The Democrat Crime Family War

By Rush Limbaugh | June 6, 2012 |


RUSH: We got Bill Clinton going rogue again, even bigger and even better. And the “criminal enterprise” known as the Democrat Party… Well, “criminal enterprise,” in quotes. Think of it as a mob family. Think of the Democrat Party as a mob family with the head honcho in Chicago.

Michael Walsh, who is a writer at National Review Online, has a great analogy of the Democrat Party as a crime family — as a typical mob family — to illustrate why Obama’s in trouble. He has forgotten things (’cause he never learned them, he’s too young) about how mob family head honchos act. And his main point is… I’ll detail this in much greater detail we come back at some point, but his main grievance — Obama’s prime problem — is that he has forgotten something central to survivability. And that is respect for your elders and those who came before you who paved the way for you.


RUSH: Folks, stick with me. I don’t want to do a bunch of See, I Told You So’s, but this is not a surprise. It’s a pleasant occurrence, but also keep in mind it’s only one. There are many more like this which have to happen. The trend is obviously what it is. This is 2010 continued. This is the Wisconsin recall elections continued. The left has fired everything they’ve got. I think it’s laughable now. The Forehead, Paul Begala, is all concerned about all the super PAC money that went into Wisconsin.

It’s so unfair when the Republicans fight back!

It’s just not fair when the Republicans use Democrat tactics and do it better!

Michael Walsh, National Review Online: “‘Bill Clinton does not want Barack Obama to win,’ says Dick Morris, and for once I agree with him. For Obama has made two fatal electoral mistakes during his tenure in office, both of which tell me he’s neither smart nor grateful, and certainly not wise in the ways of the criminal organization masquerading as the ‘Democratic [P]arty.’ As I’ve noted here … and elsewhere, the best way to understand the modern Democrats is as the unholy love children of 1930s big-city political/gangster machines and 1960s Alinskyite Communists — now out and proud.”

That’s who the Democrats today are: The “children of 1930s big-city political/gangster machines and 1960s Alinskyite Communists.” “But Obama, their chosen candidate, only had first-hand experience with the Alinsky crew; he’s too young to remember Tammany Hall and the heyday of the Daley Machine in Chicago. Oh, he’s got the brass-knuckles part down, all right (that’s part of Alinskyism) but he’s twice now violated the first rule of gangsterism: respect your elders.

“That’s something that the Hot Springs-raised Clinton understands deep down in his bones. He grew up in a town dominated by my gangster, Owney Madden, was boyhood friends with the son of Madden’s lawyer, and often sat in Madden’s headquarters, the Southern Club on Central Avenue, watching the gangland greats come and go; to top it off, Clinton’s mother, Virginia Kelley, was one of Madden’s nurses. [Hot Springs] was an open, check-your-guns-at-the-door city, nominally run by its corrupt mayor, Leo McLaughlin, but, like Arkansas itself, completely controlled by Madden and his New York associates, including Frank Costello.

“Insiders know there’s no love lost between the Clintons and Obama, and … it was only a matter of time before Billy would introduce Barry to the joys of payback. That moment is now upon us. Further, Obama made a colossal error in giving Bill Daley the back of his hand during the Chicago scion’s brief tenure as White House chief of staff. It’s easy to see the clumsy hand of Obama’s Svengali, Valerie Jarrett, in the Daley firing, and it’s pretty clear that no one in [Obama]’s bunker thought through the consequences of insulting the Daleys, especially with former ally Rahm Emanuel now sitting in [the mayor]’s Chicago office. …

“If Walker wins big tonight in Wisconsin,” this was written yesterday, “expect a chill wind to start blowing east from [Chicago] toward Washington. There is, after all, honor among thieves.” Now, the point here is that Obama has no respect for his elders, he has no devotion to people who have come before him and paved the way. He’s basically a loner, thinks he’s top drawer, head and shoulders above ’em all. That’s not how that Democrat Party, quote, unquote, “crime family” works.

And payback time is on us.


RUSH: I want to carry forward this theme, ’cause it relates to Wisconsin. It has some things in common about what happened there. So the theory is that Obama is in trouble in the Democrat Party — and he is. Now, I don’t know that it means that he’s not supported. He’s just in trouble. There’s such a huge difference in the perception of Obama in the party from 2008 to today. And there is nobody in that party who thought three years ago they’d be anywhere near where they are today.

Remember, these are people who live in an alternate universe, an alternative reality. They lie to themselves. They tell themselves the vast majority of the country is with them. And even when it turns out that the vast majority of the country is not, that just irritates and angers them. And it makes them want to punish people who don’t see it their way, rather than try to persuade them to join them. It is an unholy alliance. And Clinton breaking away the way he has and publicly, and frequently, is indicative of the problems that exist in the Democrat Party.

They always talk about the lack of unity on the Republican side. But you never hear about it on the Democrat side. Even now, they’re trying to paper it all over by saying, “Oh, Clinton, you know, he’s just Bill and he’s actually trying to help Obama is what he’s doing. Yeah, he’s really secretly trying to help. He’s trying to sharpen Obama up. He’s really on Obama’s side. He’s leading the way.” For example, they’re saying, “We’re gonna have to extend the Bush tax cuts.

“And the Democrats know that Obama is really opposed to that ’cause he doesn’t want to help the rich anymore. But there’s no way that they can’t extend the Bush tax cuts no matter who wins in November. We’ve gotta do this for the economy. Clinton is showing Obama the way.” That’s how they are rationalizing this, but that is not what’s going on. Now, you remember this book that’s out called The Amateur by Ed Klein? Remember the chapter in that book about Oprah, about how Oprah has been dissed? Oprah’s been thrown overboard. The regime wants nothing more to do with her.

But who is she?

Oprah threw away her TV career for Obama. If you want to know why Oprah’s not on television anymore, it’s because she supported Obama. If you want to know why Oprah is flailing away on a cable network that nobody watches, it’s because of Obama. Well… Yeah, it is. Oprah decided that she would let her racial association take precedence over her television and broadcasting knowledge. When she decided that… She had Obama on and made him a millionaire. She put him on TV to sell his first book.

It made him an overnight millionaire. It helped establish him as a rising figure in the Democrat Party. It helped get his biography out there. Okay, that’s all well and good. There ought to be some gratitude from Obama for that. Then Oprah basically throws away her career by endorsing Obama. That’s when her likability number (the Q number, favorable number) started plummeting, along with her ratings. Because it was at that point that Oprah’s audience began to ask themselves — maybe suspect — “You know, maybe race matters to her more than all this other stuff that she talks about.”

Prior to that, race was not a big deal with Oprah. She was about self-improvement and all that yin-yang that her program was about. But people started now questioning all of that and how sincere it was. So she’s out on the campaign trail, and she sacrificed herself. This is not a sympathy play for Oprah. I’m just telling you what happened. Because in the process of doing all of this for Obama, where’s Oprah now? They don’t even let her in the White House because Michelle hates her, according to this book.

Read the full article here.


  1. […] The Democrat Crime Family War ( Share this:MoreLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Filed Under: Progressivism Tagged With: 2008, ABC News, Amateur, American Jews, Andy Stern, Apostate, Appeasement, Arab Spring, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Attorney General, Bankruptcy, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Bill Daley, Birther, Breitbart News, Bribe, Bribery, Britain, Cable News, Chicago, Chief of Staff, CIA, Collective Bargaining, Community Organizer, Congress, Contraception, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Democratic Party, Democrats, Dmitry Medvedev, Dodd-Frank, Edward Klein, Elizabeth Warren, Eric Holder, Eric Whitaker, Executive Orders, Fauxcohantas, First Amendment, Foreign Policy, France, Freedom of Religion, George W. Bush, Gradualism, Guantanamo Bay, Health Care Benefits, Health Insurance, Hellfire Missiles, Hillary Clinton, Ideologues, Interview, Iran, Iraq, Jake Tapper, Jeremiah Wright, Joe Biden, Joel Pollak, John Boehner, John F. Kennedy, John Kerry, John McCain, Journalism, Kenya, Levers of Power, Liberal Media, Liberals, Libya, Literary Agent, Local Government, Los Angeles Times, Lyndon Johnson, Mainstream Media, Mandate, Marxist Agitators, Mayor, Media Bias, Media Malpractice, Michelle Obama, Middle East, Miriam Goderich, Mitt Romney, Narcissism, New York Times, Newsweek Magazine, Nikita Krushchev, Obama Administration, Obamacare, Osama Bin Laden, Palestinians, Peer Pressure, Pension Benefits, Predator Drones, Presidential Campaign, Primary, Prisoners of War, Public Employee Unions, Radicals, Rahm Emanuel, Rashid Khalidi, Recall Election, Regulations, Republicans, Robert Gibbs, Ronald Reagan, Salaries, Scott Walker, SEIU, Speaker of the House, State Government, Supreme Court, Terrorists, Timothy Dolan, Tip O'Neill, U.S. Constitution, Unconstitutional, Union Dues, Valerie Jarrett, Vetting, Vladimir Putin, War on Terror, White House, Wisconsin « With Apologies to Jay Silverheels… […]

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