Alaska looking under rocks, glaciers, and inside igloos for Sarah Palin dirt.

Read the full article here.

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Humor is ridicule Marxist style

By Judi McLeod | April 30, 2012 | Canada Free Press

imageGet ready for ridicule as the latest means for Marxists to hobble their enemies.

It starts with President Barack Obama kickstarting toilet humor at the White House Correspondence [sic] dinner Saturday night: “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and pit bull? A pit bull is delicious,” is joking uncouth Barry Soetoro style.

It picks back up tomorrow with May Day anarchy dressed in canned laughter:

“Our movement goes geopolitical later in May,” (Adbusters Tactical Briefing 30: The May 2012 Insurrection, April 26, 2012).  “We swarm Chicago and confront NATO.  We tell the military elites there to stop their saber rattling against Iran, halt the global arms race and get behind what the majority of the people on Earth want: a nuclear-free world starting with a nuclear-free Middle East that includes both Iran and Israel.”

That sounds more like an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) founding Adbusters lecture than an attempt to tickle John Q. Public’s funny-bone.

But wait…”And then when the G8 leaders meet in Camp David, we create a global spectacle the likes of which the world has never seen before…millions of us…individually, in flash groups and en masse, we burst out laughing at the lunacy of the eight most powerful political leaders on the planet thinking they can dictate the people’s business from behind closed doors and barbed wire fences.  For one day, we take over the global mindspace with a whirlwind of #LAUGHRIOT jokes.  (Like: Why did the G8 chickens cross to Camp David? Cuz they’re on the other side. haha!) We laugh our heads off on every news broadcast in the world.”

Sort of like Obama on Saturday night, whose latest prop was a flushing toilet.

“President Obama Opened Correspondents’ Dinner with a Toilet Flush….Really” was the headline on the Blaze, April 29, 2012.

Everyone who saw it would get the analogy of a United States in the toilet with the man who put it there now a standing comedian mocking and laughing in reverie of his work.

“President Obama‘s presentation started with a little sketch that poked fun at his recent ’hot mic‘ episode with Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev by having the audience believe that we were listening to the leader of the free world complaining about having to be at this dinner, while sitting on a toilet. That portion ended with a flush and Obama craving a cigarette,” said the Blaze.

“It’s not often that we get to see the most powerful man in the world tell jokes about eating dogs, craving cigarettes and imposing his rumored “radical socialist agenda” on the country. And yet, last night in Washington, D.C., we were treated to just that. Wait, let’s not forget the toilet flush. Did we really need to envision the president sitting on the toilet, seconds before he was to address the White House Press Corps?

Read the full article here.

U.S. Press MIA: Pravda Reports Barack Obama Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence

By Dianna C. Cotter | March 29, 2012 | Pravda

On March 7th, 2012, Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.

Since then, the scandal has only expanded. Former United States Postal Service worker Allen Hulton has recently come forward with compelling testimony given under Oath, which leads to only one conclusion: Barack Obama attended College in the United States as a Foreign Student.

In the summer of 2008 the presidential primary season was winding down, and America could not help but note the fervor a significant number of media personalities expressed while supporting the candidacy Barack Obama. Indeed, it was collectively decided within the liberal media, that Obama’s associations with racist pastors and violent domestic terrorists was to be suppressed.

The exposure of the “Journolist” email scandal in 2010 made this glaringly clear: Stories like Obama’s ties to Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr.of the Trinity United Church, and more relevant, to Bill Ayers and his radical past in the Weather Underground Organization were to remain largely un-reported and uninvestigated. Any realistic investigation into Barack Obama’s background was to be minimized, inquiries eventually mocked, and investigators labeled racists.

These tactics have isolated honest media who could and should have reported on these and other important stories yet have inexplicably remained silent. Now we know why. More on this in a moment.

The Postman

Retired United States Postal Worker Allen Hulton recently signed a sworn affidavit for the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse convened by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, attesting under oath, to conversations with Mary Ayers, the mother of Bill Ayers. He made his testimony public in a three hour long taped interviewed on March 19th, 2012. Mr. Hutton, by signing an affidavit has subjected himself to laws regarding perjury, not something to be taken lightly as telling the truth is now for him a requirement of law.

His testimony states Mary and Tom Ayers (Parents of Bill ”I don’t regret setting bombs” Ayers) were sponsoring Barack Obama as a foreign student, and financially supporting his education.

This is a huge revelation on not one, but two separate fronts.

Bill Ayers of dubious “Weatherman” fame, was not just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood”, as then candidate Obama brushed aside. The video linked here comes from a televised DNC Debate in the summer of 2008. As Hillary Clinton revealed then, Obama served in a paid position on the Woods Foundation with Bill Ayers and the two were involved in several projects dispersing millions of dollars over several years.

Realistically, the Ayers family could be said to have adopted Barack Obama, if not as a son then certainly as a kindred Marxist spirit, and treated him to one of the finest educations possible.

There is little doubt Mr. Obama has been less than honest with regard to the Ayers family and their significance in his life.

As disingenuous as this is, it is by no means the most important revelation.

If correct, and Obama was introduced to Hulton as a Foreign Student, this means Barack Hussein Obama would have been using a Foreign Passport to get and prove his foreign student status for entrance into Occidental College, Columbia, and later Harvard Universities. Because Hulton has signed an Affidavit, this cannot be disregarded as mere hearsay; it is instead evidentiary in nature.

The significance of this development may not be immediately apparent until one recognizes American law regarding citizenship status. Citizenship laws as expressed in Title 8 of the United States Code states the use of a Foreign Passport constitutes adult recognition of relinquishment of American Citizenship:

8 USC 1481

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality-

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; 8 USC 1481

Using a foreign passport in order to obtain status as a foreign student is precisely that, proof of naturalization in a foreign state.

The child Barack Obama became an Indonesian Citizen when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and the family’s subsequent relocation to Indonesia. Young Barack by law needed Indonesian Citizenship in order to attend school, and his adoption provided this. Indeed, in young Barack’s situation adoption was necessary to gain it.

Read the full article here.

Forgerygate: Ignoring Arpaio’s Report is a Scandal in Itself

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner | March 15, 2012 | Washington Times

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announces preliminary findings of his investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate during a March 1 news conference in Phoenix, Ariz.

Is President Obama’s birth certificate a forgery? Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., believes it is. He recently held a press conference in Phoenix to discuss the findings of a new 10-page report. Mr. Arpaio’s investigators have come to a stunning conclusion: The long-form birth certificate Mr. Obama released last year is a “computer-generated forgery.”

With the exception of The Washington Times, however, no major U.S. media outlet reported this bombshell story. The liberal press corps is desperately trying to suppress any discussion of Forgerygate — potentially one of the biggest scandals in American history. The media class is betraying its fundamental mission to pursue the truth.

“Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic,” Sheriff Arpaio said. “My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in paper format as claimed by the White House.”

The Washington Times story, written by Stephen Dinan, points out that Mr. Arpaio has called for Congress to investigate the matter. Think about this: A high-profile sheriff orders a team of former law enforcement officials to examine whether the president is truly a natural born citizen and that he has the constitutional and legal right to occupy the White House. Their official report is that Mr. Obama’s documents are shoddy and he likely engaged in deliberate fraud. And yet, most of the American press corps doesn’t believe this is an important news story? The liberal media has become rotten to the core.

Ironically, the foreign press reported widely on the story. For example, Pravda — that’s right, the former official organ of the Soviet Communist Party — did an extensive analysis of Mr. Arpaio’s findings. The article by Dianna Cotter asks the obvious question: What are U.S. journalists afraid of?

The answer is that the issue strikes at the heart of Mr. Obama’s administration: If his presidency is illegal, then all of his accomplishments — the stimulus, Obamacare, the contraceptive mandate, the government takeover of the auto sector and appointments to the Supreme Court — are illegitimate as well. The scandal would trigger a constitutional crisis.

Following Mr. Obama’s surprise news conference last year, when he unveiled the long-form certificate, the media insisted that the controversy was settled once and for all. The “birthers” supposedly had been silenced. Mr. Arpaio’s report, however, changes that. The issue has been resuscitated — except in the eyes of the mainstream media.

A prominent sheriff says he has damning evidence that Mr. Obama probably lied to the public. The international media believes it’s a big deal; many Americans agree. They want to get to the bottom of it. Yet, the liberal hacks at the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC can do nothing more than yawn.

Read the full article here.

Can We Learn Something from the Classics about Vetting Obama?

By Monte Kuligowski | March 29, 2012 | American Thinker

After my last piece on why it’s reasonable to authenticate Obama’s elusive birth certificate, I received an e-mail from a reader. His name is Bill Meisler, and he is fluent in ancient Greek. Recently, Bill was reading the speeches of Demosthenes.

Bill relayed the following:

In the scholarly notes to the Speech Against Meidias the commentator wrote that before an Athenian could hold any magistracy of the city, he had to undergo what was called a dokimasia, a formal public inquiry into whether the man who wished to hold the magistracy possessed all the necessary criteria needed to prove his Athenian citizenship and thereby be allowed the privilege of holding office. The dokimasia was open to the public and was presided over by the appropriate authorities in the presence of the boule, the democratic council representing the entire citizenry. Witnesses and unequivocal documentation were required, and any citizen could challenge the proceedings of the inquiry.

Though it may seem a little odd to us at first glance, the dokimasia was held after the election.  In the book Aspects of Athenian Democracy, by Robert J. Bonner, it’s noted that:

… [t]hese disqualifications and restrictions [to holding office] were matters of record or observation[.] But there were other disqualifications that could be discovered only by a judicial investigation involving the production of witnesses. Obviously it would be economical of time and effort to defer this inquiry until after the election[.] This examination was known as the dokimasia.

In contemporary America, the examination of candidates is thought to be done by the free press prior to the election.  But when serious vetting of the winning candidate has not occurred, we have a predicament: judges have ruled that citizens have no standing to enforce eligibility requirements because of the election.

In such a system, the incalculable power of the unified media to create impressions and manufacture public opinion means that election results may be engineered and shielded from substance and sound judgment.

Unfortunately, with regard to the matter of Barack Obama, as David Kupelian puts it, instead “of vetting him as was their solemn duty, the media lifted him high overhead and giddily raced across the finish line[.]”  Excluding those who did independent research, voters knew little on Election Day about the actual substance of the candidate chosen by the JournoLists to “make history.”

Read the full article here.

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