UN Plans to Expand the Phony Water Crisis … ‘Smart Water Meters’ on the Way

By Anthony Wile | June 16, 2012 | The Daily Bell

UN-Water Survey Examines Water Law Reform … Twenty years ago this June world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro for an Earth Summit to develop an action plan for sustainable development. They discussed a wide variety of topics including climate change, alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuel and the growing scarcity of water. This June, world leaders will gather once again for the Rio+20 Conference to examine the progress that has been made. – WaterWorld

Here we go again!

Leading proponents of “leveling” are preparing to descend on Brazil for the upcoming Rio+20 Earth Summit, hosted by the United Nations, and one of the items on the menu will be a re-valuation of the UN’s muddled Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) initiative.

The results will doubtless be a further weakening of property rights around the world under the guise of communitarianism and outright socialism.

[Read more…]

Communitarianism: This is Your Future

From the Post Sustainability Institute:

Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers.  Add to that the increased cost of gasoline (manipulated), and the higher cost of energy (manipulated) to heat and cool statistically larger homes, and you have more pressure to leave rural and suburban areas. Reduction of energy usage is key.  Smart Growth/New Urbanism in Redevelopment Areas is the supposed answer: smaller units, attached condos, little or no parking, few private cars.  More eyes on the street.  Redevelopment projects are the implementation arm of the UN plan, and include rezoning of huge sections of your cities to Smart Growth zones. This physical manifestation of UN Agenda 21 is social engineering paid for with your property tax dollars.    These areas then have their property taxes diverted away from your services and into the pockets of a few developers and bond brokers for 30-45 years.  Result?  Bankrupt cities and counties.

[Read more…]

Expert Warns: 100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of the Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years [Video]

By Mac Slavo | April 20, 2012 | SHTF Plan

As smart grid metering systems expand across the developed world, many are starting to ask whether the threats posed by the new devices, which officials promise will save energy and reduce end user utility costs, outweigh their benefits. In addition to documented health concerns resulting from radiation emissions and no cost savings being apparent, opponents of the technology argue that smart meters are violative of basic privacy rights and give the government yet another digital node of unfettered access to monitor and control personal electricity consumption.

Now, an alarming new documentary suggests that security problems with the inter-connected and seemingly convenient smart grid may be so serious that they could lead to a catastrophic failure of our nation’s entire power infrastructure.

In an interview for the upcoming documentary titled Take Back Your Power, Cyber defense expert David Chalk warns that our nation is in crisis. Not only are our smart power grids susceptible to hacking, but they may very well already be infected with Trojan viruses and back doors that will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences:

(Video interview follows excerpts)

The front door is open, and there is no lock to be had.

There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking, if not already infected with some sort of Trojan horse than can cause it to be shut down, damaged or completely annihilated.

We can’t take a massive outage all at once.

When we say ‘it goes down,’ we’re talking about generators burning out. We’re talking about coal plants being damaged. We’re talking about destruction of equipment. This isn’t just a matter of electrons going around and shutting off the moving data.

Physical equipment can be damaged… watch some of the videos of cyber attacks on generators and other devices. You’ll see they’re actually damaged. Multi million dollar machines are hacked into.

We look at corporations. We look at the very companies like Symantec that are there to protect us having been hacked, and their code is in the public domain.

Bring forward a technology and I will show you that it’s penetrable. I’ll do it on national TV, I’ll do it anywhere… I can guarantee you 100% that there is nothing out there today – nothing – that can’t be penetrated.

We need safety and security, and today that does not exist in the smart grid.

Via Business Wire

“Unless we wake up and realize what we’re doing, there is 100% certainty of total catastrophic failure of the entire power infrastructure within 3 years,” said Chalk.

“This could actually be worse than a nuclear war, because it would happen everywhere. How governments and utilities are blindly merging the power grid with the Internet, and effectively without any protection, is insanity at its finest.”

Preview Take Back Your Power:

As Mr. Chalk points out, even the top security firms in the country have been hacked, and the head of US Cyber Security confirms that military systems are under constant attack and have been broken by hackers who have gained access to sensitive military and space agency systems (including active Jet Propulsion Labs spacecraft). Our entire drone fleet, yet another node in the ever expanding control grid, was recently compromised by a virus that was able to log access commands and passwords for high security military systems. The vulnerabilities of these systems became starkly clear when Iran’s military broke global positioning encryption and took control of a U.S. military drone over their airspace.

This is no longer about a single computer going down or file directories being accessed. Cyber conflict is moving into an entirely new realm, where rogue hackers or state-sponsored cyber operations are capable of targeting physical grid infrastructure like power, water,  and oil refineries, commerce and transportation systems. According to one expert, such an attack has the potential bring down life as we know it in America in a matter of just 900 seconds.

Some would argue that we need more governance over the grid system, or stricter penalties for those who compromise it, or further yet, more monitoring and tracking so attacks can be prevented.

The other option, however, is that we take individual Americans off the traditional grid altogether by empowering them through tax credits and de-regulation, so that every one of us can have their own personal smart grid in their home, independent of intervention from government or traditional energy industry players.

Only this limited government, personal responsibility solution is capable of providing a truly impenetrable level of power grid safety and security for each and every person in the United States.

However, like all things government, the narrative seems to be to first create the problem, then move to fix it by more centralization, control and dependence. It’s a trend we see not just in our energy sector, but every aspect of our lives.

Hat tip Satori

Author: Mac Slavo
Views: 13,973 people have read this article (new feature)
Date: April 20th, 2012
Website: www.SHTFplan.com

Copyright Information: Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to http://www.shtfplan.com. Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

Agenda 21 Presentation by Don Casey From “The Alliance for Citizens Rights”

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

By Patrick Wood


According to the United Nations Gov­erning Council of the UN Envi­ron­mental Pro­gramme (UNEP),  “our dom­i­nant eco­nomic model may thus be termed a ‘brown economy.” UNEP’s clearly stated goal is to over­turn the “brown economy” and replace it with a “green economy”:

“A green economy implies the decou­pling of resource use and envi­ron­mental impacts from eco­nomic growth… These invest­ments, both public and pri­vate, pro­vide the mech­a­nism for the recon­fig­u­ra­tion of busi­nesses, infra­struc­ture and insti­tu­tions, and for the adop­tion of sus­tain­able con­sump­tion and pro­duc­tion processes.” [p. 2]

Sus­tain­able con­sump­tion? Recon­fig­uring busi­nesses, infra­struc­ture and insti­tu­tions? What do these words mean? They do not mean merely reshuf­fling the existing order, but rather replacing it with a com­pletely new eco­nomic system, one that has never before been seen or used in the his­tory of the world.

This paper will demon­strate that the cur­rent crisis of cap­i­talism is being used to imple­ment a rad­ical new eco­nomic system that will com­pletely sup­plant it. This is not some new idea cre­ated in the bowels of the United Nations: It is a revi­tal­ized imple­men­ta­tion of Tech­noc­racy that was thor­oughly repu­di­ated by the Amer­ican public in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression.

The Tech­nocrats have resur­faced, and they do not intend to fail a second time. Whether they suc­ceed this time will depend upon the intended ser­vants of Tech­noc­racy, the cit­i­zens of the world.

Indeed, the dark horse of the New World Order is not Com­mu­nism, Socialism or Fas­cism. It is Technocracy.


Founded by Howard Scott and M. King Hub­bert in 1932 during the Great Depres­sion, Tech­noc­racy pro­posed a rad­ical new solu­tion for the world’s eco­nomic ills. In 1932, Harry A. Porter wrote in Roo­sevelt and Tech­noc­racy,

“Just as the Ref­or­ma­tion estab­lished Reli­gious Freedom, just as the Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence brought about our Polit­ical Freedom, Tech­noc­racy promises Eco­nomic Freedom.” [Fore­ward, iii]

Porter’s plan included aban­doning the gold stan­dard, sus­pending the stock exchanges and nation­al­izing rail­roads and public util­i­ties. Freedom notwith­standing, Porter then called for President-elect Franklin D. Roo­sevelt to be sworn in as Dic­tator rather than Pres­i­dent so that he could over­turn the existing eco­nomic system in favor of Technocracy:

“Drastic as these changes from the present order of things may be, they will serve their pur­pose if only to pave the way for the Eco­nomic Rev­o­lu­tion – and Tech­noc­racy.” (p. 63)

If Tech­noc­racy had truly been extin­guished before the onset of WWII, we would not be con­cerned about it today. How­ever, when Zbig­niew Brzezinski wrote Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Tech­netronic Era in 1968, it was essen­tially a Neo-Technocratic trea­tise calling for a fourth and final stage of world his­tory, or the Tech­netronic Era.

When David Rock­e­feller picked Brzezinski to co-found the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion in 1973, it was with the spe­cific goal to create a “New Inter­na­tional Eco­nomic Order.” Without some knowl­edge of his­toric Tech­noc­racy, exactly what the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion ulti­mately had in mind with such a goal could not pos­sibly have been understood.

Today, it is nec­es­sary to rethink these issues in order to deter­mine a) if this rad­ical move­ment is still oper­ating, b) what are their goals and c) how do they plan to achieve their goals.

In Carbon Cur­rency: A New Begin­ning for Tech­noc­racy?, the sub­ject of his­toric Tech­noc­racy was intro­duced in the con­text of cre­ating a new eco­nomic system based on energy accounting rather than price accounting. An energy-based accounting system uses “energy cer­tifi­cates,” or Carbon Cur­rency, instead of dol­lars or other fiat cur­ren­cies. Peri­odic and equal allo­ca­tions of avail­able energy are made to cit­i­zens, but they must be used within the defined time period before they reach an expi­ra­tion date. Fur­ther­more, the ability to own pri­vate prop­erty and accu­mu­late wealth would be deemed unnecessary.

The pressing and unan­swered ques­tion is how would such a Tech­no­cratic system actu­ally be implemented?

This paper will now address the strategy, tac­tical require­ments and progress of estab­lishing an energy-based Tech­nate in North America. [“Tech­nate” is the term used to describe the geo­graphic region oper­ated according to Tech­noc­racy. Thus, a North Amer­ican Tech­nate would include Canada, Mexico and the U.S. and they would all be under common control. ]


The Tech­noc­racy Study Coursewritten by Howard Scott and M. King Hub­bert in 1932, estab­lished a detailed frame­work for Tech­noc­racy in terms of energy pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion and usage.

According to Scott and Hub­bert, the dis­tri­b­u­tion of energy resources must be mon­i­tored and mea­sured in order for the system to work — and this is the key: mon­i­toring and mea­suring.

They wrote that the system must do the fol­lowing things:

  • “Reg­ister on a con­tin­uous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net con­ver­sion of energy.
  • “By means of the reg­is­tra­tion of energy con­verted and con­sumed, make pos­sible a bal­anced load.
  • “Pro­vide a con­tin­uous inven­tory of all pro­duc­tion and consumption
  • “Pro­vide a spe­cific reg­is­tra­tion of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and ser­vices, where pro­duced and where used
  • “Pro­vide spe­cific reg­is­tra­tion of the con­sump­tion of each indi­vidual, plus a record and descrip­tion of the indi­vidual.” [Scott, Howard et al, Tech­noc­racy Study Source, p. 232]

In 1932, such tech­nology did not exist. Time was on the Technocrat’s side, how­ever, because this tech­nology doesexist today, and it is being rapidly imple­mented to do exactly what Scott and Hub­bert spec­i­fied: Namely, to exhaus­tively mon­itor, mea­sure and con­trol every ampere of energy deliv­ered to con­sumers and busi­nesses on a system-wide basis.

It’s called: Smart Grid.

Read the full article here.

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