Report: 70 House Members to Call on DOJ to Investigate SWATting of Conservative Bloggers

By Liberty Chick | June 8, 2012 | Breitbart News

Earlier today, Breitbart News reported that the recent SWATting attacks on several political writers and commentators have been gaining traction in the mainstream media:

Today, CNN featured a story centering around CNN contributor and RedState managing editor Erick Erickson, the latest victim in a series of incidents in which an imposter mimics the phone number of a target, then calls the police and confesses to a violent crime. Such confessions often result in law enforcement personnel, many times special weapons and tactics teams (SWAT teams), responding to calls with full force, risking the life and health of the target. This tactic has been called SWATting by the FBI.

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CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest ‘Swating’ Attack

By Staff Report | May 27, 2012 | Breitbart News

 Erik Erickson, editor-in-chief of and a CNN political contributor, reports that he is the latest conservative to be “SWAT”ed.

Local police received a call from an individual claiming to be Erickson, stating that an accidental shooting had occurred at his home. Says Erickson, “Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway.”

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Do You Know What ‘Swatting’ is? Victims Tell Beck How They Were Targeted by Terrorist Brett Kimberlin. [Video]

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