Gary Casselman and Timothy Daughtry Discuss “Waking the Sleeping Giant” [Video]

The Psychology of the liberal Mind: How Mainstream Americans Can Beat Liberals at Their Own Game [Video]

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“It’s going to be, I think, the bane of our existence. Stop it here. Stop it now.” [Video]

“The Founders were deeply opposed to the militarization of civil society. There is all kinds of aversions to it and this is importing it because, as you say, it’s cheap, it’s easy, it’s silent. It’s something that you can easily deploy. It’s going to be, I think, the bane of our existence. Stop it here. Stop it now.  Strong letter to follow.” ~Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

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Why do Black Christians vote Obama? [Video]

Why do Black Christians still vote Obama? Obama is pro-homosexual and pro-abortion and against the core biblical values of most African-American families. Barack Obama is at least 50% White, since his mother was 100% White, and Obama’s dad was reportedly about 50% Arab and about 50% Black, making Obama about 25% Arab and 25% Black. Regardless if he was less Arab than Black he still was not 100% Black, which clearly makes Obama less than 50% Black. Yet despite the fact that he is not even Black, more Black Christians still view him as Black and vote for him, regardless of their own core biblical beliefs. But why?

The following are the first 5 of 10 amazingly morally repugnant positions Obama takes regarding the major moral and spiritual issues of the day. Each one flies in the face of deep moral values embraced by most bible believing Christians, Black or otherwise, yet most African-Americans still virtually always blindly vote in lockstep for Barack Obama and continue to support him no matter what he does. The video covers all 10:

Obama Morally Repugnant Reason #1: Barack Obama is pro-homosexual, yet the bible clearly condemns homosexuality. Two of the sins God hates most are homosexuality and pride. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah over such abominable behavior. So short of blatantly blaspheming the Holy Spirit or cursing God, what worse position could a Christian take than to embrace a politician who embraces and supports both of those blatant sins wrapped up in the devilishly deceptive phrase, “Gay Pride”? Here’s the chapter and verse that allows no wiggle room here. It is unequivocal that a Christian should neither engage in nor support such abominable activities. Romans chapter 1, verses 26-28 state:

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.”

So we have a clear choice. We may embrace the mind of Christ or a reprobate mind.

Obama Morally Repugnant Reason #2: Barack Obama is pro-abortion in terms of public policy. Yet abortion is murder. And murder breaks the 6th Commandment of “Thou shalt not commit murder.” Clearly God hates the sin of murder. Deuteronomy 12:31 emphatically states:

“You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.”

Millions of abortions are performed by burning the innocent beloved of God child with saline. There is no difference between burning with fire or saline.

Obama Morally Repugnant Reason #3: Barack Obama is also personally pro-abortion even when it comes to his own family. He has said he doesn’t want his own daughter saddled with a “mistake,” by inference calling his own potential pre-born grandchild a mistake who should be murdered!

Obama Morally Repugnant Reason #4: Barack Obama supports murdering babies even after they are born alive. In fact, Obama was one of the only politicians in the entire nation who cast a diabolical vote in favor of murdering babies who survived abortion attempts and actually were born by “mistake.” As a U.S. Senator he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection law, in order that those already born babies could be murdered “legally.”

Obama Morally Repugnant Reason #5: Obama supports the extermination of Black People. Planned Parenthood, a group that murders more babies than any other entity in the United States. Yet it is public knowledge that the whole abortion industry was started with the stated purpose of exterminating the Black race! Planned Parenthood was founded by a white woman named Margret Sanger who was a contemporary of Adolf Hitler and she hatched “The Negro Project” to exterminate Black people, starting in the womb. That project become quite “successful” and is still running strong today under the name of Planned Parenthood that aborts more Black babies percentagewise than any other race! So is it any surprise that they often strategically position their abortion clinics right in the heart of largely African-American population centers?

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The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 15, 2012 | National Review

John McCain fought Obama with one hand tied behind his back. Not Romney.

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

Last week the Washington Post ran a piece on presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s high-school years, in which he supposedly was cruel to a shy, perhaps gay fellow student. The piece, mirabile dictu, appeared in the middle of the Biden-Obama reversal on gay marriage. Errors were spotted almost as soon as it was published, and the essay was summarily denounced as nonfactual by the family of the supposed victim of Romney’s supposed half-century-old callousness.

Of more interest was the reaction to the story. Aside from Romney’s gracious acknowledgment that he might have done something in his teens that he was not proud of (although he could not remember the Post’s hazing incident), and aside from the errors of fact pointed out in the Post story, apparent Romney supporters hit back hard — and in equally trivial fashion. If Romney was an insensitive preppie, well then, so was Obama — and for the matter, we had the punkish young Joe Biden. Almost immediately, all over the Internet, Obama’s own voice was heard reading from Dreams from My Father about his ancient drug use while in prep school, and about earlier unkind treatment of a middle-school girl chum. If high school is fair game in these doggy wars, then why not seventh and eighth grade?

For a year, we had heard from the liberal media the old tale of Seamus the dog, as a sort of Aesop’s fable warning about Mitt Romney’s innate cruelty. You see, on a family vacation, Romney in purportedly callous fashion put the family dog, Seamus, into a custom carrier on top of the family car. Forget about America borrowing $5 trillion in three years; worry instead about a dog on a car roof three decades ago.But after yet another serial telling, suddenly the Romney supporters fought back: If Romney had confessed to putting the dog out like a masthead to the winds, Obama in his memoirs confessed to eating dogs! In short order, the Internet was flooded with Photoshopped images of cynophagia — as Obama munched on dachshund sandwiches and terrier burgers. I guess the point was that Americans would prefer putting Spot on top of the car to eating him.

The same trump had earlier happened with the “war against women.” Team Obama saw an opening with Rush Limbaugh’s crude “slut” putdown of Sandra Fluke — for which he later apologized — and attempted to inflate the slur as something emblematic of right-wing misogyny. But again it was not to be.

Limbaugh apologized; Limbaugh did not give money to the Romney campaign and indeed opposed his nomination in the primaries; and Limbaugh’s slur at least could be printed in family newspapers — in contrast to liberal Bill Maher’s. The latter’s profanity-laced and misogynistic sick rants against conservative women could not be quoted without dashes and asterisks. He never apologized. And he gave the Obama campaign $1 million in contributions. The desperate comeback of Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen that Ann Romney — a cancer and MS survivor and mother of five — had “never worked” (a point the odious Maher seconded) only made things worse, before this chapter of the doggy war was apparently called off by those who started it.

There have been more of these tit-for-tit, na-na na-na na-na doggy wars — with charges ranging from patrimonial polygamy to prep-school privilege — but you get the picture. So what can we learn from them, aside from the obvious fact that Barack Obama prefers not to talk about 40 months of 8 percent–plus unemployment, 1.7 percent GDP growth, $5 trillion in new debt, $4-a-gallon gas, and Obamacare?

Team Obama usually starts the exchange, either to distract from dismal economic news, or in zeal to portray Romney as aristocratic and out of touch — but without careful thinking about what the inevitable Romney rebuttal might look like.

The Romney people apparently will not run a repeat of McCain’s 2008 campaign, in which the candidate put such petty retaliation off limits. There will be no sanctimonious putdowns from Romney about dredging up Obama’s dog-eating past, in the manner in which McCain lectured his supporters about the inappropriateness of emphasizing the tripartite name Barack Hussein Obama — although Obama himself did, and would go on to focus on his middle name as proof of his multicultural resonance abroad. Just as Bill Clinton’s war room swore not to do a rerun of Mike Dukakis’s punching-bag 1988 campaign, so Romney apparently has determined not to repeat the McCain one-hand-tied-behind-the-back model.

In other words, each time we hear of an irrelevant hit on Romney, we will probably hear of something equally irrelevant — and worse — about Obama, in a way we never would have in 2008. Petty? A distraction from the failing economy? Of course, but the Romney people apparently believe that they must and will achieve deterrence by replying in kind and to such a degree that Team Obama will soon cease playing such a childish game of taunts.

Read the full article here.

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The Last Supper: #ObamaInHistory

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

War on Women? Poll Shows Romney Leads Obama Among Female Voters

By Rush Limbaugh | May 15, 2012 |


RUSH: The New York Times/CBS poll is so bad for Obama.  They are really worried in the White House, and it’s not new.  They have been worried for a long time.  This is not the first CBS/New York Times poll that has bad news for Obama.  People have forgotten, two months ago, on the same day, the Washington Post and New York Times both came out with polls, and Obama was at 41% approval in one of them, and he was not doing well with women I think in the Washington Post poll two months ago.  And this was right in the middle of the contrived War on Women.  And it wasn’t working.

The gay marriage thing isn’t working.  Just 7% of the American people, of likely voters, see gay marriage as a top issue in November.  He’s raising money with it, but he’s not garnering support.  He’s losing support over this.  He’s losing support everywhere.  There is serious talk now about getting Biden off the ticket and replacing him.  The reelect campaign is not at all going the way the professionals, the Obama administration thought it was going to go.  And there is genuine discord and upset within all levels of the campaign.  Now, you’re starting to see in various places in the Drive-By Media, they can’t hide this anymore, they can’t even paper over it very well.In fact, the New York Times story today on their own poll is so bad that the White House is saying it’s biased, that the sample is not correct.  The White House is ripping their own House organ poll today.  If the New York Times poll is as bad as they’re reporting, the odds are it’s much worse than that.


RUSH: You talk about campaign problems.  Obama has had two times the number of fundraisers that George Bush had at this time, and he didn’t raise anywhere near as much money.  Obama has done twice the fundraisers as the hated and the reviled George W. Bush, and he hasn’t raised anywhere near as much money as Bush has.  Now, today’s New York Times/CBS poll is bad.  But there’s something in it that even CBS and the New York Times are burying.  It turns out buried in the numbers is the fact not only is Romney ahead of Obama by three points across the board — oh.  Let me interrupt myself.  I don’t have it in front of me.  I forget where I saw it.  It was over the weekend.  I’ve been cramming show prep. I didn’t get any done yesterday. I was up until three in the morning when I got home last night prepping the program today, and I can’t remember where I saw this, but it was an Electoral College tabulation with Romney over 300 electoral votes, as it looks now.

Now, it’s the only place I’ve seen that, and I can’t recall where it was.  It’s an analysis of current polling data.  It’s not somebody’s wild guess; it’s not somebody’s expressed hope.  But it is right along the lines what Dick Morris is saying that Romney could win in a landslide.  I have said that I think it’s possible that Romney could win big just using common sense and looking at how everything is falling apart for Obama.  I’ll go through a list of some things here in just a second that will remind you just how bad things are for Obama.  But in this New York Times poll, which the Obama White House now says is biased, Romney is up by three.  But if you dig deep, buried in the numbers that the New York Times/CBS doesn’t report, Romney is leading Obama among women 49-43, after the contrived War on Women, after the contrived Sandra Fluke thing, after all of these efforts that have been expended to make Obama look like the first female president, the first gay president, the first Jewish president, and they’re doing all of that, by the way.

Read the full article here.

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Electric cars are presently the flavour of the week among the chattering elite. Barack Obama loves them so much he’s spending other people’s money on them like there is no tomorrow. Latest figures demonstrate that each Chevy Volt off the assembly line has been subsidised by $250,000 of taxpayer’s money.

7000 have been produced, and the bulk of these have been bought by government agencies.

Now they’ve all been recalled to the factory because they have a disturbing tendency to catch fire. If anyone buys a Chevy Volt, they’re not only ready to overlook a serious safety problem, they’re also prepared to let other people pay the price for their folly.

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Helen Klark never really had a productive job in her life. Nevertheless, I read somewhere that before making it into Parliament, as a fervid young socialist, she had managed a trip from NZ to Europe for almost every year of her life. All funded by someone else’s money.

Whilst serving as PM, it was made public that she owned something like 5 or 6 houses , and on finally being dismissed, she resigned from parliament with a huge perks package and superannuation, and then went on to a spot with the United Nations with probably an even greater salary and greater perks package and greater superannuation, and still all funded by other people’s money.

Leaving aside the fact that Klark was alleged to have bought her position with the UN by donating millions of (taxpayer) dollars more than any other NZ PM to that despicable corrupt, criminal and dysfunctional organisation.

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The Grey Enigma

For the past four years I have been covering the progression of the global economic crisis with an emphasis on the debilitating effects it has had on the American financial system. Only once before have I ever issued an economic alert, and this was at the onset of the very first credit downgrade in U.S. history by S&P. I do not take the word “alert” lightly. Since 2008 we have seen a cycle of events that have severely weakened our country’s foundation, but each event has then been followed by a lull, sometimes 4 to 6 months at a stretch, which seems to disarm the public, drawing them back into apathy and complacency. The calm moments before each passing storm give Americans a false sense of hope that our capsized fiscal vessel will somehow right itself if we just hold on a little longer.

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The Neosecularist

Unions do not create jobs.  What do they create?  Unions create headaches for both business owners and their employees, and unions create unemployment for employees laid off from businesses who can no longer afford to keep them on because unions have muscled their way in, mafia style, and taken over a business owner’s right to run his/her business how they want.

S. S. blogger, Roger Bybee, doesn’t know business, and he doesn’t know Wisconsin.  In the Arianna Nation, he warns that Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, is waging a “War against Workers“, and that such a “war” is “crippling the activities of public employee unions”.  Well – isn’t that “crippling” effect among unions a good thing for the workers in Wisconsin, the businesses in Wisconsin and all Wisconsin citizens who now will not be forced to pay more for products and services?  Or – is it better for…

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The Neosecularist

Where the United States Constitution protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority, the rights of minority are not infringed upon.  However, the Constitution is not vocal on every single “rights” issue the minority so passionately protests be inducted into the Constitution.  And where those “rights” do not exist anywhere in the Constitution, the minority seeks aid from Leftists and liberal activist judges to “reinterpret” (bend and skew) those Constitutional rights to include language that was never intended so that those “rights”, although they do not exist in the Constitution, become protected.  And while they are not protected explicitly by the Constitution, they are protected by those same liberal activist judges and courts, until they can be successfully removed, effectively blocking the right of the majority to overturn those laws.  In essence – it is the tyranny of the minority which is oppressing and suppressing the rights of the…

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Video Rebel's Blog

I like Steve Keen and am working to merge his economic theories with those of us who want to issue a debt free currency. That would save taxpayers 500 billion  dollars a year in interest payments on government debt as we would have none. In fact I would favor an Amendment making government debt at the federal, state and local levels illegal. I am writing this in response to a video in which Dr Keen claims to disprove the idea of the 11th marble. In it he says traditionalists argue that if you borrow ten dollars and are required to pay a dollar in interest at the end of the year, the bankers did not create sufficient money to pay both the principal and the interest. They created ten marbles but not the eleventh.

In his video Keen uses an example of a bank which loans out cash that it printed…

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Video Rebel's Blog

We have 6 levels of government in America. The Bilderberg Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs  and other such groups are on Level A where all decisions are made. These people have been around for a very long time. Most of the ancestors of the inner circle made their money from the slave trade, colonial exploitation, the British East India company and opium.

The Bilderberg Society has only been meeting since 1954. It has a Steering Committee which decides the agenda for their annual meetings. This year the meeting will be in Virginia. The three founders were Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the immensely wealthy Dutch royal family. The interests of English, Spanish and other royal families are represented in the Steering Committee but they rarely attend.

Barry Chamish who is so Jewish that the Israeli…

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The Goldman Sachs coup that failed in America has nearly succeeded in Europe—a permanent, irrevocable, unchallengeable bailout for the banks underwritten by the taxpayers. 

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By Charles Hugh Smith

It’s comforting to think “I can’t do anything to resist the Central State and its financial Plutocracy,” but it’s not true. There are many of acts of resistance you can pursue in your daily life; here are 12 perfectly legal ones.

That we are powerless is one of the key social control myths constantly promoted by the Status Quo. What better way to keep the serfs passive than to reinforce a belief in their powerlessness against the expansive Central State and its financial feudalism?

But we are not powerless. Our complicity gives the aristocracy its power. Remove our complicity and the aristocracy falls.

The pathway of dissent is to resist financial feudalism and its enforcer, the expansive Central State. Here are twelve paths of resistance any adult can legally pursue in the course of their daily lives:

1. Support the decentralized, non-market economy. The core…

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Bill Whittle: Beta Nation [Video]

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