Executive Privilege: The Most Transparent Administration in American History [Cartoon]

Hiding Something?

By A. F. Branco | June 21, 2012 | Conservative Daily News

View the original political cartoon here.

Hundreds of Mexicans Were Slaughtered: “If I were Hispanic, that would really tick me off.”

Wide Receiver vs. Fast and Furious

By Rush Limbaugh | June 22, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: I’ll tell you something else, folks, if I were Hispanic, you know what would really trouble me? To learn that the President of the United States had allowed assault weapons to be walked across the border to drug cartels and used to slaughter hundreds of Mexicans. If I were Hispanic, that would really tick me off.

“Holder lied, Mexicans died.”

We had a call at the end of the program yesterday from a woman who kept hearing that Democrats are blaming Bush for Fast and Furious. Speaking of which, you know how the Democrats hate guns, you know how the media hates guns. I mean, they laugh at, they make fun of people who hunt. John Kerry in the ’04 campaign going to some tackle and bait shop in Ohio and saying, “Is this where I get me a huntin’ license?” Come on.

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Nancy Pelosi: Queen of Planet Stupider [Video]

By Rush Limbaugh | June 22, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: This is Trey Gowdy. Trey Gowdy is from South Carolina. He’s a Republican on Darrell Issa’s committee. He was on last night with Greta Van Susteren, and she said: “Leader Pelosi [of the Planet Stupider] said this vote for contempt is a Republican plan to suppress the vote. Her theory, I guess, is you’re trying to get rid of the attorney general because he’s aggressively going out there fighting a suppression of the vote. What is your reaction to that?”

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Obama’s need for “Executive Privilege”

By Doug Hagmann | June 20, 2012 | Canada Free Press

“What did the President know and when did he know it?” –former senator Howard Baker about Richard Nixon during the Watergate hearings

It is interesting that it was exactly forty years ago this week that five “burglars” were caught inside the Watergate complex, setting off one of the most notorious presidential scandals in U.S. history. The events of June 17, 1972, resulted in the resignation of U.S. President Richard Nixon just over two years later. During that two years, the press was aggressive in its coverage and investigation, while the White House denied any involvement with, connection to, or knowledge of the incident.

During the two years following the arrests of the men caught inside the Watergate complex and until the White House could no longer suppress evidence behind the claims of “executive privilege,” the press and congressional investigators were relentless in determining “what Nixon knew and when he knew it.” How times have changed. [Read more…]

Issa on Cost of Fast and Furious Investigation: ‘Watergate Cost a Lot of Money Too’ [Video]

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) complained about the cost of the congressional investigation. Issa responded, “Watergate cost a lot of money too.”

Nancy Pelosi: Fringe Conspiracy Kook From Planet Stupider [Video]

Pelosi: Holder Contempt Vote is Part of Republican Voter Suppression Scheme

By Rush Limbaugh | June 21, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: We now have the official… it took a while, about 24 hours, the official Democrat Party response to the contempt citation voted by the committee yesterday against Eric Holder.  It comes from Nancy Pelosi.  This morning in Washington, this is what the former Speaker said this is all about.

PELOSI:  It’s really important to note how this is connected with some of their other decisions.  It is no accident, it is no coincidence, that the attorney general of the United States is the person responsible for making sure that voter suppression does not happen in our country. [Read more…]

Fast and Furious Falling Apart

By Russ Vaughn | June 21, 2012 | American Thinker

 When BATF agents first blew the whistle on what is now known as Operation Fast and Furious, the rationale offered by DoJ for such an evidently foolish operation was that it was designed to allow BATF to track and prosecute the leaders of the Mexican drug cartels.  As more information surfaced from the Mexican government and the BATF’s Mexican bureau chief specifying that none of them knew anything of this operation, many of us who were paying a bit closer attention to the case immediately smelled the first foul scent of corruption.

The fatal flaw in DoJ’s explanation was this: if the Mexican authorities had not been brought into the operation, nor even the BATF’s own agents authorized to operate in Mexico, then the proffered DoJ justification made utterly no sense, for the simple reason that once those walked guns hit the south side of that border, there was absolutely no process in place to track them to their supposed targets.  Therefore, DoJ was patently misrepresenting its motive.  Why?

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Border Patrol Group Representing 17,000 Agents Calls on Eric Holder to Resign Over Fast and Furious

By  | June 18, 2012 | The Blaze

National Border Patrol Council Calls on Attorney General Eric Holder to Resign Over Fast and Furious

Attorney General Eric Holder. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) is joining a growing chorus of groups and lawmakers calling for the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder for his part in the failed gunrunning operation known as “Fast and Furious,” the Washington Times reports.

The NBPC represents all 17,000 of the Border Patrol’s “nonsupervisory agents.”

Council President George E. McCubbin III said the attorney general’s handling of the case was “a slap in the face to all Border Patrol agents who serve this country.” He also said Holder  attorney has failed to provide any leadership within his department.

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Are We in Revolutionary Times?

By Victor Davis Hanson | June 15, 2012 | National Review

Legally, President Obama has reiterated the principle that he can pick and choose which U.S. laws he wishes to enforce (see his decision to reverse the order of the Chrysler creditors, his decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, and his administration’s contempt for national-security confidentiality and Senate and House subpoenas to the attorney general). If one individual can decide to exempt nearly a million residents from the law — when he most certainly could not get the law amended or repealed through proper legislative or judicial action — then what can he not do? Obama is turning out to be the most subversive chief executive in terms of eroding U.S. law since Richard Nixon.

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‘This is What a Dictator Does’- Beck Savages Obama’s Fiat on Illegal Immigrants [Video]

Read the full article here.

Michelle Malkin’s Online Revolution Frustrates Juan Williams

By John Nolte | June 14, 2012 | Breitbart News

Unfortunately for Juan Williams, hissy fits don’t budge facts. Not even hissy fits on a top cable news program like “Hannity” (see the video embedded below). Of course, Michelle Malkin is a reporter. And do you want to know who else is? James O’Keefe, Hannah Giles, Joel Pollak, Michael Patrick Leahy, and so many others that just thought of what they’re up against makes the corrupt media wet themselves.

Senator Cornyn to Holder: ‘Resign’ [Video]

By Staff Report | June 13, 2012 | CNS News

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Attorney General Eric Holder he should resign for reasons that included his failure to cooperate with Congress’ investigation of Operation Fast and Furious in which the administration allowed straw purchases to buy guns for Mexican drug cartels.

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Obama Thinks the Private Sector is Doing Fine and He Did NOT Walk It Back

By Rush Limbaugh | June 11, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH:  Barack Hussein Kardashian, the Celebrity of the United States, went out for a press conference, impromptu on Friday. A State-Controlled Media reporter said, “What about the Republicans saying that you’re blaming the Europeans for the failures of your own policies?”

OBAMA: The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government — oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, governors or mayors.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I think that he meant to say exactly what he said. I don’t see a problem here. The private sector, as far as he’s concerned, is doing fine. If he thinks that the public sector is losing jobs, that’s a problem. If there are fewer government workers, that’s a major problem to Barack Obama. As far as he’s concerned, the private sector’s fine. And as far as he’s concerned, the way he’s been educated and taught, the private sector’s always just gonna be there.

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Report: 70 House Members to Call on DOJ to Investigate SWATting of Conservative Bloggers

By Liberty Chick | June 8, 2012 | Breitbart News

Earlier today, Breitbart News reported that the recent SWATting attacks on several political writers and commentators have been gaining traction in the mainstream media:

Today, CNN featured a story centering around CNN contributor and RedState managing editor Erick Erickson, the latest victim in a series of incidents in which an imposter mimics the phone number of a target, then calls the police and confesses to a violent crime. Such confessions often result in law enforcement personnel, many times special weapons and tactics teams (SWAT teams), responding to calls with full force, risking the life and health of the target. This tactic has been called SWATting by the FBI.

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Ed Klein on Clinton, Kenya, Wright–and Obama

By Joel B. Pollak | June 8, 2012 | Breitbart News

On Tuesday, against the backdrop of the Wisconsin recall election, Breitbart News interviewed Ed Klein, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White HouseWe discussed Klein’s own politics, his methods in researching his subject, and the reasons the mainstream media failed to vet the president when it first had the opportunity during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Obama and Stalin: How They’re Alike

By Robert Ringer | May 30, 2012 | WND

Exclusive: Robert Ringer sees both leaders as soulless beneficiaries of propaganda

There have been scores of books that have attempted to pull the media mask off of Barack Obama and reveal the naked communist that resides within him. Some, like Dinesh D’Souza’s “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” and Stanley Kurtz’s “Radical-in-Chief,” have been especially revealing.

None of these works, however, has come as close to entrapping the purveyor of the biggest political scam in U.S. history as Edward Klein’s new book, “The Amateur.” I have to admit I was surprised when I saw that the book had risen to No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list, even though the far-left media have virtually ignored it.

But give credit where credit is due. The New York Times, as it has done throughout its long history, once again placed the integrity of its industry-standard best-seller list above its ideological beliefs.

Though they are trying hard not to acknowledge the existence of Klein’s book, the left-wing media by now must be quietly apoplectic – especially when reading about Klein’s tell-all, three-hour interview with Jeremiah Wright. Among other revelations, Wright told Klein he was offered $150,000 by an Obama surrogate to keep his mouth shut during Obama’s run for president.

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War in the White House: Attorney General Eric Holder and top Obama adviser David Axelrod ‘had to be separated’

By  | June 3, 2012 | The Telegraph

Eric Holder, Barack Obama's attorney general and David Axelrod, his top political adviser had to be separated after squaring up during a furious row over attempts to impose White House operatives in the justice department.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Photo: AFP

Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s attorney general and David Axelrod, his top political adviser had to be separated after squaring up during a furious row over attempts to impose White House operatives in the justice department.

 Eric Holder, who heads Mr Obama’s justice department, is said to have become “incensed” after being accused by David Axelrod of complaining publicly about political interference in his office.

Carl Gallups: Florida Defies Eric Holder by Removing Ineligible Voters From Voter-Registration Rolls [Video]

Breitbart News: Media Ties Romney to Trump, Ignores Obama-Sharpton Connection

By John Nolte | May 29, 2012 | Breitbart News

As I mentioned in my piece this morning examining the organized narrative the media built over the weekend to aid Obama and damage Romney, the primary push was going to be to tie Romney to Donald Trump. Because Trump is still pushing the discredited “birther” conspiracy surrounding Obama’s place of birth, the corrupt media feels it can hurt our likely GOP nominee by either tying him to a “racist extremist” or by threatening him with this distraction until he backs down and repudiates Trump.

The NDAA: Just one more link in the chain of tyranny [Video]

By James Corbett | January 15, 2012 | Corbett Report

Each year, the United States Department of Defense budget and expenditures are approved by Congress, which must pass a National Defense Authorization Act in order to fund the DoD.

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Obama Meets His Nemesis

By J.R. Dunn | May 4, 2012 | American Thinker

 As the Greeks saw it, “nemesis” was an abstract force (personified by the goddess of divine justice of the same name) aimed directly at the destruction of a single individual.  It is nemesis that brings down the heroes of the tragedies.  A force that builds up over years, inescapable, inevitable, and in large part created by the hero’s own actions.  Nemesis is very much the Western equivalent of karma.  It is a form of divine payback, which, we are told, is a bitch.

Nemesis is what is taking down Barack Obama.  Not politics as such, not the actions of his opponents — at least not yet — not any disaster or setback in the world as a whole.  Obama is in the process of being ablated as the result of his own actions, born from his own personal flaws.  There’s a certain type of personality that constructs a life out of the nurturing and protecting its own failings rather than attempting to resolve or overcome them.  This is the only formula that is required to understand Barack Obama.

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Deputy Attorney General Writes Letter Responding to Issa’s Contempt Charges

By Mary Chastain | May 16, 2012 | Breitbart News

Deputy Attorney General James Cole has sent a letter to Representative Darrell Issa about the contempt citation against his boss Attorney General Eric Holder concerning documents related to Operation Fast & Furious. It’s 15 pages filled with the usual excuses and lies from the DOJ about how they have cooperated with and fulfilled the subpoena from October 2011.

There’s a problem with that claim: the Committee subpoenaed almost 80,000 pages. The DOJ has given them almost 7,000.

He writes, “Furthermore, we believe that the core questions posed by the Committee about Operation Fast and Furious.” He continues, “Accordingly, the Department has provided the Committee with documents and information showing how the inappropriate tactics in Fast and Furious, Wide Receiver and other operations under review came to be employed.” If this is true, then how come we still do not know who thought up Fast & Furious and, more importantly, who approved it? The DOJ has all the documents, so they should know. How come no one has been held accountable for Fast & Furious? These people have blood on their hands, and the American people who fund their entire department can’t even get a name out of them.

A lot of the documents the Committee has in its possession are redacted, rendering them useless. Mr. Cole repeated DOJ claims that the other documents are sensitive but failed to tell about the Committee’s efforts to accommodate the DOJ. In Mr. Issa’s contempt citation he wrote (his emphasis), “Committee staff has viewed documents responsive to the subpoena that the Department has identified as sensitive in camera at Department headquarters.” Then Mr. Issa wrote about a privilege log, which “would outline the documents withheld and the specific grounds for withholding.” Despite the Committee offering this accommodation the DOJ has yet to give one.

Mr. Cole also insisted there is not a cover-up. “Far from reflecting a ‘cover-up,’ as some have claimed, the lack of documents makes clear that these tactics had their origin in the field of Arizona and not among Department leaders in Washington.” Mr. Issa’s contempt citation proved how deep Fast & Furious went within the DOJ.

From a committee spokesperson:

Read the full article here.

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Why the Left Dropped the Trayvon Story

By Rush Limbaugh | May 16, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: Developments in the Trayvon Martin case, and you’d be hard-pressed to find these developments out there.  There have been two dramatic developments in the Trayvon Martin shooting case.  According to ABC News, George Zimmerman’s family doctor saw him the morning after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.  Here’s what George Zimmerman’s doctor found: A broken nose, two black eyes, bruises on his face and lip, two cuts on the back of his head, and a back injury.

The NBC affiliate in Florida is reporting that the medical director who performed the autopsy on Trayvon Martin found only two injuries on his body:  the gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.  Welcome to the Duke lacrosse case all over again.  Everything Zimmerman said about what happened to him turns out to be true after the media trying to cast him along with the civil rights coalitions of this country, the race-baiters, as abject lies. (interruption) What do you mean, not rush to judgment?  It’s been two months.  I’m not speculating.  I’m telling you what the doctor said.  There’s no speculation going on.  The doctor is not speculating.  The doctor did the exam the day after the incident happened.  It’s all been suppressed.  Nobody’s reported it.  That’s the point.  And there wasn’t even any media curiosity about it.

Now, I’m not a forensic scientist, and I don’t guess on matters like this. I don’t have to guess; the facts are here.  It’s kind of hard not to connect the dots.  Now, all of this information is coming out.  You know why it’s coming out?  Because we’re in the discovery phase of the Zimmerman trial, where each side has to show the other side what evidence they have.  But you really have to wonder here, folks, why none of this came out before in the prosecutor’s charging affidavit.  Can we go back to that?  The charging affidavit, which, remember Dershowitz at Harvard said it was an embarrassment that wouldn’t survive the first inspection by a judge, but it did.  But he said it was pathetic, it was unprofessional.

I happened to report what Dershowitz said and my own affiliate in Jacksonville called the attorney’s office, “What do you think about what Limbaugh said about your charging document?”  None of this is in the charging document, or the affidavit.  I thought that the state was obligated, or obliged, anyway, to provide all the relevant details in a case to the judge, but apparently I was mistaken.  But, anyway, as I said, ladies and gentlemen, the news media seem to be ignoring these developments.  I mean they’re out there, touched on a little bit by ABC.  But the news that I just gave you has barely been mentioned on the cable news channels.  I don’t watch it, but I’m told that MSNBC only got around to reporting this about an hour ago, and they ran a banner at the bottom of the screen that said, “Proof of self-defense?  Trayvon Martin family lawyer calls medical report suspicious.”

So the doctor puts out a report, Zimmerman’s doctor, and now MSNBC is saying he might be a liar.  And they have to because they gotta cover their own rear ends the way they reported this. (interruption) I don’t know if Zimmerman’s doctor is a white Hispanic, Mr. Snerdley.  But you really have to wonder here when the news media began to lose interest in the Trayvon Martin story, ’cause you know they did.  They lost interest.  They were going 150 miles an hour on this story, and then all of a sudden they dropped it like a hot potato, and you have to wonder why they did that.  Was it when they found out that George Zimmerman is actually Hispanic and a Democrat to boot?  Was it when Trayvon Martin’s gangsta-like tweets surfaced along with the more recent photos of him with his gold teeth?  Maybe the news media is just afraid of whipping up racial… no, they do like to whip up racial strife.  But they didn’t even proceed under that rubric.  They just dropped this case like a hot potato.

Read the full article here.

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“Bad Big Daddy”

By William R. Mann | May 12, 2012 | Canada Free Press

“The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

God Bless Joan Swirsky for her recent Canada Free Press article, “Bad Mommy.” It is wonderful compendium about how America missed or ignored the signals of a growing Marxist menace in America.

Radical Feminism was but one prong on a fork of efforts, coordinated generations long ago of subterfuge with which to overlay our Republic with Communism. Just as Ulysses men were nearly overcome by the effects of eating the Lotus on their way back for their victory over Troy, so Americans must reject the multicultural, Progressive vision of this faux Collectivist Utopia. Behold Ulysses’ task:

“I was driven thence by foul winds for a space of 9 days upon the sea, but on the tenth day we reached the land of the Lotus-eaters, who live on a food that comes from a kind of flower. Here we landed to take in fresh water, and our crews got their mid-day meal on the shore near the ships. When they had eaten and drunk I sent two of my company to see what manner of men the people of the place might be, and they had a third man under them. They started at once, and went about among the Lotus-Eaters, who did them no hurt, but gave them to eat of the lotus, which was so delicious that those who ate of it left off caring about home, and did not even want to go back and say what had happened to them, but were for staying and munching lotus with the Lotus-eaters without thinking further of their return; nevertheless, though they wept bitterly I forced them back to the ships and made them fast under the benches. Then I told the rest to go on board at once, lest any of them should taste of the lotus and leave off wanting to get home, so they took their places and smote the grey sea with their oars.” – The Odyssey by Homer

It was obvious to the American and International Reds early-on that America would never be won over to Communism by threat, intimidation, or war. Like “Mack the Knife,” Liberalism has erringly flashed its collectivist “pearly whites” at us once too often. The hard working folks of America are waking up. But back in the Depression only the wary, cautious traditionalists and conservatives saw the warnings, or manned the political barricades. In their day, Conservatism was slandered continuously for 50 years until the election of Ronald Reagan, himself a convert from the lies of the New Deal. Conservatism has only recently become a popular choice.

Read and understand what happened to the earlier alarm-bell ringers:

  • Franklin Roosevelt’s sycophants derided anyone who questioned the New Deal Statism. The New Deal was a rush to political gibberish. FDR, himself, could not even understand the Keynesian economic nonsense. But the Progressive Left [aka Marxists Socialists] forced it into mainstream political-economic thought by constantly calling into question “the failure of Free Enterprise” and supply & demand economics, and by blaming Herbert Hoover. In Foreign Policy, anyone who dared question the Fellow Traveler dalliances and sympathies of FDR’s favorite envoys, Harry Hopkins or Averill Harriman,  were branded themselves as unpatriotic “crackpots” [a favorite derisive term of the Left then and now. In psychology that is called Projection].
  • Liberals were apoplectic over Ronald Reagan’s cooperation with Congress [as President of the Screen Actors Guild] to investigate Hollywood film-making. Oh … how terrible, that the average American’s Patriotism is so “jingoistic and fascistic” as to deny a multiplicity of visions in film for American Society! “Blacklisting” people who want to subvert and destroy America as founded is now a bad thing and this term is still constantly used by the Left against the Right [again … Projection]
  • Then-Congressman Richard Nixon and his House Committee staff were vilified for decades by the Liberal and Progressive Left for going after, and convicting, the State Department darling [and Soviet Agent] Alger Hiss for perjury. Even after Hiss’ treason was confirmed through old KGB files after the fall of the USSR, the Left still denied that Hiss was a Communist. But the Left “got” their old enemies, Richard Nixon and Roy Cohn, in the end. It took them thirty more years, but the Left “destroyed” their old foes.
  • Similarly, the Press and the Establishment distorted, maligned and chewed up the likes of Whitaker Chambers, Senator Joe McCarthy and anyone else who dared to question infiltration of Cabinets and Agencies by “active and sleeper” Communist Agents in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. This time around, defending traditional American values was called Red-Baiting. Does this mean that what the Left does is “Patriot Baiting?” Joe McCarthy, by alerting the American Public to the intrusion of anti-Democratic ideas, methods and goals by Communist Agents, Dupes and Useful Idiots in Film, Society, the Media, and Public Service, was widely applauded by the public at first, until the Leftist Press decided enough was enough. Joe McCarthy “had to go.” So, the Progressive Machine turned its fury on McCarthy and drove him out of Public Service and into oblivion. Historical revelation since then has shown that McCarthy was largely correct in his assertions. Government was thoroughly infiltrated by Soviet agents as captured or acquired old Soviet Documents showed.
  • American Academia is a bastion of admirers of Comrades Lenin and Stalin. They teach that Communism has a Right wing and a Left Wing [guess which one is bad Communism]. Further they say Communism and Socialism fails only because it has not yet been used to transform a fully developed, bourgeois Capitalist Society like the United States. Their propagation of Communist methodology and theory, posing as collegiate higher education, has stripped education of its rigors. It has instead substituted slavish regurgitation of emotional utopian Socialist dogma. The hard, true academic work of reading, research, recall, assembly, evaluation, proposition and coherent expression of ideas is all but non-existent. Instead, they foist a flawed social science methodology called “Scientific Communism” [though Leftists would substitute the term “Progressivism”] which chooses desired outcomes and then forces data and evaluation to fit the thesis.
  • Fast forward to what is happening today to Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has dared to investigate the gaps and possible forgeries in Mr. Obama’s personal identity and public records. Obama’s Attorney General, the tainted Eric Holder [i.e., Ruby Ridge, Waco, Elian Gonzales, Black Panther Intimidation, Operation Gun-Runner connections] has charged Arpaio with profiling Hispanics as Illegal Aliens. What a convenient distraction and a lesson to all who would challenge monolithic Obamism. Now think about how weird such a charge is in Arizona, when the Feds will not secure the Border. This is now is the typical patter. Here is the Internationalist response by this Administration to securing our Borders and our National Security Interests: Persecute the Citizen, traditional American institutions, and American religions that threaten the Obama “Fundamental Transformation of America!”

Read the full article here.

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Obama’s Plan to Destroy the Republic

By Erik Rush | May 10, 2012 | WND

Exclusive: Erik Rush explains ongoing steps that culminate in martial law

On April 23, Doug Hagmann exposed Canada Free Press readers to the theory that simmering social unrest in America and (to a slightly lesser extent) across the globe is “not due to Obama’s inexperience or failed policies. Rather, it is the direct result of the implementation of his successful policies.”

I’ve been saying this for some time, but I was still gratified to hear Hagmann say it, and that his column and May 7 followup piece gleaned significant exposure. Attributing his information to an anonymous insider, Hagmann outlines how the Obama administration is covertly utilizing prominent agitators among the political left to incite chaos, and eventually violence, based on racial and class factors, while the administration continues to sabotage America’s economic engine. The latter efforts are also intended to catalyze widespread civil unrest.

Implementation of this plan is, according to Hagmann’s source, being carried out via Obama’s unelected czars and heavily involves the Department of Homeland Security. From lower-level DHS agents making payments to street-level agitators, to former green energy czar Van Jones mentoring Occupy leaders, to coordination with political allies such as the New Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, the administration has all bases covered. Cultural balkanization and another heavy hit to the economy are calculated to result in unprecedented rioting and finally widespread public pandemonium followed by implementation of martial law.

The objectives here are personal power for Obama, of course, and a coalescing of the federal government’s authority; the goal, the destruction of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.

Like the class-warfare issue, the racial component is only a part of the agenda, but this being America, it is a significant one. In the operational sense, it is both a sad irony and potentially very dangerous that the left has managed to grow up a crop of black Americans who are as ignorant, belligerent and destructive as white bigots of bygone days falsely contended.

Based on who and what I knew Obama to be – and I knew this well before he was elected – when he did win the presidency, my immediate thought was This is one mother****er who’s going to do his level best to stay in office permanently.

When I called Obama a communist in 2008 and 2009, even conservatives giggled, but it made perfect sense to me. Everyone of significance in the man’s life had either been a card-carrying communist, or their worldview was principally based on Marxism. The Black Liberation Theology (effectively an oxymoron) in which Obama was schooled for 20 years has its roots in Marxism, as does the social justice doctrine to which he, his minions and their useful liberal idiots so dearly adhere.

Read the full article here.

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A New Declaration of Independence

By Eileen F. Toplansky | April 28, 2012 | American Thinker

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary to ensure that a President, who has led the country to near ruin and who is working to discard the basic principles upon which this Great Country rests, be peaceably removed it is incumbent upon us that we submit the reasons to the people.

Without any in-depth research or vetting about his background, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States.  There were voices of caution who early on exposed Obama’s connections to former terrorist Bill Ayers, anti-American vilifier Reverend Wright, crook Tony Rezko, and anti-Semite Rashid Khalidi, but they were laughed at as the people allowed themselves to be demagogued on hope and change.  Evidence continues to suggest that Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate is, indeed, a forgery.  This would make his presidential eligibility suspect.

Thus, the American people are at a critical watershed moment in our history.  The facts are in; Obama’s ideology and core principles are now public and exist for all to see.  We can no longer claim ignorance; we can no longer be naïve; we can no longer deny what is patently before us.  The record of this current president is a “history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these United States.  To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

Mr. Obama has “given himself the powers to declare martial law[.]  It is a sweeping power grab that should worry every American.”  Thus, “Barack Obama is very dangerous, the apotheosis of an insidious strain of authoritarianism that destroys from within.”  In a statement published on December 31, 2011, Mr. Obama states that “[t]oday I have signed into law H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012.”  Though he claims that he has “signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists,” it was Mr. Obama who “demanded the removal of any and all protections for US citizens and legal residents.”

And like King George III, Obama has now established the distinct possibility of placing “[s]tanding armies without the Consent of our legislatures” — although sadly, in this case, the Senate passed this unwholesome disgrace.  King George III would be pleased.

In fact, Mr. Obama sees fit to bypass the “pesky” Constitution whenever it suits him, thus ignoring limited-government tenets which were at the core of the Founding Fathers’ belief system.  Thus, the NDAA detention mandate allows indefinite military detention not just to foreigners; now “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority.”

In fact, should Mr. Obama be re-elected to a second term, “our rights to speech, religion and property, and to privacy in our persons and homes, will be transformed.”  Mr. Obama has already “hectored Christianity on matters of conscience.”  Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as ObamaCare, Mr. Obama is forcing Catholic institutions to pay for insurance covering contraceptives.  Why, when “religious liberty was weighed against access to birth control, did freedom lose?” — a clear intrusion into the first of the five protections of the First Amendment.  Bishop Daniel Jenky has likened President Obama’s health care policies to the attacks on the Catholic church by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin of yesteryear.  Dare we go down that totalitarian road again?

The onslaught against free speech has been heightened because of the “cooperation between [Mr. Obama] and the OIC or Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”  The “Obama administration stands ‘united’ with the OIC on speech issues,” thus silencing Arab reformers and anyone who makes any allegedly negative remarks about Islam.  The “repressive practices” of the OIC member-nations speak volumes about their restrictions on free speech.  Hence, “the encroachment of de facto blasphemy restrictions in the West threatens free speech and the free exchange of ideas.”  That an American president would threaten this most fundamental right is yet another resounding reason why he needs to be removed from office.

In December of 2009, Nat Hentoff, a nationally renowned authority on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights, asserted that “[i]f congressional Democrats succeed in passing their health-care ‘reform’ measure to send to the White House for President Obama’s signature, then they and he are determining your health decisions[.]” Thus, “these functionaries making decisions about your treatment and, in some cases, about the extent of your life span, have never met you[.]  Is this America?”  Hentoff concludes his piece with the revelation “I’m scared and I do mean to scare you.  We do not elect the president and Congress to decide how short our lives will be.”

Thus, we still hold “these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  And “whenever any Form of Government becomes  destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles … as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”  We do not declare violent revolution but do demand the secure right to change the government through the ballot box.

But even this fundamental right is being seriously eroded as the Department of Justice openly and arrogantly dismisses genuine cases of voter intimidation with nary a word of concern by Barack Obama.  Although there is visual proof and  evidence of threats to the voting public as well as exhortations of death threats to a man on trial, Attorney General Eric Holder turns a blind eye.

By his selective indifference, Mr. Obama has created a racially divisive atmosphere in America.  He continues to promote this hateful attitude wherein the civil rights progress made in this country for all its citizens is ignored.  Surely, Mr. Obama has “excited domestic insurrections amongst us” as he engages in racial divisionclass warfare, and phony gender wars.  If Mr. Obama is, indeed, so interested in the rights of women, then why does he support Islamic sharia law, which demands second-class status for women?  These diversions serve to stir up resentments; unfortunately, they are successful in obfuscating the shameless actions of this 44th president.

Mr. Obama is not content with taking the country down the path to “European socialism.”  His centralized control of the health care industry, his increases in entitlement programs, his redistribution of capital — in fact, his sweeping regulations that give the government new authority to control the entire financial sector — are reminiscent of Karl Marx’s 10-Point Agenda, and although communism was unknown in 1775, the signatories of the Declaration knew of the absolute power of the monarchy and would see through the oligarchic nature of this “ism.”

Amazingly, Mr. Obama has assured Russian leaders (who have gained their power through rigged elections) that American concessions are coming their way, but they [the Russian leaders] must wait because he is seeking re-election and he dare not tell his own people of his true intentions.  What credible reason would a loyal American president have for weakening American and allies’ defense systems?  During the open microphone conversation between Obama and Medvedev, a puppet of KGB Putin, the world learned whose interests Obama was truly serving.  Surely, this is “enough to chill friends and allies, democrats and dissidents, all over the world.”

Furthermore, Obama has “obstructed the Administration of Justice[,]” instead pitting one group against the other through “waivers.”  If ObamaCare is so laudable, why extend waivers in the first place?  In fact, it is yet another example of how manipulative Mr. Obama is when he tries to make the people “dependent on his will alone.”

Mr. Obama has ignored the laws of our country to impose an arbitrary and capricious rule of law by outside forces.  He finds it more expedient to pit the federal government against an American state which is trying only to enforce federal immigration law.  To this end, Mr. Obama has seen fit to “subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution[,]” which was so clearly enumerated in the Declaration of Independence as reason to reject King George III.   By issuing a Universal Period Review (UPR), the first of its kind, Mr. Obama has given the United Nations the right to dictate to Arizona.  Thus, the “stakes for our national sovereignty have just been raised.”  Despotic countries of the United Nations have now been empowered to dictate how Americans should conduct themselves.  Is this not reminiscent of King George III “waging war against us”?

Moreover, the Obama State Department ordered the “suspension of routine border inspection procedures in order to whisk (Muslim Brotherhood) Islamists into our country.  Thus, Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party did not have to go through the normal procedures of inspection.  Recall that the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission statement is “Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”  Negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood is akin to negotiating with the dictator Hitler.  It is appeasement all the way.  Why does the Obama administration cavort with such people?  Does this not make him unfit to defend the interests of America?

Read the full article here.

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Obama’s Second Term Transformation Plans

By Steve McCann | May 8, 2012 | American Thinker

The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860.  This statement is not hyperbole.  If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind.

The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama’s first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of “transforming America” in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress.   That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders.

The most significant accomplishment of Obama’s first term is to make Congress irrelevant.  Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.

During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congress and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch.

The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration.  This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write.

For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they “shall” do something and more than 200 times when they “may” take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action.  On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the “Secretary determines.”  In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.

Read the full article here.

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Unprecedented: Top DOJ Officials Were Obama Bundlers With Wall Street Ties

By Peter Schweizer & Wynton Hall | May 8, 2012 | Breitbart

 Four of the top officials at the Department of Justice were all big money fundraisers for President Obama’s 2008 campaign with strong ties to Wall Street—the very entity the Obama Administration has said must be criminally prosecuted for bringing about the biggest financial crisis in U.S. history.

  • Attorney General Eric Holder: formerly of Covington & Burling law firm, in 2008 Holder himself represented big banks such as UBS and MBNA Bank. Holder was Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign co-chairman and raised $50,000 for the president’s campaign.
  • Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli: a managing partner at Jenner and Block law firm, whose clients include Merrill Lynch, Perrelli stepped down from his number-three position at DOJ in March. A former member of Obama’s National Campaign Finance Committee, Perrelli bundled $500,000 in campaign contributions.
  • Deputy Associate Attorney General Karol Mason: Karol Mason of Alston & Bird previously chaired the firm’s public finance group. She also bundled $500,000 for Obama. Holder awarded her a “Distinguished Service Award” for her work at the Department of Justice. Now, after almost three years at the Department of Justice, she has returned to Alston & Bird to work on their real estate finance and capital markets group.
  • Associate Attorney General Tony West: West was a partner at Morrison and Foerster law firm, whose clients include MF Global, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America. West was also co-chairman of Obama’s campaign and, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, “was instrumental in helping the candidate raise an estimated $65 million in California.” Formerly the head of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, West is now number three at the DOJ and bundled $500,000 for the president’s campaign.

Despite Holder and Obama’s “get tough” rhetoric against Wall Street, to date, there has not been a single criminal charge filed by the federal government against any top executive of the elite financial institutions.

Read the full article here.

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The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

By James Simpson | May 8, 2012 | Accuracy in Media

This report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

The Left seeks fundamental structural change to our entire form of government. In keeping with their amoral, means-justifies-ends philosophy, they will register any voters, dead or alive, legal or illegal, who will then vote as many times as possible, in order to establish a “permanent progressive majority.” As two New York Democrats recently caught in a vote fraud scandal told police, “voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections…”

Low income individuals are the perfect dupes for this strategy. An expanding welfare state makes them increasingly dependent on government benefits, a development that guarantees their vote for liberal-left candidates. At the same time, people with marginal attachment to society may be less inclined to report illegal activity at the polls—or actually participate. The “victim” narrative promoted in popular culture and press may even encourage such behavior. Meanwhile, a growing tax burden and public debt suck private enterprise dry—pushing ever more people onto the dole.

Politicians of both parties are not above engaging in vote fraud. But this kind of corruption is relegated to individual campaigns or areas where corrupt political establishments have been able to develop unchallenged. It is not a systematic component of overall national strategy, as it is with the Left.

This strategy has been under development for decades. They have constructed an entire industry devoted to this task and pursue a multifaceted strategy to accomplish it:

1. Swamp election officials with overwhelming numbers of registrations at the last possible minute, a huge proportion of which are deliberately fraudulent, in order to create systematic chaos. This accomplishes numerous goals:

  • Makes verification of registrations difficult, given the small size and limited budgets of state and local election offices.
  • Provides multiple opportunities for vote fraud.
  • Throws the entire voting process into question, providing pretext for lawsuits where concessions may be obtained from election officials.
  • When election officials challenge registrations, they are accused of “voter suppression.” This in turn serves complementary goals:
    • Charge of “voter suppression” reinforces the Left’s narrative about America as an oppressive, “racist” country.
    • Publicity and lawsuits intimidate election officials, who settle on terms favorable to the Left.

2. Activists sue state authorities for “voter suppression,” creating further chaos and pressuring them to become de facto taxpayer-funded voter registration operations;

3. Eric Holder’s Justice Department tacitly supports voter intimidation tactics, sues states and backs private lawsuits, and resists reform as “voter suppression.”

4. Leftist echo chamber discredits allegations of vote fraud, supports “suppression” theme, and promotes advantageous legislation.

The ultimate goal is a systematized, taxpayer-funded voting machinery that will guarantee maximum participation from the Left’s voting demographic while undermining the ability to manage elections and prevent fraud.

The ACORN Swamping Method

Key to understanding the Left’s vote-fraud strategy is the community organizing group ACORN. ACORN has become synonymous with corruption, complicity in the subprime mortgage crisis and especially vote fraud.

ACORN and its voter registration arm, Project Vote, hire marginal and unskilled workers at very low rates and use incentive bonuses or quotas to encourage them to collect as many voter registrations as possible. The resulting flood of registrations are fraught with duplicates, errors and omissions, and a large number are overtly fraudulent, including names like “Donald Duck,” “Mickey Mouse,” “Tony Romo” of the Dallas Cowboysetc.[2] According to MatthewVadum, the senior editor at Capital Research Center, a total of 400,000 bogus ACORN registrations were thrown out in 2008 alone.

ACORN was supposedly disbanded in 2010 but resurrected itself under a slew of new names. Former ACORN President Bertha Lewis bragged that they created “…18 bulletproof community-organizing Frankensteins…” These are reproduced in the table below. Most of these groups occupy former ACORN offices, many with the same staff.

ACORN is directly connected to Obama and the Democratic Party. Counsel to The Advance Group, a strategic planning company, is Michael GaspardPatrick Gaspard’s brother. Patrick is currently the DNC’s executive director and President Obama’s former political director. He has worked for ACORN, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Working Families Party, a descendant of the ACORN-founded New Party which Barack Obama joined in 1996. Obama has bragged of “fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.”

ACORN’s former deputy regional director, Amy Busefink was convicted in 2010 of vote fraud stemming from a 2008 Nevada case. Judicial Watch found that, “while under criminal indictment in Nevada… [Busefink] managed an online program for Project Vote’s 2010 Colorado campaign, the ultimate goal of which is to allow people without a driver’s license or state identification to register to vote online.” Busefink is now national field director for Project Vote.

Barack Obama established his organizing bona fides with Project Vote in 1992, when he registered 150,000 Illinois voters.

Zach Polett (courtesy Anita MonCrief)

Project Vote was created and run for years by Zach Polett, who bragged that he trained Barack Obama in 1992 and said of Obama, “ACORN produces leaders.” Polett is listed in Manta.com as president of Voting for America, one of Project Vote’s former names, although his name is not on Project Vote’s website. Calls to that listing roll into a voice mail identifying the organizations as “CSI.” Polett’s extension is #3. CSI is the acronym for Citizens Services Inc., another supposedly defunct ACORN group that was used to hide over $800,000 paid by candidate Obama to ACORN in 2008.

This kind of duplicitous activity reflects a deliberate methodology. ACORN is a criminal organization.

The Cloward Piven Strategy

ACORN is the face of vote fraud, but its intellectual foundation is the Cloward Piven Strategy. Sociology professors Richard Cloward (Columbia University) and Frances Fox Piven (CUNY) were founding members of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Cloward died in 2001 but Piven lives on.

Richard Cloward

In 1966 Cloward and Piven penned an article for The Nation magazine titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” They posited that if the poor were organized into street armies to demand all welfare benefits available to them, they could overwhelm and crash the system.

It became known as the “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” and is credited with expanding welfare rolls 151 percent between 1965 and 1974 and bringing New York City to the brink of bankruptcy in 1975.

The Issue is Never the Issue

The Left’s solution to everything is socialism, although they are usually careful not to name it, instead identifying issues that seemingly only their policies can redress. But “the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution” as David Horowitz has explained. The “issues” are mere distractions.

Cloward and Piven initially claimed to be agitating for a “guaranteed national income.” Such a policy is plainly unsustainable; however, it would institutionalize their strategy, creating an enormous, permanent drag on the whole economy precipitating an even larger crash later on. Cloward and Piven’s true goal was to find any instrument to institutionalize their orchestrated anarchy, and poor people were the tool.

Wade Rathke, a veteran of those early efforts, was mentored by Cloward and Piven. Rathke and other radicals created a new organization, ACORN,and sought ways to further extend the Strategy.

White House ACORN photo: Bill Clinton center; Wade Rathke third to his left; Zach Polett in lower left-hand corner. Courtesy Anita MonCrief

With passage of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN and other activist groups got in the housing business. They began pushing banks to offer high-risk mortgage loans to low/no income borrowers. The Clinton administration aggressively ramped up the effort. To encourage lenders and investors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac underwrote the risk. Since its passage, CRA lending has exceeded $6 trillion.[ii] The mortgage crisis was Cloward-Piven on steroids.[2]

Meanwhile, Cloward and Piven had not been idle. In 1982 they created the Human Service Employees Registration and Voter Education Fund (Human SERVE) to build political momentum for a law that would turn state motor vehicle and welfare agencies into low-income voter registration offices.

National Voter Registration Act

Motor Voter Signing Ceremony – Cloward in light grey suit, Piven in green. Source: the White House

Throughout the 1980s, Human SERVE field-tested legal and political strategies to promote this plan. The fruits of its labor were finally realized with “Motor Voter,” the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), signed into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind President Clinton.

The NVRA requires motor vehicle, military recruiting, public assistance and other state and local offices to offer voter-registration services.

The NVRA has become a beacon for vote fraud. Its minimal verification requirements opened the door to ACORN-style massive voter registration fraud, and in the confusion provide blanket opportunities for vote fraud.

Voter ID laws have become critically important. According to a Pew report, approximately 24 million or 12.5 percent of voter registrations nationally are either invalid or inaccurate, including about 1.8 million deceased individuals, and 2.75 million with multiple-state registrations.

And while the NRVA has provisions for purging the rolls in Section 8, they require a complex, process spanning multiple election cycles. In some cases, the NRVA replaced better mechanisms already in use. Many states have simply not followed these procedures with any regularity. The Left ignores all this, focusing on enforcing NRVA’s Section 7.

Section 7 Lawsuits

While capitalizing on the vote fraud swamping strategy enabled by the NVRA, ACORN, Project Vote and others sue states that don’t aggressively execute the voter registration activities required by Section 7 of the law. The narrative is always “voter suppression,” and settlements have forced state agencies to become de facto low income voter registration drives.

Not only must states develop, maintain and execute plans for assuring comprehensive registration, they are forced to report regularly to ACORN lawyers. A 2009 settlement between ACORN and Missouri’s Department of Social Services is illustrative. DSS must:

  • Create an NVRA State Coordinator position
  • Designate an NVRA Site Coordinator for Family Support Division offices
  • Keep detailed records of client visits and registration activities
  • Immediately send a letter offering registration to any individual who “may not have been given the opportunity to register…”
  • Report detailed compliance data to plaintiff lawyers every month.
  • State coordinator’s performance measured by NVRA compliance
  • ACORN will receive $450,000 in settlement.

In these settlements, ACORN effectively assumes an executive role over state agencies. Notably, there is no corollary requirement to ascertain the legality of registrations or to clean up the rolls.

Project Vote has taken recent actions against Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, and New Mexico. They just announced their intention to sue Pennsylvania.

Project Vote formed agreements with Colorado in 2008 and 2010. According to Judicial Watch, after Project Vote’s involvement “the percentage of invalid voter registration forms from Colorado public assistance agencies was four times the national average.”

Though largely unnoticed until now, this litigation tactic has been used since the 1980s, when Human SERVE’s legal allies sued state authorities for settlements creating localized versions of Motor Voter.

While capitalizing on the vote swamping strategy enabled by Motor Voter, ACORN and Project Vote picked up the torch for SERVE, which closed its doors in 2000. Frances Fox Piven serves today on Project Vote’s Board of Directors. Significantly, President Obama has named the voter registration initiative of his reelection effort “Project Vote.”

Piven also has many other connections to Obama.  She was a founding member of Progressives for Obama. Her Democratic Socialists of America bragged that it was responsible for the success of Obama’s “ground game” in 2008. Piven was one of 130 founding members of the radical left Campaign for America’s Future. Many CAF members also sit on the board of the Apollo Alliance, the executor of Obama’s “Green” jobs initiative.

DOJ and ACORN Team Up for 2012

Judicial Watch obtained several documents showing coordination between DOJ, Project Vote and the White House.[i] In one email, Project Vote demanded action on NVRA cases. Less than a month later, DOJ sued Rhode Island for NVRA noncompliance. Similarly, DOJ’s Louisiana NVRA suit followed Project Vote’s by a few months. Project Vote is promoting prospective employees for DOJ’s Voting Rights section.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

The VRA outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests for voting. Section 5 requires certain states and other political subdivisions to obtain “preclearance,” or permission, from either DOJ or the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, on any change affecting voting. Currently, preclearance states covered in whole or in part include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia. Set in 1982 to expire in 2007, Congress extended the VRA for another 25 years in 2006.

The VRA has come into sharp focus this year as the Holder administration has used VRA preclearance requirements to stall or prevent voter ID laws from being enacted. Non-preclearance states have faced stiff court challenges from other leftist groups.

Alabama – Alabama’s new photo ID law has a 2014 effective date. Alabama has not yet applied for pre-clearance.

Arizona – 9th Circuit upheld ID requirement of new law; struck requirement that voter prove citizenship.

Mississippi – A Voter ID amendment was approved by voters with a 62 percent margin in 2011. A bill to implement the amendment passed April 10, 2012. Requires preclearance. No word yet from Justice.

South Carolina – DOJ denied pre-clearance for new ID law in December 2011. State filed for reconsideration.

Texas – DOJ denied pre-clearance for new ID law. Texas filed suit with three-judge panel seeking pre-clearance; DOJ asked court to postpone trial.

Wisconsin – State judge ruled Wisconsin’s voter ID law unconstitutional (read the opinion). State will appeal.

The Wisconsin case is an example of independent groups working to sabotage reform efforts. In a suit brought by the League of Women Voters, the NAACP and others, the judge found ID laws “unconstitutional to the extent they serve as a condition for voting at the polls.” This was a bizarre ruling. Wisconsin’s Constitution clearly allows mechanisms to establish voter eligibility.

Despite the Left’s best efforts, voter ID laws have been proposed this year in 32 states.

A Personal Testimony

J. Christian Adams is a former DOJ election lawyer who worked on the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case. He resigned in protest of Eric Holder’s race-based application of the law. According to Adams’ new book, Injustice, Eric Holder became directly involved in the Black Panther case. Mr. Adams agreed to be interviewed for this report. Some highlights:

Read the full article here.

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BH Interview: Filmmaker Mike McNulty on Giving Voters the Fast and Furious Facts

By Christian Toto | May 7, 2012 | Breitbart

The filmmaker behind the Oscar-nominated documentary “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” is gearing up to shed light on Operation: Fast and Furious.

Colo.-based Michael McNulty has been watching the media give scant attention to the scandal, one which involves U.S. letting arms cross into Mexico as part of an anti-gunning running probe and has GOP officials scrambling to get Attorney General Eric Holder to reveal all the information behind the matter.

Now, McNulty has had enough.

The filmmaker, who won an Emmy for his “Waco” documentary, is back behind the camera because, as he puts it, the press has failed to do its job.

“I’ve sat and watched this mess percolate for the better part of the year,” McNulty tells Big Hollywood. And while camera men and reporters alike might want to tackle a story involving drugs, automatic weapons, murder and mayhem, the press hasn’t grabbed hold of the story like other political scandals.

“On the grunt level, the guy behind the camera … you find a genuine enthusiasm for the story and pursuing it,” he says. “It’s the assignment editor who starts the ball rolling. It ain’t happening at that level. I suspect the marching orders the assignment editors get is, ‘leave it alone.’”

McNulty won’t. And he has faith he can wrap “Blood on Their Hands” in time for the November elections. Perhaps even earlier.

Read the full article here.

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