Obama’s Sinister “Religion”—Racist Marxism Under a Faux Biblical Veneer

By Kelly OConnell | June 10, 2012 | Canada Free Press

As we ready ourselves for the inevitable onslaught against Romney’s religion, we need to educate ourselves on Obama’s own beliefs, which are the most unusual of any candidate. Even taking Barack at his word, that he is a “Christian”, his beliefs are highly atypical of biblical Christianity. Barack, as an acolyte of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s ideology, is really a follower of James Cone’s own racist and Marxist Black Liberation Theology. This is the subject of today’s essay.

I. Jeremiah Wright’s Church & Rev James Cone’s “Christianity”

Barack Obama attended Jeremiah Wright’s Chicago Trinity United church for more than two decades. Given the length of time, we must assume that Barack shared the core beliefs of that congregation. But what were Wright’s core beliefs? These are just a subset of Reverend James Cone’s Black Liberation Theology. This connection is explained by Charles C. Johnson of the American Spectator: [Read more…]

Communitarianism: This is Your Future

From the Post Sustainability Institute:

Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers.  Add to that the increased cost of gasoline (manipulated), and the higher cost of energy (manipulated) to heat and cool statistically larger homes, and you have more pressure to leave rural and suburban areas. Reduction of energy usage is key.  Smart Growth/New Urbanism in Redevelopment Areas is the supposed answer: smaller units, attached condos, little or no parking, few private cars.  More eyes on the street.  Redevelopment projects are the implementation arm of the UN plan, and include rezoning of huge sections of your cities to Smart Growth zones. This physical manifestation of UN Agenda 21 is social engineering paid for with your property tax dollars.    These areas then have their property taxes diverted away from your services and into the pockets of a few developers and bond brokers for 30-45 years.  Result?  Bankrupt cities and counties.

[Read more…]

Obama Becomes O’mobba

By James Lewis | March 28, 2012 | American Thinker

In another historic first, President Obama’s backers are actively whipping up mobs.  Not just the Occupoopers of Wall Street, but also Twitter mobs, Facebook mobs, and flash mobs.

Every active conservative should spend some time on social media sites to see liberals whipping each other into a frenzy.  Know your enemy — and if you don’t like the word “enemy” (I don’t), consider what Saul Alinsky calls you. You may not consider yourself their enemy, but that’s how they think about you.  Ignore it at your peril.

The Obama campaign loves to boast about its use of  Facebook and Twitter to push The One over the top last time.  With Facebook claiming 700 million members, the potential for political mayhem is huge.

This is David Axelrod’s specialty of astroturfing.  Obama has become O’mobba: he is the first president in history to give his official public blessing to “idealistic” anti-capitalist mobs.

There is no doubt that these organized “spontaneous” mobs will be used in the election campaign.  Be prepared to face nasty, vicious lowbrow mobs with iPhones and iPads.

The poopers last week dumped a tub full of their diapers’ products in a Chase ATM vestibule in Lower Manhattan.  They have finally discovered their bottom line.

They are now talking about the revolutionary necessity for violence.  An Occumobster from Austin, TX recently wrote to USA Today promising to “take up  … guns and storm Wall Street and our nation’s capitals.”  Don’t doubt that this is a deliberate, purposeful campaign, designed to frighten and dehumanize normal people (like Tea Party members) in order to keep the radical left in power.

That USA Today letter comes from Richlatte, a fitting moniker for a rich, latte-drinking thirty-something kid who has decided to wage war on productive Americans.  We have millions of spoiled-rotten offspring of the rich, young and old, and they will be bringing hard muscle to bear on Obama’s election campaign.  After all, Bill Ayers is the son of a millionaire.  The Wall Street Occupy kids were not able to utter a single coherent word to explain their “idealistic” campaign; nobody had scripted them.  “What are we here for?  I dunno!  Somebody tweeted at me on my iPad.  Police brutality!  Eff the Pigs!”  It was Radical Chic turned into Radical Sick.

In fact, Occupoopers are the first Obama mobs, set up by billionaire-funded outfits like The Ruckus Society.

“Spontaneous demonstrations” is what communist agitators used to whip up attacks against their scapegoats, from Moscow to London.  They were the storm troopers of the left, and they still are.

The discredited old “communist agitator” has now been laundered into the noble “community organizer.”  The first  communist agitator was Karl Marx, a child of Prussian wealth.  David Axelrod made his PR millions by organizing phony grassroots campaigns.  The coming year will see astroturfed flash mobs harassing decent and honorable Americans for their political beliefs.

Take a good look at the Ruckus Society website, because you will see them again, smashing windows and fighting cops wherever media cameras gather.  These are the kids of the powerful starting their own political careers, the way John Kerry did during Vietnam by accusing his Navy Swift Boat buddies of committing war crimes.

Read the full article here.

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