White House, ‘Washington Post’ Coordinate Another Anti-Romney Attack

By John Nolte | June 23, 2012 | Breitbart News

The narrative.

In politics, the media narrative is everything. The media narrative drives the national conversation, opinion, and, unfortunately, poll numbers. Thanks to bad economic news and a number of unforced errors, narrative-wise, Obama and his media pal have had a very bad June. Desperate to change the subject for Their Precious One, this week we saw the media attempt to rescue Obama by pushing the White House talking points about illegal immigration.

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MEMORANDUM: Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children [PDF]


I Oppose Barack Obama Because He’s Black

By Andrew Klavan | June 18, 2012 | PJ Media

Sam Donaldson, who regularly treated President Ronald Reagan with disrespect, feels he knows exactly why Neil Munro of the right-leaning Daily Caller treated Barack Obama with disrespect. During the president’s recent announcement that he had decided to make up laws by himself from now on, effectively granting immunity to some illegal aliens with a wave of his almighty hand, Munro shouted out a question rather than waiting for the president to leave the podium without taking any questions.

Donaldson’s reaction in part:  “Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices and political view but for who he is, an African American!”

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Obama’s Post-Constitutional Wingmen

By  | June 19, 2012 | American Spectator

Access, bias, herd mentality in Munro incident — the corruption of the White House press corps.

“Good evening, everybody. (Applause.) I would like to welcome you all to the 10-day anniversary of my first 100 days. (Laughter.) I am Barack Obama. Most of you covered me. All of you voted for me. (Laughter and applause.) Apologies to the Fox table. (Laughter.) They’re — where are they? I have to confess I really did not want to be here tonight, but I knew I had to come — just one more problem that I’ve inherited from George W. Bush. (Laughter.)”
— President Obama addressing the 2009 White House Correspondent’s Dinner

You don’t interrupt the president.

So goes the media narrative in the wake of the media hysteria surrounding the Daily Caller‘s Neil Munro and his so-called “heckling” of President Obama.

Yeah, right. This is bunk.

A pluperfect illustration of a double-standard, as was illustrated in this space yesterday with a video clip of the White House press corps not only interrupting then-President Ronald Reagan as he read a statement but then shouting and shrieking at him as he left the room.

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Rush Limbaugh: “How cheap. How clichéd. How simplistic. How predictable. How utterly ignorant…” [Video]

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Obama Campaign Sends ‘Dreamers’ Fundraising Email Hours after Amnesty Announcement

By Penny Starr | June 18, 2012 | CNS News

“Right to Dream” students and supporters block the street outside the federal Metropolitan Detention Center Friday June 15, 2012, in Los Angeles to celebrate the Obama administrations decision to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants. Obama says his plan to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children will make the system “more fair, more efficient and more just.” (AP Photo/Nick Ut)

(CNSNews.com) – Seven hours after President Barack Obama announced that some illegal aliens would be allowed to stay in the United States and could be allowed to work here, Katherine Archuleta, Obama’s national campaign director, e-mailed a fundraising letter seeking donations to his re-election effort.

The e-mail, with the subject line “wonderful news,” contains links to the website, where visitors can listen to Obama’s speech on immigration he gave at 2:08 p.m. on Friday in the White House Rose Garden.

Archuleta – who was hailed as the first Latina to run a major presidential campaign when she was named director in June 2011 – sent the e-mail at 9:08 p.m.

“Thanks to our president, this nation’s immigration policy just became more fair and more just,” the letter begins.

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Only Voters Can Hold Obama Accountable For Illegal Amnesty Policy

By Ken Klukowski | June 17, 2012 | Breitbart News

President Obama’s new amnesty policy regarding illegal aliens violates the law. But there’s probably no route to trump it either in Congress or in court, so the only recourse is for the American people to trump it by electing a new president.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Liberal Super Nova

By Victor Davis Hanson | June 11, 2012 | PJ Media

Two parties, left and right, are central to good consensual government — one the perennial check on the other, both within the general boundaries of constitutional free-market capitalism.

Yet the hard-Left takeover of the Democratic Party has meant that there is no longer a credible balance in our system, as almost all the tenets of contemporary left-wing ideology are blowing up, imploding super nova style — unsustainable ideas that are contrary to human nature and demand coercion for their implementation, given that they are increasingly anti-democratic and have to be implemented from high by an elite technocracy whether in Brussels, Sacramento, or Washington.

Far too much is always seen as not enough: Greeks are angry that there was too much “austerity” and not enough of the old borrow and spend; Obama is blamed for only borrowing $5 trillion for too “little” stimulus; Democrats threaten to withhold from the community-organizer Obama because he was not hard enough on “fat cats” and the capitalist state; in California, a 10.3% income tax is too low, not too high. When the remedy is seen worse than the disease, then the patient is indeed terminal.

Let me do a brief survey of the fissuring liberal world in which we live:

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Are We in Revolutionary Times?

By Victor Davis Hanson | June 15, 2012 | National Review

Legally, President Obama has reiterated the principle that he can pick and choose which U.S. laws he wishes to enforce (see his decision to reverse the order of the Chrysler creditors, his decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, and his administration’s contempt for national-security confidentiality and Senate and House subpoenas to the attorney general). If one individual can decide to exempt nearly a million residents from the law — when he most certainly could not get the law amended or repealed through proper legislative or judicial action — then what can he not do? Obama is turning out to be the most subversive chief executive in terms of eroding U.S. law since Richard Nixon.

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‘This is What a Dictator Does’- Beck Savages Obama’s Fiat on Illegal Immigrants [Video]

Read the full article here.

Executive Fiat: Obama Ignores Constitution in Display of Crass Political Calculus [Video]

Carl Gallups: Florida Defies Eric Holder by Removing Ineligible Voters From Voter-Registration Rolls [Video]

Hope: The Sequel

By John Heilemann | May 27, 2012 | New York Magazine

For Obama & Co., this time around it’s all about fear.

Illustration by Zohar Lazar

David Plouffe sits in his White House office, just a few steps from the Oval, staring at an oversize map of these United States. It’s late afternoon on May 9, two hours after Barack Obama’s declaration that his evolution on gay marriage has reached its terminus. The president is down the hall and on the phone, discussing his decision’s theological implications with several prominent African-American pastors—while Plouffe is being queried about its political dimensions by a querulous Caucasian reporter. The map at which Plouffe is gazing isn’t the electoral kind with the states shaded blue and red; as a federal employee, he notes wryly, “I’m not permitted to have one on the wall.” But given the way his head is hardwired, I’m pretty sure Plouffe is seeing those colors regardless.

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Our Age of Anxiety

By Yuval Levin | May 28, 2012, Vol. 17, NO. 35 | Weekly Standard

Romney’s challenge is to address the deep uneasiness in America and point the way to a comeback.

There is something very strange about the 2012 presidential race so far. The election comes at a time of extraordinary public unease, which clearly demands some response from the political system, and especially from the men running for the highest office in the land. But the two presidential candidates are both running campaigns oddly detached from what is rightly worrying voters.

Photos of Obama and RomneyIf you were to judge the state of the country by listening only to the Obama campaign, you would conclude that we are on the verge of the long-awaited triumph of the liberal welfare state, and that all that stands in the way is a gang of retrograde Social Darwinists who somehow manage to be simultaneously nihilistic and theocratic. That band of reactionaries ran the economy into the ground for the sake of their wealthy patrons, and now they’re coming for our social programs and for women’s freedoms. Only if they are held off can the forward march of history proceed.

If you were to judge the state of the country by listening only to the Romney campaign, you would conclude that all was well in America until we took a wrong turn four years ago and elected a president hostile to freedom and prosperity. If we just correct that error and undo what he has done, our economy will be ready to bloom again.

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Change—and Some Hope

By Victor Davis Hanson | May 12, 2012 | PJ Media

Rays of Sun Amid the Storm

The Rasmussen Tracking Poll recently had Romney up 50 to 42 over Obama. At this early juncture, such polls mean nothing—except as diagnostic indices of why perhaps both candidates go up and down in popularity.

So why has Barack Obama plunged in the polls these last few days?

The Republican slugfest is over. The media cannot headline any longer the daily conservative suicide. Barack Obama’s job report came out at 8.1% unemployment—but, more importantly, with information that a smaller percentage of adult Americans are working than ever before, and fewer in absolute numbers than nearly four years ago when Obama took office.

So someone must be asking, “What then was the lost $5 trillion for?” Note, in this regard, the 5.4% unemployment rate that won George Bush the slur of a “jobless recovery” in 2004.

There was some pushback to Obama’s spiking the football on the anniversary of bin Laden’s death.

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Wisconsin Teachers Union Threatens Parent for Challenging Union Abuses

By Education Action Group | April 25, 2012 | Breitbart

RACINE, Wis. – Former Racine Unified school district board member Brian Dey has had his fair share of run-ins with the district’s teachers union.

He proposed Act 10-style cuts when he served on the board between 2005 and 2008. More recently, he pressed school officials to launch an investigation into the union’s allegedly illegal campaigning on school property.

But it was the outspoken education reformer’s comments about the apparent union connection to a “Student Bill of Rights” that prompted a Wisconsin Education Association Council attorney to threaten a defamation lawsuit to shut him up.

It didn’t work.

In an interview with EAGnews.org, Dey said he was somewhat surprised by the threatening letter he received from the WEAC earlier this month, but the experience has only strengthened his resolve to speak out about union abuses and the benefits of Act 10 in Wisconsin’s public schools.

“Initially I laughed because it’s similar to threats (from the union) in districts across the state against those who come out … for Act 10 and Scott Walker,” Dey said. “I’m not intimidated, nor am I going to be quiet about it.

“I don’t agree with collective bargaining for professionals, I just don’t.”

Collective bargaining for teachers is somehow at the center of a “Student Bill of Rights” allegedly drafted by students in Milwaukee and Racine, most of whom have been inducted into the radical group Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES).

YES is led by left-wing Horlick High School teacher Al Levie, who is prone to dragging his students with him to protest and heckle lawmakers he doesn’t agree with. YES and Levie are also tied to Voces de la Frontera, an organization that advocates for extremely liberal immigration policies and collective bargaining privileges.

Teachers involved with YES are WEAC members, and a central issue of the “Student Bill of Rights” conveniently mirrors the union’s top priority – collective bargaining. The fact that students introduced the document after marching from Big Labor headquarters in Racine has convinced Dey that WEAC likely is involved with the “student effort.” He has spoken up about the issue on blogs and online news forums.

Now, WEAC’s high-dollar attorney wants Dey to shut his mouth about the situation, and to stop talking about union abuses he has highlighted for taxpayers in the past.

Cease and desist

Here are some excerpts from WEAC’s cease and desist letter, sent to Dey by union attorney Jina Jonen:

“I have received information that you have made defamatory and other false statements about the Racine Education Association (REA), Mr. Jack Bernfeld (REA Executive Director) and Mr. Pete Knotek (REA President) to the public, and in particular, on your blog and in the press.

“To give a few examples, contrary to your statements, the REA and/or its representatives:

– Did not draft or participate in drafting the student bill of rights;
– Did not organize any “sick out” last year when Governor Walker and his legislature stripped teachers of their right to have a voice in making educational decisions that drastically impact students and our schools;
– Did not advocate for or participate in any illegal actions regarding political campaigns, Act 10 or any other matters.”

Jonen then threatened Dey with a lawsuit if he doesn’t keep quiet.

Read the full article here.

The DOJ didn’t get the memo

By  | April 25, 2012 | The Daily Caller

The Department of Justice didn’t get the memo.

At least so it seems, given Wednesday’s oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court regarding Arizona’s immigration enforcement law. The DOJ’s federal preemption argument — that SB 1070 runs contrary to federal law and is thus unconstitutional — is remarkable not only for its weakness, but also for its disregard of President Obama’s stated policy on federal preemption.

On May 20, 2009, the president issued a memorandum to the heads of executive departments and agencies on preemption. The purpose of the memorandum was to state his administration’s general policy “that preemption of State law by executive departments and agencies should be undertaken only with full consideration of the legitimate prerogatives of the States and with a sufficient legal basis for preemption.” The president recognized that “State law and national law often operate concurrently to provide independent safeguards for the public,” and that “[t]hroughout our history, State and local governments have frequently protected health, safety and the environment more aggressively than has the national Government.”

In case the president hasn’t noticed, this is one of those moments in history.

The 2009 memorandum was largely a rejection of Bush administration policies that favored the preemption of state tort suits in which juries’ decisions could conflict with the decisions of federal agencies. The most notable example was the Supreme Court case Wyeth v. Levine, which centered on the FDA’s assertion that its approval of a prescription drug warning label should preempt a plaintiff’s ability to sue a drug manufacturer in state court alleging that the label is nevertheless defective according to state law.

The Supreme Court disagreed with the FDA in a 6-3 decision. It found that, even though the FDA mandated the use of a specific warning label, there is an assumption that “the historic police powers of the States [are] not to be superseded … unless that was the clear and manifest purpose of Congress.” President Obama found merit in the court’s view, lamenting that in “recent years” executive departments and agencies have sometimes announced that their regulations preempt state law without explicit preemption by Congress.

Read the full article here.

Stimulus Can of Worms: Crony Capitalism, Corporate Fascism, Global Governance, Socialism, Oligarchy

Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire

Van Jones at the “Take Back the American Dream” conference.

Van Jones at the “Take Back the American Dream” conference.

Executive Summary

Newly recently released tax documents reveal how billionaire “philanthropist” George Soros expanded his U.S.-based empire by using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Obama stimulus. Soros and Obama worked hand-in-glove through the stimulus, which has been called the largest single partisan wealth transfer in American history.

In 2010, tax records show that Soros, a convicted inside trader with extensive knowledge of the American financial system and government policies under Obama, deployed grantees from his Open Society Foundations1 to lobby for and acquire federal contracts for job training, green energy, and community redevelopment programs.  By gaining control over those resources, Soros advanced his agenda for “green economics,” open borders, and increased government handouts. In short, he grew his empire, which includes much of the “progressive” movement in the U.S., as the federal government and Obama’s political constituencies grew in power and influence.

This report analyzes George Soros’s grants to organizations in 2010.  The records show massive coordination of non-profit networks in the states and nationally.  Four powerful organizations and coalitions — The STAR Coalition, The Gamaliel Foundation, the Apollo Alliance, and Green for All — are given detailed scrutiny in this regard, with the involvement of Van Jones getting special mention. Jones is the former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” fired after information about his communist past surfaced through the work of anti-communist blogger Trevor Loudon and then-Fox News personality Glenn Beck.  The lobbying power of such efforts ensured that stimulus funds flowed from taxpayers into union coffers and into the hands of other activists who had been instrumental in putting President Obama into office.

This report, “Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire,” includes an analysis of how Soros-funded organizations and networks operate, the strategies used to steer stimulus money to special interest lobbies, and an explanation of how taxpayers were forced to subsidize the “progressive” movement in the U.S. However, only Congress, with its investigative powers, can get to the bottom of how this money was spent and into whose coffers it ultimately ended up.

America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) began the process of analyzing the Soros empire, which has been financed with almost $8 billion from the controversial billionaire, during an October 27, 2011, “Soros Files” conference in Washington, D.C. Reports and speeches from this conference are posted at www.sorosfiles.com The reports available at this website include How Soros Finances Marxism in AmericaSoros Funds Marxist Legal Groups and Terrorists, and How Soros is Subverting the Criminal Justice System. This website is updated on a regular basis.

How the “partisan wealth transfer” called the Obama stimulus was applied to Soros-funded organizations that dominate the progressive movement and President Obama’s political base. 

John Lott, an economist and co-author with Grover Norquist of the just released Debacle: Obama’s War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future, writes that the Obama stimulus was “a massive partisan wealth transfer — the largest single transfer in American history.” In his book, Throw Them All Out, Peter Schweizer reveals that Soros helped craft the stimulus then invested in companies benefiting from it.

Surprisingly little has been written about George Soros’s role in the Recovery Act.  This may be due in part to the fact that Soros’s Open Society Foundations in the U.S. (Open Society Institute and Fund to Promote Open Society) only recently disclosed their 2010 federal tax records.  Whatever the reason for this delay, for almost two years it effectively concealed the influence the billionaire currency speculator exercised over the federal government’s efforts to “stimulate” the economy. Such “stimulation,” as we can see, was political in nature.

1x1.trans Obama Stimulus Dollars Funded Soros Empire

(This title is from a Soros-sponsored conference on how to use Obama stimulus dollars).

By the time hundreds of billions in federal Recovery Act dollars started flowing to the states, George Soros’s grantees were poised to take advantage of key provisions of the stimulus package.  This is unsurprising, for Soros had already distributed grants to dozens of activist groups who lobbied for inclusion of those provisions.  These organizations were then first in line for stimulus funds earmarked for “green jobs training,” “neighborhood stabilization” and other activist-driven projects.

In the alchemy of Open Society, a dollar spent on an activist can translate into ten dollars in federal subsidies. Hence, Soros and his rich allies give to the poor (and their representatives) in order to take from everyone in the middle.

For Soros, and the activist network he supports, the stimulus program represented a once-in-a-generation opportunity to play Robin Hood with other people’s money.  The Obama administration earmarked $787 billion, and much of that was for precisely the types of activities Soros favors: jobs programs, green jobs programs, green jobs programs for felons, “food justice” activism, mortgage assistance that transferred private debts to taxpayers, “neighborhood stabilization” and “weatherization” schemes that enriched community organizers, billion-dollar loans to “sustainability” start-ups, federal subsidies for schools, and social service money-sinks like Head Start. Meanwhile, Soros found other ways to meddle in the stimulus.  Many Open Society grantees received funds from Soros specifically earmarked to demand “equity” and racial diversity in the distribution of Recovery Act funds.

Soros deployed his usual arsenal of socially divisive strategies in these efforts.  He handed out grants to key minority groups to allege “inequality” in the distribution of Recovery Act funds.  These activists injected racial and ethnic politics into mortgage relief efforts and jobs programs.  Recovery Act measures to address the mortgage defaults especially empowered activists to denounce “the one percent” and accuse their fellow citizens of purported racial and anti-immigrant discrimination.

The Recovery Act was only one government initiative through which Soros prevailed upon taxpayers (largely without their knowledge or consent) to subsidize his non-profit programs.  In New York City, Soros joined forces with Mayor Bloomberg and the Robin Hood Foundation to provide seed money for expensive social programs and new charter schools.

Such projects, which enjoy rabidly enthusiastic press, frequently end up being only fractionally funded by the wealthy philanthropists who start them, while taxpayers foot the bills.  In the hands of George Soros, such private/public initiatives are a key back-door method of seizing control of the government.  They are also a back-door method of implementing socialism.  The Recovery Act speeded this process exponentially.

The Strategy

On May 10, 2010, a two-day event, “Organizing the Recovery,” was held in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Open Society Institute and the Ford Foundation. The STAR (States for a Transparent and Accountable Recovery) Coalition promoted the event and described itself as a network of groups working at the state and local levels to ensure that the Recovery Act was used to “address vital social needs and benefit those most harmed by the failed economic policies of the past.” This was an open invitation for the liberal/left to apply for funds.

The STAR Coalition consisted of:

Read the full article here.

U.S. Press MIA: Pravda Reports Barack Obama Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence

By Dianna C. Cotter | March 29, 2012 | Pravda

On March 7th, 2012, Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.

Since then, the scandal has only expanded. Former United States Postal Service worker Allen Hulton has recently come forward with compelling testimony given under Oath, which leads to only one conclusion: Barack Obama attended College in the United States as a Foreign Student.

In the summer of 2008 the presidential primary season was winding down, and America could not help but note the fervor a significant number of media personalities expressed while supporting the candidacy Barack Obama. Indeed, it was collectively decided within the liberal media, that Obama’s associations with racist pastors and violent domestic terrorists was to be suppressed.

The exposure of the “Journolist” email scandal in 2010 made this glaringly clear: Stories like Obama’s ties to Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr.of the Trinity United Church, and more relevant, to Bill Ayers and his radical past in the Weather Underground Organization were to remain largely un-reported and uninvestigated. Any realistic investigation into Barack Obama’s background was to be minimized, inquiries eventually mocked, and investigators labeled racists.

These tactics have isolated honest media who could and should have reported on these and other important stories yet have inexplicably remained silent. Now we know why. More on this in a moment.

The Postman

Retired United States Postal Worker Allen Hulton recently signed a sworn affidavit for the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse convened by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, attesting under oath, to conversations with Mary Ayers, the mother of Bill Ayers. He made his testimony public in a three hour long taped interviewed on March 19th, 2012. Mr. Hutton, by signing an affidavit has subjected himself to laws regarding perjury, not something to be taken lightly as telling the truth is now for him a requirement of law.

His testimony states Mary and Tom Ayers (Parents of Bill ”I don’t regret setting bombs” Ayers) were sponsoring Barack Obama as a foreign student, and financially supporting his education.

This is a huge revelation on not one, but two separate fronts.

Bill Ayers of dubious “Weatherman” fame, was not just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood”, as then candidate Obama brushed aside. The video linked here comes from a televised DNC Debate in the summer of 2008. As Hillary Clinton revealed then, Obama served in a paid position on the Woods Foundation with Bill Ayers and the two were involved in several projects dispersing millions of dollars over several years.

Realistically, the Ayers family could be said to have adopted Barack Obama, if not as a son then certainly as a kindred Marxist spirit, and treated him to one of the finest educations possible.

There is little doubt Mr. Obama has been less than honest with regard to the Ayers family and their significance in his life.

As disingenuous as this is, it is by no means the most important revelation.

If correct, and Obama was introduced to Hulton as a Foreign Student, this means Barack Hussein Obama would have been using a Foreign Passport to get and prove his foreign student status for entrance into Occidental College, Columbia, and later Harvard Universities. Because Hulton has signed an Affidavit, this cannot be disregarded as mere hearsay; it is instead evidentiary in nature.

The significance of this development may not be immediately apparent until one recognizes American law regarding citizenship status. Citizenship laws as expressed in Title 8 of the United States Code states the use of a Foreign Passport constitutes adult recognition of relinquishment of American Citizenship:

8 USC 1481

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality-

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; 8 USC 1481

Using a foreign passport in order to obtain status as a foreign student is precisely that, proof of naturalization in a foreign state.

The child Barack Obama became an Indonesian Citizen when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and the family’s subsequent relocation to Indonesia. Young Barack by law needed Indonesian Citizenship in order to attend school, and his adoption provided this. Indeed, in young Barack’s situation adoption was necessary to gain it.

Read the full article here.

The Sea Change: Obama’s Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away

By Monte Kuligowski | April 19, 2012 | American Thinker

For several years, an Orwellian-type fear of being “marginalized” held reporters and pundits back from questioning Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of the presidency.  To raise an eyebrow at the bizarre secrecy of Obama was off-limits.  To question whether the historic definition of “natural born citizen” applied to Obama was taboo.

The era of fear, however, is happily winding down.  It will take some time for this realization to fully take hold.  But make no mistake: the tables have turned.

Like it or not, the ground has shifted, and it cannot shift back.  The evidence of Obama’s forgeries is not going away.

Up until this point, Mr. Obama controlled everything, including the talking points and burden of proof.

Rather than simply produce certified paper copies for state election officials and make the original available for officials to inspect in Hawaii, Obama played games with his purported birth certificate.  We were told for three years that Obama’s birth certificate had been posted online in 2008 — though it turns out that it was a scant certification.  In 2010, when confronted with the alarming doubts of the American people, Mr. Obama lamented to a sympathetic Brian Williams of NBC: “I can’t spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead.”  The following year, out of left field, on April 27, 2011, Obama “released” the elusive birth certificate by posting a now-discredited file image online.

This time he wasn’t teasing.  It was “proof positive.”  Mr. Obama, in his robotic style, barked that it was time to stop the “silliness” and move on.

No one ever wanted Obama to get all crazy and walk around with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead.  But many took the reasonable position of wanting the mysterious birth certificate produced, not plastered or uploaded to a computer.  Many wanted Obama to produce certified copies for state officials and make the original available for inspection.

But because no authority forced him to comply with basic legal standards, Mr. Obama was able to create a sideshow atmosphere by selecting non-experts to verify his internet postings behind closed doors.  His media sycophants were able to make those who questioned Obama’s staunch secrecy appear as the unreasonable ones.  Somehow the burden of proof was erroneously placed on the citizenry to prove that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii.

Well, the burden never actually rested with the people to prove anything.  That was all smoke and mirrors.  No conspiracy theories are needed to demand that Obama comply with basic legal standards — especially in context of a state with a history of certifying foreign births as Hawaiian.

After Obama “released” the birth certificate in 2011, nonpartisan computer software experts immediately recognized that the embarrassing image had been computer-assembled.  Of course, few in the free press dared to report on the “silliness.”  Fox News quickly summonsed Adobe-certified expert Jean-Claude Tremblayto to conclude, nothing fishy here (but his ORC explanation has been demonstrably debunked by the control-test findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigative team — see below).

It’s simply unfathomable to the consensus media that the One they worked so hard to elect could be a fraud — or, at minimum, could have something to hide.

Unfortunately, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s team of law enforcement and investigative experts were able to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that forgeries have been committed.  It turns out that the sheriff simply confirmed the “open secret” shared by technical document experts across the country.  As with many crimes, if not for their abject carelessness, the forgers might have gotten away with it.  But the strength of the evidence is such that local law enforcement was able to conclude that “probable cause” exists to show that the White House uploaded a computer-generated forgery of a birth certificate.  Ditto with Obama’s Selective Service registration form: it is also a crude forgery.

Who would have thought that Obama’s illegal immigration nemesis, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, could turn the tables on Obama?

Read the full article here.

Obama Politicizes Trayvon for Latino Audience

by Tony Lee | April 17, 2013 | Breitbart

In an appearance on the Spanish language station Univision’s “Al Punto” Sunday show, President Obama, with the help of host Enrique Acevedo, appealed to Latino voters by tying the Trayvon Martin case to the “anti-immigrant” sentiment Obama said Hispanics have recently faced.

In his final question to Obama, Acevedo asked, “Finally, Mr. President, why is it that half a century after the civil rights movement and after the American people elected their first African-American president do I have to stand today here in front of you and ask you about racial tensions in the U.S.? And of course, I’m referring to the Trayvon Martin case.”

It is worth noting that Acevedo–on a Spanish language network–made no mention of the fact that Zimmerman identified himself as a “Hispanic,” which would pierce the meme and narrative Acevedo wanted Obama to advance, which Obama obligingly did.

Obama could have noted that Zimmerman was as Hispanic as he is Black and could have said that since the facts of what happened on the night Martin died are still unknown, Americans shouldn’t hastily use the Trayon Martin tragedy as a symbol of “racial tensions in the U.S.,” as Acevedo suggested.

Of course, Obama did not respond this way for politicizing the Martin tragedy works to his political advantage and drives home the misconceived notion that America is a nation of systemic inequalities that needs to be fundamentally transformed.

Here is how Obama responded.

Read the full article here.

Chuck Woolery: Citizen Exchange Program [Video]

Alarms Over Obama Coup Against Constitution Surging

By Bob Unruh | April 13, 2012 | WND


‘2nd term free of electoral restraints may be a frightening prospect’

There always have been those few who have launched diatribes over the dictatorial actions of any given U.S. presidential administration, over civil rights, foreign affairs, the economy, the draft or a dozen other topics – even though the Constitution was written specifically to prevent the collection of too much power by one branch of government.

Now, again, there are words like “egocentric megalomaniac” being ascribed to the White House, and warnings about detention camps and government surveillance of its citizens.

But where previous generations of warnings emanated from lone wolves with their fax machines in dusty spare rooms, the current alarms are being issued by the likes of Investors Business Daily, First Amendment authority Nat Hentoff, New York Times best-selling author Robert Ringer and their equals.

“A second term free of electoral restraints [for Obama] may be a frightening prospect,” IBD wrote in a commentary in the last week. “This is, after all, a president who has said he can’t wait for Congress to act and will govern by executive order and regulations if necessary. He has questioned the Supreme Court’s ‘unprecedented’ review of Obamacare.”

The publication pointed out that the Obama administration already is in contempt of court – in a court dispute over its ban on oil drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

When U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman ruled that the Obama Interior Department unconstitutionally imposed an offshore drilling moratorium, the agency “simply established a second ban that was virtually identical.”

“Judge Feldman was not amused. ‘Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance,’ Feldman said in his ruling. ‘Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second moratorium …. provides this court with clear and convincing evidence of its contempt,’” the editorial said.

The issue recently was brought into the headlines by comments from Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News analyst who said, “I think the president is dangerously close to totalitarianism. A few months ago he was saying the Congress doesn’t count. The Congress doesn’t mean anything. I am going to rule by decree and by administrative regulation. Now he’s basically saying the Supreme Court doesn’t count. It doesn’t matter what they think. They can’t review our legislation.

“That would leave just him as the only branch of government standing,” Napolitano said.

His comments came after statements from Obama that the U.S. Supreme Court wouldn’t take the “unprecedented” action of actually overturning the Obamacare law, even though that is exactly what courts do when justices determine the legislation is unconstitutional.

“I think he [Obama] has some problems with understanding the Constitution, or accepting limitations on his power,” said Napolitano. “Look, they’re equal branches of government, but with respect to what the law means and what the Constitution means, the court is superior to the president.”

His comments came recently on Neil Cavuto’s program, when the discussion turned to the U.S. Supreme Court’s discussion of the unconstitutionality of Obamacare and Obama’s verbal attack on the court shortly after the oral arguments.

Here are Napolitano’s comments:

Read the full article here.

Journalists’ Panel Discussion Shows Critical Race Theory Mainstream to Left

By Tony Lee | April 12, 2012 | Breitbart

On Monday, the Aspen Institute held a discussion about race and the 2012 elections, and its panel featured a roster of liberals.

Touré, one of the most prominent members of the media who has tried to exploit the Trayvon Martin tragedy to push his political agenda, Carlos Velez-Ibanez, a liberal professor of transborder studies, and José Antonio Vargas, a liberal ex-reporter and illegal immigrant who now is a prominent founder of an organization whose objective is to have a “conversation” about immigration, made up the panel, which FOX News’ Juan Williams, another liberal, moderated.

The panelists, in their comments and biases through which they saw America, revealed the wide reach of the legal discipline known as “Critical Race Theory,” which teaches students to see essentially all institutions in America as being the product of a white power structure that has to be systematically disassembled. Derrick Bell was the godfather of Critical Race Theory and, as Breitbart.com revealed, President Barack Obama was one of his many acolytes.

As the Trayvon Martin case begins to go to trial and the Supreme Court will soon hear arguments in immigration and affirmative action cases, the left will continue to use these events to attempt to start national dialogues on race. Of course, such dialogues will have subtle — and not-so-subtle — undertones that paint Republicans as intolerant and bigoted. And this will not be by accident, as the panel revealed, for even if those in the liberal media and intelligentsia did not formally take any classes on “Critical Race Theory,” they have been influenced by its tenets and have internalized them.

Exhibit A: Touré

Touré again tried to exploit the Martin case by saying it is about the “ability for us to exist as one America” because “we are very much two Americas, separate and unequal.”

“It is a scar on the American soul, an extraordinarily important moment in American history, and some people are not even recognizing that,” Touré continued. “We are angry this is happening and this is continuing to happen to our young boys.”

Touré said people ask him, “some black boy got killed in Florida and this is a major moment in American history?”

Touré answered that the Martin case is such a moment because it represents “the continued dehumanization of Trayvon and, by association, all black men.”

Speaking about white privilege, Touré said that he was frustrated with whites on the subject, noting that ones he spoke to kept telling him, “I don’t know what you are talking about — show it to me, or prove it to me.”

Touré, whether he knew it or not, was parroting a “Critical Race Theory” tenet that says an absence of specific examples of racism does nothing to disprove that America is a nation based on a power structure that perpetuates white privilege.

Touré then said other whites he spoke to claimed to have no power or privilege; he mockingly said their mindset was, “clearly it must not exist because I have nothing.”

Touré then noted that whenever blacks received rights in America, those rights were then creatively taken away. In the case of Jim Crow following emancipation, Touré was correct.

But Touré took it two steps further.

He referenced an academic hypothesis that after the civil rights bills of the 1950s and 1960s were passed, America tried to restore Jim Crow through other, more creative means by purposely incarcerating blacks. Touré then said that the rise of Obama will lead to another period where rights will be in danger for minorities.

Touré cited the “rise of voter ID laws” as an example of minority rights being in danger, even though voter ID laws are colorblind. He then said that the recent tragedy in Tulsa, Oklahoma — in which gunmen who individually were prejudiced shot and killed five blacks — was proof of whites being angry at blacks in general.

Read the full article here.

Time for a Military Approach to the Border

By Elise Cooper | April 7, 2012 | American Thinker

The Obama administration claims that the U.S.-Mexican border is more secure today than it has ever been in the last twenty years.  However, this ignores the fact that Mexico has higher levels of violence and that sections of the border are controlled by the drug cartels.  I went to Arizona to view the border with Colonel Martha McSally, who is running for Gabrielle Giffords’s congressional seat, and to talk with ranchers about their border concerns.

There are many types of fences on the border.  In Douglas, Arizona Border Patrol has recently finished building a new 18-foot-high fence.  It covers six miles of border, is made of much tougher steel which is harder to cut, and sinks about six feet into the ground to make it harder to tunnel.  The ranchers are skeptical if this fence will do the job and cite Janet Napolitano’s 2005 statement (when governor) that “[y]ou show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder.”  Warner and Kelly, whose ranch is close to the border, discouragingly stated, “After this fence was built, the illegal immigrants were coming up and over.  It seems that the cartels will find ways around anything built.”  There is also the fear that a tougher fence could push the smugglers into the rural areas where many of the ranchers reside.

They told American Thinker that the drug cartels use car haulers, ramps that slide cars over, catapults that throw drugs over the fence, and large cranes that have a huge magnet for lifting objects.  In the rural areas there are two types of fences: a Normandy- style and a “post and rail” fence that is approximately five feet high.  The ranchers are skeptical about any barriers that will work, including a double-fence.  A photo shows how easily Colonel McSally was able to get over the barrier.

Rancher Bill noted that those crossing the border are not so much the migrant workers, but instead the criminal element involved in drugs and human smuggling.   Bill and the others would like to see the establishment of a migrant guest worker program.  They feel this would cut down on the traffic of people, and it would ensure that those entering the U.S. illegally are the “true bad guys.”  A former high-ranking Border Patrol (BP) official with knowledge of the Arizona border agrees: “For whatever reason, there is a reduction of those who have come to America to find jobs.  As a result, BP has had more time to focus on the smugglers.”

Read the full article here.

Bill Whittle: Our Progressive Nightmare and the Conservative Solution (Parts 1-3)

The Radical Polarization of Law Enforcement

By Patrick Wood, Editor | March 18, 2009 | The August Review

Patriots, Chris­tians and con­cerned cit­i­zens are increas­ingly in the cross hairs of the U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­nity, and battle lines are being qui­etly drawn that could soon pit our own law enforce­ment and mil­i­tary forces against us.

A Feb­ruary 20 report enti­tled “The Modern Militia Move­ment” was issued by the Mis­souri Infor­ma­tion Analysis Center (MIAC) that paints main­stream patri­otic Amer­i­cans as dan­gerous threats to law enforce­ment and to the country. Oper­ating under the Mis­souri State Highway Patrol, the MIAC is listed as a Fusion Center that was estab­lished in coop­er­a­tion with the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­rity and the Depart­ment of Justice.

Because authen­ticity of the report was ques­tioned by some, this writer con­tacted Mis­souri state Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jim Guest (R-King City) who had per­son­ally ver­i­fied that the report had indeed been issued. Rep. Guest is chairman of the Per­sonal Pri­vacy Com­mittee and is a promi­nent leader in the national blow­back against the Real ID Act of 2005 that requires states to issue uni­form driver’s licenses con­taining per­sonal bio­metric data. (See Guest warns against Big Brother, Real ID)

Rep. Guest stated that he was “shocked and out­raged” at the report, which clearly paints him and many other elected state leaders, as a poten­tial threats to law enforcement.

Instead of focusing on actual crim­inal inci­dents of “home-grown” ter­rorism, the MAIC report instead lists issues that it believes are common to the threats it per­ceives. Thus, Amer­i­cans involved with the fol­lowing issues are highly suspect:

– “Ammu­ni­tion Account­ability Act” – requiring each bullet to to be seri­al­ized and reg­is­tered to the purchaser.

– “Antic­i­pa­tion of the eco­nomic col­lapse of the US Gov­ern­ment” – Promi­nent scholars and econ­o­mists are openly debating the bank­ruptcy and insol­vency of the United States government.

– “Pos­sible Con­sti­tu­tional Con­ven­tion (Con Con)” – 32 states have called for a Con­sti­tu­tional Con­ven­tion to force Con­gress and the Exec­u­tive Branch into a bal­anced budget, but con­cerned that if called, Con Con would be taken over by hos­tile inter­ests who would intro­duce Amend­ments that are harmful to national sovereignty.

– “North Amer­ican Union” – MIAC states that “Con­spiracy the­o­rists claim that this union would link Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The NAU would unify its mon­e­tary system and trade the dollar for the AMERO. Asso­ci­ated with this theory is con­cern over a NAFTA Super­highway, which would fast track trade between the three nations. There is addi­tional con­cern that the NAU would open up the border causing secu­rity risks and free move­ment for immigrants.”

– “Uni­versal Ser­vice Program” – “Statements made by Pres­i­dent Elect Obama and his chief of staff have led extrem­ists to fear the cre­ation of a Civilian Defense Force. This theory requires all cit­i­zens between the age of 18 and 25 to be forced to attend three months of manda­tory training.” (This is exactly what Obama and Rahm Emmanuel have repeat­edly stated on national TV, and thus is hardly a theory.)

– “Radio Fre­quency Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion (RFID)” – This includes human implan­ta­tion, but the larger con­cern is uni­versal id cards and per­sonal prop­erty iden­ti­fi­ca­tion that can be read elec­tron­i­cally without the bearer’s knowledge.

Cit­i­zens who are con­cerned about the above issues are then lumped into rad­ical ide­olo­gies such as Chris­tian Iden­tity, White Nation­al­ists (e.g., neo-Nazi, Skin­heads, etc.) and anti-Semites. Tax Resisters and Anti-Immigration advo­cates are thrown into the same category.

The MIAC report then sternly warns law enforce­ment personnel,

You are the Enemy: The militia sub­scribes to an antigov­ern­ment and NWO mind set, which cre­ates a threat to law enforce­ment offi­cers. They view the mil­i­tary, National Guard, and law enforce­ment as a force that will con­fis­cate their firearms and place them in FEMA con­cen­tra­tion camps.” [Bold emphasis appears in original]

On the last page of the MIAC report, a sec­tion listing Polit­ical Para­pher­nalia (flags and sym­bols) states,

“Militia mem­bers most com­monly asso­ciate with 3rd party polit­ical groups. It is not uncommon for militia mem­bers to dis­play Con­sti­tu­tional Party, Cam­paign for Lib­erty, or Lib­er­tarian mate­rial. These mem­bers are usu­ally sup­porters of former Pres­i­den­tial Can­di­date: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr.

Militia mem­bers com­monly dis­play pic­ture, car­toons, bumper stickers that con­tain anti-government rhetoric. Most of this mate­rial will depict the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforce­ment, and the ‘New World Order’ in a deroga­tory manor (sic). Addi­tion­ally, Racial, anti-immigration, and anti-abortion, mate­rial may be dis­played by militia members.”

What was the osten­sible gen­esis of all these “threats” to law enforce­ment? The report explains it this way…

“Aca­d­e­mics con­tend that female and minority empow­er­ment in the 1970s and 1960s caused a blow to white male’s sense of empow­er­ment. This, com­bined with a sense of defeat from the Vietnam War, increased levels of immi­gra­tion, and unem­ploy­ment, spawned a para­mil­i­tary cul­ture. This caught on in the 1980′s with injects such as Tom Clancy novels, Solder of For­tune Mag­a­zine, and movies such as Rambo that glo­ri­fied combat. This cul­ture glo­ri­fied white males and por­trayed them as morally upright heroes who were men­tally and phys­i­cally tough.

“It was during this time­frame that many indi­vid­uals and orga­ni­za­tions began to con­coct con­spiracy the­o­ries to explain their mis­for­tunes. These the­o­ries varied but almost always involved a glob­alist dic­ta­tor­ship the”New World Order (NWO), which con­spired to exploit the working class citizens.”

In other words, these “ridicu­lous NWO the­o­ries” were cre­ated by psy­cho­log­ical deviants who were trying to jus­tify their own self-induced misfortunes.

Read the full article here.

Beck: Progressive Mission Accomplished,’ Now on to Phase II — Communism

By Tiffany Gabbay  | March 20, 2012 | TheBlaze.com

If one wanted to destroy America, all one would need to do is break the country into parts and chisel away at each segment, bit by bit. Tuesday‘s episode of The Glenn Beck Program laid out America’s core components and described how each one is being undermined and thus, destroyed. But who is doing the destroying?

Glenn contends that those seeking to dismantle the American way are “no longer progressives.” Instead, the left has successfully morphed into what it had always intended to be: Full-fledged Communists.

“Progressives can say mission accomplished. Now it’s phase two.”

Invoking Stuart Chase’s “The Road We Are Traveling” and the recent Obama propaganda piece by essentially the same name, Glenn informed viewers that progressives’ “road” has come to an end, and thus, it is now time to “start studying Communism.”

And while this machine is “way beyond Barack Obama,” he is, in effect, its prime mover. Recall during his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally transform” the country, and indeed, the entire world.

In the words of Maya Angelou: ”The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

But, Glenn ceded, “Obama is not the first radical.”

“Woodrow Wilson and FDR did it too.”

He also reminded that when Obama vowed to fundamentally change the nation and the world it was brushed off as merely “campaign rhetoric,” but with progressives, “their words have meaning.”

So the president wanted to change the entire structure of the country. In order to do that, Glenn cautioned, one “needs to dismantle the current structure.”

And assume full control. 

He added that “we need to change the way we’re thinking because the battle has changed.”

A fundamental change:

Read the full article here.

MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement

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