Obama’s Patriotism

By Lauri B. Regan | June 20, 2012 | American Thinker

 Last week, I attended a luncheon hosted by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, at which I sat next to former Navy SEAL, Leif Babin.  Among Leif’s numerous and impressive accomplishments is his completion of three tours in Iraq, earning a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart.  Not only was I proud to have an opportunity to talk with one of our nation’s heroes, but I was in awe of his bravery, candor, and pride in serving our great country.  Leif is a true patriot.

Upon my return to my office, I read of the repulsive comments of liberal radio show host Bill Press, calling the national anthem “stupid” and stating, “I’m embarrassed, I’m embarrassed every time I hear it.”  This abhorrent garbage followed on the heels of the news of a New York City elementary school principal who prohibited kindergarteners from singing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation ceremony, replacing it with Justin Bieber’s “Baby.”  After drawing national attention, the Bieber song was also dropped from the event, but the NYC Schools chancellor refused to reinstate the singing of “USA,” which includes the following lyrics: [Read more…]

Hillary 2016 Campaign Underway

By Rush Limbaugh | June 11, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: Lanny Davis was Mr. White House during the Clinton years. Lanny Davis is Mr. Democrat. I mean, you couldn’t have a more loyal Democrat, a more loyal foot soldier than Lanny Davis. I’ll tell you, if any Democrat ever got in trouble, there is nobody better they could hire to have them being defended by on television than Lanny Davis. Lanny Davis kept Clinton in office. The truth can be told. Lanny Davis was indefatigable. Lanny Davis was omnipresent all during the Lewinsky scandal.

Lanny Davis did everything he could, and he did it aboveboard. He didn’t do the sex stuff. They sent Carville out to try to characterize Ken Starr as a sex pervert. Lanny Davis didn’t touch that very often, if at all. Lanny Davis. If you ever get in trouble and you’re a Democrat, you want him on your side. By the same token, you don’t want Lanny Davis not on your side, and that might be happening. Lanny Davis was on some obscure radio show on Friday.

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Ed Klein on Clinton, Kenya, Wright–and Obama

By Joel B. Pollak | June 8, 2012 | Breitbart News

On Tuesday, against the backdrop of the Wisconsin recall election, Breitbart News interviewed Ed Klein, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White HouseWe discussed Klein’s own politics, his methods in researching his subject, and the reasons the mainstream media failed to vet the president when it first had the opportunity during the 2008 presidential campaign.

John Stossel On Crony Capitalism (Parts 1-6) [Video]

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Exclusive: The Vetting – Barack Obama, the First Tea Partier

By John Sexton | May 23, 2012 | Breitbart News

In 2009, President Barack Obama reportedly called members of the Tea Party “teabaggers.” It turns out that our fourth greatest president, first in so many things, may have been the first “teabagger” himself, as seen in the 1997 photograph above. Yes, that really is Barack Obama wearing a regimental coat and carrying a tricorn hat in his hand. And that flag behind him really is a Gadsden flag, with its serpent and its “Don’t Tread On Me” slogan. You may want to let all of this sink in a bit, especially if you’re a Tea Party-bashing progressive.

Neither Democrats nor the media have been particularly kind to the Tea Party. There is hardly space to go through all the times the Tea Party has been compared to terrorists (including by the Vice President) or fascists, or the many times it has been accused of racism by progressives in supposedly mainstream news outlets. That’s a book-length story of its own.

But given the photo above, it is certainly a good time to think back upon some of the ridicule Tea Party members were forced to endure for evoking the Revolutionary War era by their dress and choice of symbols.

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Obama Meets His Nemesis

By J.R. Dunn | May 4, 2012 | American Thinker

 As the Greeks saw it, “nemesis” was an abstract force (personified by the goddess of divine justice of the same name) aimed directly at the destruction of a single individual.  It is nemesis that brings down the heroes of the tragedies.  A force that builds up over years, inescapable, inevitable, and in large part created by the hero’s own actions.  Nemesis is very much the Western equivalent of karma.  It is a form of divine payback, which, we are told, is a bitch.

Nemesis is what is taking down Barack Obama.  Not politics as such, not the actions of his opponents — at least not yet — not any disaster or setback in the world as a whole.  Obama is in the process of being ablated as the result of his own actions, born from his own personal flaws.  There’s a certain type of personality that constructs a life out of the nurturing and protecting its own failings rather than attempting to resolve or overcome them.  This is the only formula that is required to understand Barack Obama.

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45 Signs That America Will Soon Be A Nation With A Very Tiny Elite And The Rest Of Us Will Be Poor

By Staff Report | April 2, 2012 | End of the American Dream

The middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States today.  America is a nation with a very tiny elite that is rapidly becoming increasingly wealthy while everyone else is becoming poorer.  So why is this happening?  Well, it is actually very simple.  Our institutions are designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a very limited number of people.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have had a big centralized government have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have allowed big business or big corporations to dominate the economy have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Well, the United States has allowed both big government and big corporations to grow wildly out of control.  Those were huge mistakes.  Our founding fathers attempted to establish a nation where the federal government would be greatly limited and where corporations would be greatly restricted.  Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on those principles and now we are paying the price.

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Change—and Some Hope

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 12, 2012 | PJ Media

Rays of Sun Amid the Storm

The Rasmussen Tracking Poll recently had Romney up 50 to 42 over Obama. At this early juncture, such polls mean nothing—except as diagnostic indices of why perhaps both candidates go up and down in popularity.

So why has Barack Obama plunged in the polls these last few days?

The Republican slugfest is over. The media cannot headline any longer the daily conservative suicide. Barack Obama’s job report came out at 8.1% unemployment—but, more importantly, with information that a smaller percentage of adult Americans are working than ever before, and fewer in absolute numbers than nearly four years ago when Obama took office.

So someone must be asking, “What then was the lost $5 trillion for?” Note, in this regard, the 5.4% unemployment rate that won George Bush the slur of a “jobless recovery” in 2004.

There was some pushback to Obama’s spiking the football on the anniversary of bin Laden’s death.

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The Left’s One-Percenter Problem

By Frank Salvato | May 17, 2012 | New Media Journal

In the aftermath of Vice President Joe Biden’s “Howard Dean” moment in Ohio this week, I was struck by the sheer magnitude of the Progressive-Democrat Left’s hypocrisy when it comes to their political attacks on the so-called “rich.” As the unwashed masses of the Occupy Movement – the overwhelming majority of which are anarchists, pseudo-Socialists, Progressive activists and union operatives – take to the streets of Chicago to protest the NATO summit, I really do have to wonder if they – the useful idiots of the new millennium – know that those who they follow are the one-percenters?

Among the leaders of the Progressive Movement and the Democrat Party, it is nearly impossible to identify anyone among them who isn’t in the one-percent, and that includes President Obama and, yes, Vice President Biden. Maybe that’s why his statement, “They just don’t get us,” made my head cock like a dog hearing a high-pitched noise. “Who’s us,” I thought to myself.

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Obama Re-Writes History on Bush and Jerusalem

By  | August 16, 2011 | Commentary Magazine

 Now this is just getting silly. The Obama White House is gearing up for a Supreme Court case in which it will defend its refusal to list “Jerusalem, Israel” on the passports of Americans born in the Israeli capital. As part of its preparations the administration recently scrubbed all the captions on a White House photo gallery of Vice President Biden in the city, changing “Jerusalem, Israel” to “Jerusalem.” The optics of methodically erasing the word “Israel” from the White House webpage caused a predictable uproar.

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Why So Many Americans Still Don’t Know Much of Anything About Barack Obama

By Rush Limbaugh | May 18, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: You know, this Reverend Wright stuff with Barack Obama, it’s back in the news again. Something is happening.  It’s anecdotal, but I happen to think that this might be applicable in a statistical way to the nation at large.  We played the audio sound bite from Obama reading from one of his books a couple of weeks ago, in which he admitted bullying a young girl, in which he admitted trying cocaine, admitted that he drank a lot, basically just lollygagged around.  I know we’ve got new listeners to this program.  It’s been documented by the official ratings companies that monitor such things.

There are tons and tons of new listeners, but even at that, I’m overwhelmed by the number of people — we’re three-and-a-half years into his regime, and I’m getting e-mails from people that the first time they’d heard he’d done cocaine was in the past two, three weeks.  The first time they’d heard that he had bullied a young girl. They didn’t know his college transcripts hadn’t been released.  They just assumed all that had happened and they missed it. They didn’t know any of this.

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Joe Biden Goes Nuts in Ohio

By Rush Limbaugh | May 17, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: So Joe Biden is off the reservation.  A little Elizabeth Warren lingo there.  Joe Biden is just going nuts.  Two days in a row now he’s gone nuts.  I told Cookie I want the Biden sound bites from yesterday, because you know what I saw, we played these Biden sound bites where he was going nuts yesterday: (imitating Biden) “People don’t get us!  What do you mean we don’t want people to get wealthy?” When you see Biden’s face, when you see his eyes, when you see the facial expressions… well, I wouldn’t call it demonic.  I’d call it deranged.  I mean it’s astounding. Cookie gave me the bites again.  I want to see these bites again.  I want to paint an accurate video picture of what Bite Me looks like when he’s going through this.


RUSH: I played some sound bites of Joe Biden yesterday.  He literally lost it. Just lost control, and it sounds that way.  When you see the video — we’re gonna play the sound bites again with a couple of new ones — when you see Biden saying what you’re going to hear, he looks off balance, out of kilter, not all there in the eyes.  It is the strangest, strangest thing.  And everybody was talking about it yesterday. Was he doing it on purpose? What’s he up to here?  One of the theories is that Biden is genuinely fearful that they’re gonna get rid of him, and he’s doing everything he can to stay on the ticket.

In fact, that theory has it that Biden purposely went on Meet the Press and said that as far as the administration is concerned, same-sex marriage is totally acceptable to us now, totally fine, I have no problem with it.  And of course we’ve now heard that that was not planned, and that this forced poor old Obama’s hand because Obama really wasn’t through evolving.  But this sped up Obama’s evolving.  Because Obama had already reached his decision.  He let the cat out of the bag to Robin Roberts.  He had already reached his decision.  He just didn’t want to announce it now.  He wanted to announce it either before the convention or sometime this summer to get more bang out of it.

Now, there’s another theory going around to indicate the nervousness on the Obama side.  That story in the Washington Post last week about Romney bullying that blond-headed, long-haired, maggot-infested guy at the prestigious school.  Front page, Washington Post.  The story smacked of desperation, and it turned out not to be true to boot.  And so one of the theories is that everybody on the Obama side is panicking right now because nobody thought that Obama would be where he is in the polls.  Nobody thought he’d be as laughed as, not taken seriously, that everybody on the Obama side, including the media, is sort of out of kilter because they really expected to be able to relive the 2008 campaign, to re-create the whole messianic business, going to North Carolina, the convention at Bank of America Stadium.

Bringing back the Greek columns. Accepting the nomination in front of 70,000 people.  That may not be possible.  They may not be able to get that.  They can’t get 20,000 people at Ohio State.  And they want 70,000 people, and they want big bucks renting the skyboxes in order to get in there to be able to hear and see Obama live, accept this momentous nomination for a second term.  Nothing’s playing out that way. So here’s Biden on the campaign trail losing it, and let’s go to the audio sound bites.  This again, this is yesterday afternoon, Youngstown, Ohio, and he’s in Martins Ferry, Ohio, today, and he was in Steubenville last night, so here are the two from yesterday.  We’ll take ’em individually.  First from Youngstown.

BIDEN:  Things really are starting to come back.  There are signs of life and hope in the heartland.  Jobs are starting to come back.  And the ones that are coming back are the kind of jobs you can build a middle class family on.  They’re manufacturing jobs, decent paying jobs.  So you can live in a safe neighborhood. Own your home, not rent your home.  If the kid wants to, be able to send your kid to college, or send ’em to trade school.

RUSH:  It’s working!  It’s working!  We’re coming back!  We’re coming back!  Jobs are starting to come back. This is off the rails.  Oh, by the way, news flash just breaking on the Bloomberg wire.  Hewlett-Packard considering cutting as many as 25,000 jobs, 8% of its workforce. The day after Joe Biden says things are really starting to come back, signs of life and hope in the heartland, jobs are starting to come back, the ones that are coming back, the kind of jobs you can build a middle class family on.  Hewlett-Packard laying off 8% of its workforce.  Again, there are very few times I wish this was a television show.  This is one of them.  I wish you could see Biden’s eyes.  It’s hard to describe with inoffensive language.  He just doesn’t seem all there, folks, and the theories abound that he’s trying to save his spot on the ticket here, that he’s really worried.  Here’s the next one.

BIDEN:  I resent when they talk about families like mine when I grew up in. I resent the fact that they think we’re talking about we’re envy, it’s job envy, it’s wealth envy, that we don’t dream.  My mother believed and my father believed that if I wanted to be president of the United States, I could be, I could be vice president.  My mother and father believed that if my brother or sister wanted to be a millionaire, they could be a millionaire.  My mother and father dreamed as much as any rich guy dreams.  They don’t get us.  They don’t get who we are.

RUSH:  Let me tell you why, Mr. Vice President.  They don’t get you because you’re out there trying to punish everybody that becomes a millionaire.  You’re blaming millionaires for everything that’s going on wrong in the country instead of blaming you and your party and President Obama because you, Vice President Biden, are responsible for this destruction of the US economy. You are responsible for irresponsible debt creation.  You are responsible for people all over this country thinking it’s over for their own kids and grandkids.  Nobody associates economic growth with you.  Nobody associates prosperity with you or the Democrat Party.  Nobody associates escalating opportunity and the opportunity to become a millionaire with the Democrat Party.  All they hear from your party is how those people are evil.

The rich are not paying their fair share.  The rich are not contributing enough.  The rich are stealing everything from everybody else.  The rich have more than anybody should have.  I don’t know where this guy gets off thinking that he and Obama and the Democrat Party are inspiring people to do better.  Mr. Vice President, what you are doing is paving the road for people to accept mediocrity, that’s what you’re doing.  You are painting a picture of this country as the best days are behind it.  And you are trying to say this happened because of people like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, except when you’re trying to be Reagan.  But he’s off the rails here because he understands he’s not inspiring anybody to be a millionaire.  “My mother believed and my father believed!”

Read the full article here.

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The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 15, 2012 | National Review

John McCain fought Obama with one hand tied behind his back. Not Romney.

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

Last week the Washington Post ran a piece on presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s high-school years, in which he supposedly was cruel to a shy, perhaps gay fellow student. The piece, mirabile dictu, appeared in the middle of the Biden-Obama reversal on gay marriage. Errors were spotted almost as soon as it was published, and the essay was summarily denounced as nonfactual by the family of the supposed victim of Romney’s supposed half-century-old callousness.

Of more interest was the reaction to the story. Aside from Romney’s gracious acknowledgment that he might have done something in his teens that he was not proud of (although he could not remember the Post’s hazing incident), and aside from the errors of fact pointed out in the Post story, apparent Romney supporters hit back hard — and in equally trivial fashion. If Romney was an insensitive preppie, well then, so was Obama — and for the matter, we had the punkish young Joe Biden. Almost immediately, all over the Internet, Obama’s own voice was heard reading from Dreams from My Father about his ancient drug use while in prep school, and about earlier unkind treatment of a middle-school girl chum. If high school is fair game in these doggy wars, then why not seventh and eighth grade?

For a year, we had heard from the liberal media the old tale of Seamus the dog, as a sort of Aesop’s fable warning about Mitt Romney’s innate cruelty. You see, on a family vacation, Romney in purportedly callous fashion put the family dog, Seamus, into a custom carrier on top of the family car. Forget about America borrowing $5 trillion in three years; worry instead about a dog on a car roof three decades ago.But after yet another serial telling, suddenly the Romney supporters fought back: If Romney had confessed to putting the dog out like a masthead to the winds, Obama in his memoirs confessed to eating dogs! In short order, the Internet was flooded with Photoshopped images of cynophagia — as Obama munched on dachshund sandwiches and terrier burgers. I guess the point was that Americans would prefer putting Spot on top of the car to eating him.

The same trump had earlier happened with the “war against women.” Team Obama saw an opening with Rush Limbaugh’s crude “slut” putdown of Sandra Fluke — for which he later apologized — and attempted to inflate the slur as something emblematic of right-wing misogyny. But again it was not to be.

Limbaugh apologized; Limbaugh did not give money to the Romney campaign and indeed opposed his nomination in the primaries; and Limbaugh’s slur at least could be printed in family newspapers — in contrast to liberal Bill Maher’s. The latter’s profanity-laced and misogynistic sick rants against conservative women could not be quoted without dashes and asterisks. He never apologized. And he gave the Obama campaign $1 million in contributions. The desperate comeback of Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen that Ann Romney — a cancer and MS survivor and mother of five — had “never worked” (a point the odious Maher seconded) only made things worse, before this chapter of the doggy war was apparently called off by those who started it.

There have been more of these tit-for-tit, na-na na-na na-na doggy wars — with charges ranging from patrimonial polygamy to prep-school privilege — but you get the picture. So what can we learn from them, aside from the obvious fact that Barack Obama prefers not to talk about 40 months of 8 percent–plus unemployment, 1.7 percent GDP growth, $5 trillion in new debt, $4-a-gallon gas, and Obamacare?

Team Obama usually starts the exchange, either to distract from dismal economic news, or in zeal to portray Romney as aristocratic and out of touch — but without careful thinking about what the inevitable Romney rebuttal might look like.

The Romney people apparently will not run a repeat of McCain’s 2008 campaign, in which the candidate put such petty retaliation off limits. There will be no sanctimonious putdowns from Romney about dredging up Obama’s dog-eating past, in the manner in which McCain lectured his supporters about the inappropriateness of emphasizing the tripartite name Barack Hussein Obama — although Obama himself did, and would go on to focus on his middle name as proof of his multicultural resonance abroad. Just as Bill Clinton’s war room swore not to do a rerun of Mike Dukakis’s punching-bag 1988 campaign, so Romney apparently has determined not to repeat the McCain one-hand-tied-behind-the-back model.

In other words, each time we hear of an irrelevant hit on Romney, we will probably hear of something equally irrelevant — and worse — about Obama, in a way we never would have in 2008. Petty? A distraction from the failing economy? Of course, but the Romney people apparently believe that they must and will achieve deterrence by replying in kind and to such a degree that Team Obama will soon cease playing such a childish game of taunts.

Read the full article here.

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War on Women? Poll Shows Romney Leads Obama Among Female Voters

By Rush Limbaugh | May 15, 2012 | RushLimbaugh.com


RUSH: The New York Times/CBS poll is so bad for Obama.  They are really worried in the White House, and it’s not new.  They have been worried for a long time.  This is not the first CBS/New York Times poll that has bad news for Obama.  People have forgotten, two months ago, on the same day, the Washington Post and New York Times both came out with polls, and Obama was at 41% approval in one of them, and he was not doing well with women I think in the Washington Post poll two months ago.  And this was right in the middle of the contrived War on Women.  And it wasn’t working.

The gay marriage thing isn’t working.  Just 7% of the American people, of likely voters, see gay marriage as a top issue in November.  He’s raising money with it, but he’s not garnering support.  He’s losing support over this.  He’s losing support everywhere.  There is serious talk now about getting Biden off the ticket and replacing him.  The reelect campaign is not at all going the way the professionals, the Obama administration thought it was going to go.  And there is genuine discord and upset within all levels of the campaign.  Now, you’re starting to see in various places in the Drive-By Media, they can’t hide this anymore, they can’t even paper over it very well.In fact, the New York Times story today on their own poll is so bad that the White House is saying it’s biased, that the sample is not correct.  The White House is ripping their own House organ poll today.  If the New York Times poll is as bad as they’re reporting, the odds are it’s much worse than that.


RUSH: You talk about campaign problems.  Obama has had two times the number of fundraisers that George Bush had at this time, and he didn’t raise anywhere near as much money.  Obama has done twice the fundraisers as the hated and the reviled George W. Bush, and he hasn’t raised anywhere near as much money as Bush has.  Now, today’s New York Times/CBS poll is bad.  But there’s something in it that even CBS and the New York Times are burying.  It turns out buried in the numbers is the fact not only is Romney ahead of Obama by three points across the board — oh.  Let me interrupt myself.  I don’t have it in front of me.  I forget where I saw it.  It was over the weekend.  I’ve been cramming show prep. I didn’t get any done yesterday. I was up until three in the morning when I got home last night prepping the program today, and I can’t remember where I saw this, but it was an Electoral College tabulation with Romney over 300 electoral votes, as it looks now.

Now, it’s the only place I’ve seen that, and I can’t recall where it was.  It’s an analysis of current polling data.  It’s not somebody’s wild guess; it’s not somebody’s expressed hope.  But it is right along the lines what Dick Morris is saying that Romney could win in a landslide.  I have said that I think it’s possible that Romney could win big just using common sense and looking at how everything is falling apart for Obama.  I’ll go through a list of some things here in just a second that will remind you just how bad things are for Obama.  But in this New York Times poll, which the Obama White House now says is biased, Romney is up by three.  But if you dig deep, buried in the numbers that the New York Times/CBS doesn’t report, Romney is leading Obama among women 49-43, after the contrived War on Women, after the contrived Sandra Fluke thing, after all of these efforts that have been expended to make Obama look like the first female president, the first gay president, the first Jewish president, and they’re doing all of that, by the way.

Read the full article here.

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Our Military Fights on Obama’s Behalf?

By Tom Tancredo | May 11, 2012 | WND

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo spotlights narcissism in announcement on same-sex marriage

Another tingle probably went up Chris Matthews’ leg this past week when he heard Obama “come out” with an open endorsement of gay marriage. Obama’s statement may or may not be a change in his position on the issue, but one aspect of his announcement is especially troubling.

Media elites predictably think this will be a big boost to Obama’s campaign. In fact, the left-wing media have gone into orgasmic elation over Obama’s “courageous” act of leadership. Pardon me, but courageous is not the adjective needed to describe Obama’s craven pursuit of gay activists’ campaign dollars.

When Republicans venture into issues like gay marriage and abortion, the liberal media always deride it as “divisive” or “distracting.” Yet, strangely, when it’s Obama breaking new ground, it’s always “bold and courageous.”

Let’s forget about the fact that Obama was forced into this act of “heroism” by the loose lips of his vice president and the embarrassing tap dance of his press secretary, Robert Gibbs [sic] [Jay Carney], as he tried to “explain” the president’s opinion on the subject. Regardless of the circumstances, Obama chose to expand on his views and openly endorse gay marriage.

Whether or not this is truly a new or “evolved” position or simply the first public admission of a view he has held for many years is beside the point. Nor is the timing of the statement the main feature we ought to focus on.

Instead, for the moment lets’ look beyond the gay marriage issue itself and the political fallout of the statement as a campaign event. Let’s look at how Obama chose to state his changed view on this matter. There is a revealing part of Obama’s statement that hardly anyone in the media have picked up on.

There was something Obama said while explaining his “evolving,” or better yet, revolving attitude on gay marriage that gives a rare insight into just who Barack Husain Obama really is.

At one point Obama says, “When I think about those soldiers or airmen or Marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage – at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.”

Read the full article here.

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What ‘Gutsy Call’?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled Bin Laden Mission

By Ben Shapiro | April 26, 2012 | Breitbart

Today, Time magazine got hold of a memo written by then-CIA head Leon Panetta after he received orders from Barack Obama’s team to greenlight the bin Laden mission. Here’s the text, which summarized the situation:

Received phone call from Tom Donilon who stated that the President made a decision with regard to AC1 [Abbottabad Compound 1]. The decision is to proceed with the assault.

The timing, operational decision making and control are in Admiral McRaven’s hands. The approval is provided on the risk profile presented to the President. Any additional risks are to be brought back to the President for his consideration. The direction is to go in and get bin Laden and if he is not there, to get out. Those instructions were conveyed to Admiral McRaven at approximately 10:45 am.

This, of course, was the famed “gutsy call.” Here’s what Tom Hanks narrated in Obama’s campaign film, “The Road We’ve Traveled”:

HANKS: Intelligence reports locating Osama Bin Laden were promising, but inconclusive, and there was internal debate as to what the President should do.

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: We sat down in the Situation Room, the entire national security apparatus was in that room, and the President turns to every principal in the room, every secretary, “What do you recommend I do?” And they say, “Well, forty-nine percent chance he’s there, fifty-one … it’s a close call, Mr. President.” As he walked out the room, it dawned on me, he’s all alone. This is his decision. If he was wrong, his Presidency was done. Over.

Only the memo doesn’t show a gutsy call. It doesn’t show a president willing to take the blame for a mission gone wrong. It shows a CYA maneuver by the White House.

Read the full article here.

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Perpetual Revolution

By  | November 8, 2011 | Personal Liberty Digest

Perpetual Revolution

As the election season revs up, bull-slinging, the favorite sport of the criminal class east of the Potomac, is in full bloom. Some of the best zingers we’ve been treated to lately include:

  • Che Obama, at the G-20 in France, saying, with a straight face: “I have to tell you, the least of my concerns at the moment is the politics of a year from now.” Sure, Barry.
  • Nancy Pelosi, at a recent press briefing, saying, with a straight face: “If President Obama and the House congressional Democrats had not acted, we would be at 15 percent unemployment.” Sure, Nancy.
  • Joe Biden saying, with a straight face, that if Obama’s $447 billion “jobs bill” (i.e., stimulus package) is not passed, there won’t be enough police to prevent rapes and robberies. Sure, Joe.

Do they really believe any of this nonsense? No, of course not. But they do know, through experience, that slinging a decorative array of fecal matter against the wall can win over a significant portion of the electorate — particularly those who don’t know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

But let’s put the sleepwalkers aside for a moment. They’re pretty much already owned by the left anyway. I’m more concerned about the supposedly conservative media types who are hopelessly trapped in the Beltway Paradigm.

By Beltway Paradigm, I’m talking about those who believe the far-left zealots will ultimately fail because, in the end, the free market will overrule their desires. They are fond of saying that socialism is simply not in the American DNA; thus, in the next election voters will root out those on the far left.

Their problem is that they do not understand how the left-wing revolutionary mind works. Lefties know that communism makes the masses worse off, but they also know they can override that reality through the use of force.

Media mainstreamers, even those who are usually on target, simply cannot grasp a scenario that is so far outside the Beltway Paradigm. In their minds, they naively assume there will always be a next election.

And, even more naively, they assume the government would never use violence against U.S. citizens. Underlying this naiveté is that they cannot bring themselves to believe there is a serious revolution afoot in this country — and throughout the world.

In that vein, a year ago I participated in a panel discussion with three staunch Republicans, one of whom was a high-profile Fox News contributor. At one point in our discussion — and without giving it a second thought — I happened to mention Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama in the same sentence, which caused the Fox News contributor to frantically blurt out, “I didn’t say that!” to make certain the audience knew the comment had not come from him.

Read the full article here.

45 Signs That America Will Soon Be A Nation With A Very Tiny Elite And The Rest Of Us Will Be Poor

Staff Report | April 2, 2012 | End of the American Dream

The middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States today.  America is a nation with a very tiny elite that is rapidly becoming increasingly wealthy while everyone else is becoming poorer.  So why is this happening?  Well, it is actually very simple.  Our institutions are designed to concentrate wealth in the hands of a very limited number of people.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have had a big centralized government have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Throughout human history, almost all societies that have allowed big business or big corporations to dominate the economy have also had a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of the elite.  Well, the United States has allowed both big government and big corporations to grow wildly out of control.  Those were huge mistakes.  Our founding fathers attempted to establish a nation where the federal government would be greatly limited and where corporations would be greatly restricted.  Unfortunately, we have turned our backs on those principles and now we are paying the price.

When you have great concentrations of wealth and power, the economic rewards of a society tend to go to just a few.

In the United States today, big businesses and wealthy individuals fund the campaigns of our politicians, and in turn our politicians pass laws which rig the game in their favor.  It is a symbiotic relationship which is very bad for America.

Sadly, most conservatives tend to cheer on the big corporations, but this is not how our founding fathers envisioned our capitalist system working.  Our founding fathers envisioned large numbers of similar companies competing against one another for customers.  They did not envision a very small number of giant corporations buying up all of their competitors or smashing them into oblivion with their giant piles of money.

True conservatives should want to see more competition instead of less competition.  Competition helped make America great, and we need to get back to that.

Instead of an economic landscape dominated by monolithic predator corporations, we need an economic environment where millions of small businesses can thrive and compete directly with one another.

Our founding fathers never intended for us to have the kind of system that we have today.  As I have discussed in previous articles, our founding fathers greatly restricted the size and scope of corporations in early America.  The following is how author Stephen D. Foster Jr. described the attitude toward corporations in the early years of the United States….

The East India Company was the largest corporation of its day and its dominance of trade angered the colonists so much, that they dumped the tea products it had on a ship into Boston Harbor which today is universally known as the Boston Tea Party. At the time, in Britain, large corporations funded elections generously and its stock was owned by nearly everyone in parliament. The founding fathers did not think much of these corporations that had great wealth and great influence in government. And that is precisely why they put restrictions upon them after the government was organized under the Constitution.

After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. A giant central government that spends more than 20 percent of our GDP is a collectivist institution.

Enormous predator corporations that are constantly sucking up even more money and power are collectivist institutions.

Our founding fathers did not intend for our society to be dominated by collectivist institutions.

Very large institutions tend to reward the people that own and run them at the expense of everyone else.

And you know what?

A lot of these giant corporations have figured out that they don’t even need American workers anymore.

Instead, many of them are shipping our jobs to the other side of the world where it it legal to pay slave labor wages.  That means bigger profits for them but less jobs for the rest of us.

In America today, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and big government and big corporations are the mechanisms by which this is happening.

Posted below are 45 signs that America will soon be a nation with a very tiny elite and the rest of us will be poor….

Read the full article here.

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