Walker’s Protection of WI Public Employee Rights Pays Huge Dividends

By John Nolte | May 311, 2012 | Breitbart News

It’s one of the greatest scams in the history left-wing scams, and it goes a little something like this: Taxpayers of all political stripes pay the salaries of public employees, public employees are forced to join public unions, public unions garnish dues from members and then use those dues to fund Democrat candidates to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars.

What a racket.

In other words, against our will, you and I are helping to fund Democrat campaigns. But so are those public employees forced into unions.

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Obama Thinks America as Founded is Unfair

Rush Limbaugh | April 10, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: Let me tell you what’s going on. I mentioned this in the third hour of the program, but I want to mention it again just as an overall explanation of Obama and Obamaism. For the past couple of years max, maybe past year and a half, Obama… And he started this at a speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, on an anniversary of a speech given at the same place by Winston Churchill.

And he went out in that speech and basically said that the nation, as founded, had never worked; that this “you’re on your own” economy has never worked. And, by that, he means capitalism. By that, he means rugged individualism, self-reliance. That’s never worked. Obama’s point, ladies and gentlemen, is that the founding of the country was unjust and immoral economically, that it was set up by the equivalent (in those days) of today’s 1%: a bunch of really exclusive, elite, wealthy, old white guys. And they set up this country so as to ensure their own wealth and prosperity while denying opportunities to others. And the way they did it was with this social Darwinism. This “you’re on your own.” They knew that the vast majority of people couldn’t take care of themselves. They knew…

This is Obama’s thinking now. He’s never said this, but I’m telling you this is what’s the foundation for his current campaign strategy at the root of his speeches. So it’s never worked, by design, ’cause the founders are smart enough to know that the vast majority of people are not capable of fending for themselves. And they purposely set up a system where those people would suffer. And that’s what happened! That’s what Obama’s trying to say: “It’s never worked. This country has never worked. Capitalism, this ‘you’re on your own’ business has never worked, and it’s all coming to a head now. It’s finally showing itself as the recent failure it is now.”

Read the full article here.

The Vetting: Obama Channels Derrick Bell in Attack on Supreme Court

By Joel B. Pollak | April 3, 2012 | Breitbart

Much of the left seems inclined to shrug at President Barack Obama’s pre-emptive rebuke of the Supreme Court yesterday. One Democrat even urged Obama to attack the Court on the campaign trail if it overturned Obamacare.

A few liberals, however, realize that Obama’s attack is a threat to judicial independence, and ought to be condemned by all.

One such was Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, who said she would “lament a ruling striking down the individual mandate,” yet chided Obama for “channeling tired critiques from the right about activist judges,” calling his attack “unsettling.”

Marcus was right about the danger, but for the wrong reason: judicial activism is not the issue here.

The president deliberately confused judicial activism–the wholesale manufacture of rights and laws by judges in accordance with their personal or political views–with judicial review, the power courts have to overturn unconstitutional legislation, which the Supreme Court has exercised since Marbury v. Madison (1803).

Obama’s assault on judicial review might seem bizarre–particularly coming from a former president of the Harvard Law Review, and a former lecturer in constitutional law at one of the nation’s most prestigious law schools–were it not for the fact that we now know of his connection to radical Critical Race Theory professor Derrick Bell.

Apparently, Bell had little interest in judicial review, since he believed the constitution itself to be racist. The Constitution allowed slavery to continue, after all, and even the post-Civil War amendments preserved the (unequal) institution of property, Bell argued. Therefore, he believed, pursuing racial equality through the courts was likely to be ineffective, and even counter-productive.

Bell’s ideas clearly left an impression on Obama, who assigned Bell’s textbook to his students at the University of Chicago. Obama’s own views about the constitution also bear a striking similarity to Bell’s.

In The Audacity of Hope, Obama’s second autobiography, Obama claimed that the Constitution “provided no protection to those outside the constitutional circle—the Native American whose treaties proved worthless before the court of the conqueror, or the black man Dred Scott, who would walk into the Supreme Court a free man and leave a slave.” (114)

Like Bell, Obama acknowledged, but rejected, “a school of thought that sees the Founding Fathers only as hypocrites and the Constitution only as a betrayal of the grand ideals set forth by the Declaration of Independence.” As an American “with the blood of Africa coursing through my veins,” Obama declared, he believed instead that the constitution itself was flawed, and that real change came about through radical, violent action by “the absolutists that have fought for a new order.” (116)

The power of judicial review is important to liberal legal scholars worldwide, but to radicals like Bell and Obama, even the boldest Supreme Court was limited by the fact that it operated within a constitutional system that needed to be transformed.

In 2008—days before the election, too late to make a difference–conservatives seized on newly-discovered remarks that Obama had made about the Supreme Court in an interview in January 2001 with Chicago’s local NPR affiliate, WBEZ-FM.

Read the full article here.

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