The Illusion of Free Choice [Cartoon]

Hat Tip: We Know Memes

Communitarianism: This is Your Future

From the Post Sustainability Institute:

Economic collapse creates a chain of events, but on a micro level (county, city) there is a marked reduction in revenue for maintenance of services. Loss of services to outlying areas means, for example, roads not being maintained to rural and suburban areas. Roads not being maintained to those areas, schools not being supported in those areas, law enforcement/fire/social services not being supported in those areas means a gradual movement into the denser city centers.  Add to that the increased cost of gasoline (manipulated), and the higher cost of energy (manipulated) to heat and cool statistically larger homes, and you have more pressure to leave rural and suburban areas. Reduction of energy usage is key.  Smart Growth/New Urbanism in Redevelopment Areas is the supposed answer: smaller units, attached condos, little or no parking, few private cars.  More eyes on the street.  Redevelopment projects are the implementation arm of the UN plan, and include rezoning of huge sections of your cities to Smart Growth zones. This physical manifestation of UN Agenda 21 is social engineering paid for with your property tax dollars.    These areas then have their property taxes diverted away from your services and into the pockets of a few developers and bond brokers for 30-45 years.  Result?  Bankrupt cities and counties.

[Read more…]

Farm Animals

By Tim Nerenz | March 27, 2012 |

They treat us like farm animals. We are not unique children of God to them; we are anonymous members of the herds they assign us to – cattle, hogs, sheep, geese, goats, chickens, according to our demographic voting patterns.  We are livestock to be managed, tended, and lorded over; they have chosen themselves to do the lording.

We are supposed to love them because they treat us well, clean our stalls, and keep slop in our trough.  We are not to think for ourselves, fend for ourselves, or do for ourselves.  We are supposed to stay in our pens, do what they say, go where they tell us, pay for their preferences, and be grateful we have them.

They tell us what we can eat, drink, smoke, wear, drive, say, read, listen to, learn, own, earn, sell, carry, shoot, join, worship, buy, insure, and protest.  They decide what work we can do, what it will pay, how we can raise our kids, who we can marry and how to breed, what businesses we can operate, and what our money is worth.

Read the full article here.
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