Victor Davis Hanson: The Liberal Super Nova

By Victor Davis Hanson | June 11, 2012 | PJ Media

Two parties, left and right, are central to good consensual government — one the perennial check on the other, both within the general boundaries of constitutional free-market capitalism.

Yet the hard-Left takeover of the Democratic Party has meant that there is no longer a credible balance in our system, as almost all the tenets of contemporary left-wing ideology are blowing up, imploding super nova style — unsustainable ideas that are contrary to human nature and demand coercion for their implementation, given that they are increasingly anti-democratic and have to be implemented from high by an elite technocracy whether in Brussels, Sacramento, or Washington.

Far too much is always seen as not enough: Greeks are angry that there was too much “austerity” and not enough of the old borrow and spend; Obama is blamed for only borrowing $5 trillion for too “little” stimulus; Democrats threaten to withhold from the community-organizer Obama because he was not hard enough on “fat cats” and the capitalist state; in California, a 10.3% income tax is too low, not too high. When the remedy is seen worse than the disease, then the patient is indeed terminal.

Let me do a brief survey of the fissuring liberal world in which we live:

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What the Media Choose Not to Know about Trayvon

By Jack Cashill | June 7, 2012 | American Thinker

Unnerved by an unspoken mix of political bias and racial queasiness, the major media have chosen to know as little about Trayvon Martin as they know about Barack Obama.

As a case in point, consider this boy vs. man fable spun by the New York Times‘ Charles Blow:

A boy’s blood had been spilled on a rain-soaked patch of grass behind a row of mustard-colored condominiums by a man who had pursued him against the advice of 911 dispatchers. That man carried a 9-millimeter handgun. The boy carried a bag of candy.

Blow was writing seven weeks after Trayvon’s death.  He had no excuse for missing the actual story.  Worse, since he is a writer for the Times, his reporting has helped set the media tone worldwide

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Lacking Facts and Logic, Democrats Manipulate Emotions

By John Watson | May 24, 2012 | American Thinker

Let us start with a simple premise: It is one thing to emote to an ideology, yet it is quite another to live out its reality.  Generally, liberals tend to rely upon emotion to push their agenda, while conservatives tend to rely more on pragmatism.  Raising the minimum wage to theoretically provide a “living wage” to the poor sounds good, but the reality has generally been higher unemployment of the lower-wage-earners.

A prime example is California.  For many years, California governance has been based upon utopian liberal concepts to the point of going beyond emotion almost to the point of fanaticism.  Higher taxes and more and more regulations have had a devastating effect on California’s economy.  Businesses and wealth understandably have been fleeing the state.  In January, Governor Brown estimated that the state’s deficit would be $9.2 billion, but on May 21, 2012, he said instead that it would be $15.7 billion.  Last week, the independent Legislative Analyst said it would be $17 billion[i].  And that figure included a rich share of anticipated Facebook IPO capital gains.

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Exclusive: The Vetting – Barack Obama, the First Tea Partier

By John Sexton | May 23, 2012 | Breitbart News

In 2009, President Barack Obama reportedly called members of the Tea Party “teabaggers.” It turns out that our fourth greatest president, first in so many things, may have been the first “teabagger” himself, as seen in the 1997 photograph above. Yes, that really is Barack Obama wearing a regimental coat and carrying a tricorn hat in his hand. And that flag behind him really is a Gadsden flag, with its serpent and its “Don’t Tread On Me” slogan. You may want to let all of this sink in a bit, especially if you’re a Tea Party-bashing progressive.

Neither Democrats nor the media have been particularly kind to the Tea Party. There is hardly space to go through all the times the Tea Party has been compared to terrorists (including by the Vice President) or fascists, or the many times it has been accused of racism by progressives in supposedly mainstream news outlets. That’s a book-length story of its own.

But given the photo above, it is certainly a good time to think back upon some of the ridicule Tea Party members were forced to endure for evoking the Revolutionary War era by their dress and choice of symbols.

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Naomi Schaefer Riley: The Academic Mob Rules

By Naomi Schaefer Riley | May 8, 2012 | Wall Street Journal

Instead of encouraging wide discussion, the Chronicle of Higher Education fires a blogger.

Recently, the Chronicle of Higher Education published a cover story called “Black Studies: ‘Swaggering Into the Future,'” in which the reporter described how “young black-studies scholars . . . are less consumed than their predecessors with the need to validate the field or explain why they are pursuing doctorates in their discipline.” The “5 Up-and-Coming Ph.D. Candidates” described in the piece’s sidebar “are rewriting the history of race.” While the article suggested some are skeptical of black studies as a discipline, the reporter neglected to quote anyone who is.

Like me. So last week, on the Chronicle’s “Brainstorm” blog (where I was paid to be a regular contributor), I suggested that the dissertation topics of the graduate students mentioned were obscure at best and “a collection of left-wing victimization claptrap,” at worst.

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Should Black People Tolerate This?

By Walter E. Williams | May 22, 2012 | CNS News

Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered. Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims. Using the 94 percent figure means that 262,621 were murdered by other blacks. Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation’s population, they account for more than 50 percent of homicide victims. Nationally, black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities, it’s 22 times that of whites. Coupled with being most of the nation’s homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery.

The magnitude of this tragic mayhem can be viewed in another light. According to a Tuskegee Institute study, between the years 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks were lynched at the hands of whites. Black fatalities during the Korean War (3,075), Vietnam War (7,243) and all wars since 1980 (8,197) come to 18,515, a number that pales in comparison with black loss of life at home.

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The Balkanization of America: Is Demography Destiny?

By Thomas Sowell | May 18, 2012 | WND

Thomas Sowell asks if ongoing racial polarization will spell disaster for U.S.

Now that census data show – for the first time in American history – the number of white babies born exceeded by the number of babies born to non-white minorities, the question is: What does this mean for the future of American society?

Politically, it means that minorities who traditionally vote overwhelmingly for Democrats can ensure that the country veers ever further to the left over the years, making America more like the welfare states of Europe, whose unsustainable spending led ultimately to financial crises and widespread riots.

But this is not strictly a matter of whites versus non-whites. Jews vote consistently, and almost as overwhelmingly, for Democrats as blacks do. Moreover, Asian-Americans are by no means as likely as other non-whites to vote for the class-warfare, tax-and-spend agenda of the Democrats.

Yet when all is said and done, the future political direction of the country seems painfully clear for these demographic trends, unless something happens to change the current correlation between race and political party affiliation. Moreover, even that may not be enough.

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Why the Left Dropped the Trayvon Story

By Rush Limbaugh | May 16, 2012 |


RUSH: Developments in the Trayvon Martin case, and you’d be hard-pressed to find these developments out there.  There have been two dramatic developments in the Trayvon Martin shooting case.  According to ABC News, George Zimmerman’s family doctor saw him the morning after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.  Here’s what George Zimmerman’s doctor found: A broken nose, two black eyes, bruises on his face and lip, two cuts on the back of his head, and a back injury.

The NBC affiliate in Florida is reporting that the medical director who performed the autopsy on Trayvon Martin found only two injuries on his body:  the gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.  Welcome to the Duke lacrosse case all over again.  Everything Zimmerman said about what happened to him turns out to be true after the media trying to cast him along with the civil rights coalitions of this country, the race-baiters, as abject lies. (interruption) What do you mean, not rush to judgment?  It’s been two months.  I’m not speculating.  I’m telling you what the doctor said.  There’s no speculation going on.  The doctor is not speculating.  The doctor did the exam the day after the incident happened.  It’s all been suppressed.  Nobody’s reported it.  That’s the point.  And there wasn’t even any media curiosity about it.

Now, I’m not a forensic scientist, and I don’t guess on matters like this. I don’t have to guess; the facts are here.  It’s kind of hard not to connect the dots.  Now, all of this information is coming out.  You know why it’s coming out?  Because we’re in the discovery phase of the Zimmerman trial, where each side has to show the other side what evidence they have.  But you really have to wonder here, folks, why none of this came out before in the prosecutor’s charging affidavit.  Can we go back to that?  The charging affidavit, which, remember Dershowitz at Harvard said it was an embarrassment that wouldn’t survive the first inspection by a judge, but it did.  But he said it was pathetic, it was unprofessional.

I happened to report what Dershowitz said and my own affiliate in Jacksonville called the attorney’s office, “What do you think about what Limbaugh said about your charging document?”  None of this is in the charging document, or the affidavit.  I thought that the state was obligated, or obliged, anyway, to provide all the relevant details in a case to the judge, but apparently I was mistaken.  But, anyway, as I said, ladies and gentlemen, the news media seem to be ignoring these developments.  I mean they’re out there, touched on a little bit by ABC.  But the news that I just gave you has barely been mentioned on the cable news channels.  I don’t watch it, but I’m told that MSNBC only got around to reporting this about an hour ago, and they ran a banner at the bottom of the screen that said, “Proof of self-defense?  Trayvon Martin family lawyer calls medical report suspicious.”

So the doctor puts out a report, Zimmerman’s doctor, and now MSNBC is saying he might be a liar.  And they have to because they gotta cover their own rear ends the way they reported this. (interruption) I don’t know if Zimmerman’s doctor is a white Hispanic, Mr. Snerdley.  But you really have to wonder here when the news media began to lose interest in the Trayvon Martin story, ’cause you know they did.  They lost interest.  They were going 150 miles an hour on this story, and then all of a sudden they dropped it like a hot potato, and you have to wonder why they did that.  Was it when they found out that George Zimmerman is actually Hispanic and a Democrat to boot?  Was it when Trayvon Martin’s gangsta-like tweets surfaced along with the more recent photos of him with his gold teeth?  Maybe the news media is just afraid of whipping up racial… no, they do like to whip up racial strife.  But they didn’t even proceed under that rubric.  They just dropped this case like a hot potato.

Read the full article here.

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House Dems Receive Training on Portraying Conservatives as Racist

By William Bigelow | May 13, 2012 | Breitbart

Maya Wiley is the founder and President of the Center for Social Inclusion. (photo via website)

In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama’s dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged.

Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion, whose statements were distributed at a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, cynically called conservative messages “racially coded … right-wing rhetoric has dominated debates of racial justice – undermining efforts to create a more equal society, and tearing apart the social safety net in the process” for over 25 years.

Wiley was invited to the caucus by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif  to run the Democrats “through their strategy and how they message and talk about stuff” pertaining to race and fiscal policy.

Read the full article here.

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The American People are Fed Up

By Rush Limbaugh | May 09, 2012 |


RUSH: Americans, ladies and gentlemen, are taking their country back — and they’re doing it one election at a time. As was evidenced in Wisconsin, Americans are not afraid of union goons. They’re not impressed with a “slow-jamming” Preezy. They aren’t intimidated by the media anymore. From reconfirming the meaning of marriage, to showing support for a great Wisconsin governor, to humiliating a sitting Democrat president with a huge turnout for a convicted felon, voters demonstrated that the power attributed to Barack Obama and the State-Controlled Media has been overestimated. Conventional wisdom was nuked yesterday.

Tea Party dead and Occupy Wall Street in the ascension? Obama a shoo-in reelection? In fact, the Beltway Republicans, the Republican establishment still think Obama is a shoo-in! They really do. I kid you not. They think… Maybe not a shoo-in now, but before yesterday, “Ah, Rush, don’t get your hopes up. He’s an incumbent. He’s got so much at his disposal,” and that could well be. But the people don’t want to hear that.

The people of this country are not going to allow themselves to be dispirited with phony polls and inaccurate reporting. They’re not gonna be influenced by photo-ops with George Clooney. Being $5 trillion in debt — new debt, given to us by Obama — trumps photo-ops with George Clooney. Years of 8.5% plus unemployment trumps the Preezy slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon.

Out-of-work college graduates are snapping out of their hope and change trance, and they realize all they’re getting is insurmountable student loan debt, not jobs. Voters are continuing to tune out the Drive-By Media in greater numbers. They’re tuning in talk radio, the Internet, Fox News. The people of this country know what’s at stake. They know failure when they see it. They know disaster when they see it. And they know how to stop it.

And they fully intend to.

Last night was a significant aftershock of the 2010 electoral earthquake that rocked the Democrat Party. The Tea Party’s not dead. No, 2010 was a warm-up. The Tea Party’s moved on from a protest movement to an active, vibrant, grassroots movement that knows how to nominate the right people and then get them elected — and that is sending shivers of fear down the spines of professional Democrats, consultants, elected officials, and people in the media.

Democrats are voting against President Obama.

Democrats are distancing themselves from failure.

The cult of personality, the cult of celebrity that this White House has attempted to mine is being overwhelmed by the sting of reality. People’s homes having no value. People’s jobs are paying nothing. People are not able to get jobs. No economic growth. Moratoriums on drilling for oil. Roadblocks on pipelines that would bring oil, which would cheapen energy prices. Attacks on existing, conventional energy sources.

The American people want no part of it.

The American people don’t hate fossil fuels.

Barack Obama might, but the American people don’t, and he has not been able to convince them to. The American people are not going to settle for 8.1% unemployment. The American people aren’t going to settle for 7% unemployment. Vast majorities of the American people understand the greatness of this country. Vast majorities of the American people understand (and listen to me carefully here) that when this nation is on the right track, there’s none better.

When this nation is on the right track, there’s no end to opportunity.

When this nation is on the right track, there’s no end to prosperity.

Our economic and educational opportunity is better than anywhere in the world. But this country isn’t on track, and the American people know it, and they want it back on track. They don’t want this new direction. They don’t want this fundamental transformation of America. They don’t want a silly, impossible socialist utopia. They want reality. They want an acknowledgement of the greatness of this country, not somebody who’s embarrassed of it, or who doesn’t like it, or thinks it’s immoral or unjust.

Read the full article here.

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The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

By James Simpson | May 8, 2012 | Accuracy in Media

This report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

The Left seeks fundamental structural change to our entire form of government. In keeping with their amoral, means-justifies-ends philosophy, they will register any voters, dead or alive, legal or illegal, who will then vote as many times as possible, in order to establish a “permanent progressive majority.” As two New York Democrats recently caught in a vote fraud scandal told police, “voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections…”

Low income individuals are the perfect dupes for this strategy. An expanding welfare state makes them increasingly dependent on government benefits, a development that guarantees their vote for liberal-left candidates. At the same time, people with marginal attachment to society may be less inclined to report illegal activity at the polls—or actually participate. The “victim” narrative promoted in popular culture and press may even encourage such behavior. Meanwhile, a growing tax burden and public debt suck private enterprise dry—pushing ever more people onto the dole.

Politicians of both parties are not above engaging in vote fraud. But this kind of corruption is relegated to individual campaigns or areas where corrupt political establishments have been able to develop unchallenged. It is not a systematic component of overall national strategy, as it is with the Left.

This strategy has been under development for decades. They have constructed an entire industry devoted to this task and pursue a multifaceted strategy to accomplish it:

1. Swamp election officials with overwhelming numbers of registrations at the last possible minute, a huge proportion of which are deliberately fraudulent, in order to create systematic chaos. This accomplishes numerous goals:

  • Makes verification of registrations difficult, given the small size and limited budgets of state and local election offices.
  • Provides multiple opportunities for vote fraud.
  • Throws the entire voting process into question, providing pretext for lawsuits where concessions may be obtained from election officials.
  • When election officials challenge registrations, they are accused of “voter suppression.” This in turn serves complementary goals:
    • Charge of “voter suppression” reinforces the Left’s narrative about America as an oppressive, “racist” country.
    • Publicity and lawsuits intimidate election officials, who settle on terms favorable to the Left.

2. Activists sue state authorities for “voter suppression,” creating further chaos and pressuring them to become de facto taxpayer-funded voter registration operations;

3. Eric Holder’s Justice Department tacitly supports voter intimidation tactics, sues states and backs private lawsuits, and resists reform as “voter suppression.”

4. Leftist echo chamber discredits allegations of vote fraud, supports “suppression” theme, and promotes advantageous legislation.

The ultimate goal is a systematized, taxpayer-funded voting machinery that will guarantee maximum participation from the Left’s voting demographic while undermining the ability to manage elections and prevent fraud.

The ACORN Swamping Method

Key to understanding the Left’s vote-fraud strategy is the community organizing group ACORN. ACORN has become synonymous with corruption, complicity in the subprime mortgage crisis and especially vote fraud.

ACORN and its voter registration arm, Project Vote, hire marginal and unskilled workers at very low rates and use incentive bonuses or quotas to encourage them to collect as many voter registrations as possible. The resulting flood of registrations are fraught with duplicates, errors and omissions, and a large number are overtly fraudulent, including names like “Donald Duck,” “Mickey Mouse,” “Tony Romo” of the Dallas Cowboysetc.[2] According to MatthewVadum, the senior editor at Capital Research Center, a total of 400,000 bogus ACORN registrations were thrown out in 2008 alone.

ACORN was supposedly disbanded in 2010 but resurrected itself under a slew of new names. Former ACORN President Bertha Lewis bragged that they created “…18 bulletproof community-organizing Frankensteins…” These are reproduced in the table below. Most of these groups occupy former ACORN offices, many with the same staff.

ACORN is directly connected to Obama and the Democratic Party. Counsel to The Advance Group, a strategic planning company, is Michael GaspardPatrick Gaspard’s brother. Patrick is currently the DNC’s executive director and President Obama’s former political director. He has worked for ACORN, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Working Families Party, a descendant of the ACORN-founded New Party which Barack Obama joined in 1996. Obama has bragged of “fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.”

ACORN’s former deputy regional director, Amy Busefink was convicted in 2010 of vote fraud stemming from a 2008 Nevada case. Judicial Watch found that, “while under criminal indictment in Nevada… [Busefink] managed an online program for Project Vote’s 2010 Colorado campaign, the ultimate goal of which is to allow people without a driver’s license or state identification to register to vote online.” Busefink is now national field director for Project Vote.

Barack Obama established his organizing bona fides with Project Vote in 1992, when he registered 150,000 Illinois voters.

Zach Polett (courtesy Anita MonCrief)

Project Vote was created and run for years by Zach Polett, who bragged that he trained Barack Obama in 1992 and said of Obama, “ACORN produces leaders.” Polett is listed in as president of Voting for America, one of Project Vote’s former names, although his name is not on Project Vote’s website. Calls to that listing roll into a voice mail identifying the organizations as “CSI.” Polett’s extension is #3. CSI is the acronym for Citizens Services Inc., another supposedly defunct ACORN group that was used to hide over $800,000 paid by candidate Obama to ACORN in 2008.

This kind of duplicitous activity reflects a deliberate methodology. ACORN is a criminal organization.

The Cloward Piven Strategy

ACORN is the face of vote fraud, but its intellectual foundation is the Cloward Piven Strategy. Sociology professors Richard Cloward (Columbia University) and Frances Fox Piven (CUNY) were founding members of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Cloward died in 2001 but Piven lives on.

Richard Cloward

In 1966 Cloward and Piven penned an article for The Nation magazine titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.” They posited that if the poor were organized into street armies to demand all welfare benefits available to them, they could overwhelm and crash the system.

It became known as the “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” and is credited with expanding welfare rolls 151 percent between 1965 and 1974 and bringing New York City to the brink of bankruptcy in 1975.

The Issue is Never the Issue

The Left’s solution to everything is socialism, although they are usually careful not to name it, instead identifying issues that seemingly only their policies can redress. But “the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution” as David Horowitz has explained. The “issues” are mere distractions.

Cloward and Piven initially claimed to be agitating for a “guaranteed national income.” Such a policy is plainly unsustainable; however, it would institutionalize their strategy, creating an enormous, permanent drag on the whole economy precipitating an even larger crash later on. Cloward and Piven’s true goal was to find any instrument to institutionalize their orchestrated anarchy, and poor people were the tool.

Wade Rathke, a veteran of those early efforts, was mentored by Cloward and Piven. Rathke and other radicals created a new organization, ACORN,and sought ways to further extend the Strategy.

White House ACORN photo: Bill Clinton center; Wade Rathke third to his left; Zach Polett in lower left-hand corner. Courtesy Anita MonCrief

With passage of the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN and other activist groups got in the housing business. They began pushing banks to offer high-risk mortgage loans to low/no income borrowers. The Clinton administration aggressively ramped up the effort. To encourage lenders and investors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac underwrote the risk. Since its passage, CRA lending has exceeded $6 trillion.[ii] The mortgage crisis was Cloward-Piven on steroids.[2]

Meanwhile, Cloward and Piven had not been idle. In 1982 they created the Human Service Employees Registration and Voter Education Fund (Human SERVE) to build political momentum for a law that would turn state motor vehicle and welfare agencies into low-income voter registration offices.

National Voter Registration Act

Motor Voter Signing Ceremony – Cloward in light grey suit, Piven in green. Source: the White House

Throughout the 1980s, Human SERVE field-tested legal and political strategies to promote this plan. The fruits of its labor were finally realized with “Motor Voter,” the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), signed into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind President Clinton.

The NVRA requires motor vehicle, military recruiting, public assistance and other state and local offices to offer voter-registration services.

The NVRA has become a beacon for vote fraud. Its minimal verification requirements opened the door to ACORN-style massive voter registration fraud, and in the confusion provide blanket opportunities for vote fraud.

Voter ID laws have become critically important. According to a Pew report, approximately 24 million or 12.5 percent of voter registrations nationally are either invalid or inaccurate, including about 1.8 million deceased individuals, and 2.75 million with multiple-state registrations.

And while the NRVA has provisions for purging the rolls in Section 8, they require a complex, process spanning multiple election cycles. In some cases, the NRVA replaced better mechanisms already in use. Many states have simply not followed these procedures with any regularity. The Left ignores all this, focusing on enforcing NRVA’s Section 7.

Section 7 Lawsuits

While capitalizing on the vote fraud swamping strategy enabled by the NVRA, ACORN, Project Vote and others sue states that don’t aggressively execute the voter registration activities required by Section 7 of the law. The narrative is always “voter suppression,” and settlements have forced state agencies to become de facto low income voter registration drives.

Not only must states develop, maintain and execute plans for assuring comprehensive registration, they are forced to report regularly to ACORN lawyers. A 2009 settlement between ACORN and Missouri’s Department of Social Services is illustrative. DSS must:

  • Create an NVRA State Coordinator position
  • Designate an NVRA Site Coordinator for Family Support Division offices
  • Keep detailed records of client visits and registration activities
  • Immediately send a letter offering registration to any individual who “may not have been given the opportunity to register…”
  • Report detailed compliance data to plaintiff lawyers every month.
  • State coordinator’s performance measured by NVRA compliance
  • ACORN will receive $450,000 in settlement.

In these settlements, ACORN effectively assumes an executive role over state agencies. Notably, there is no corollary requirement to ascertain the legality of registrations or to clean up the rolls.

Project Vote has taken recent actions against Louisiana, Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, and New Mexico. They just announced their intention to sue Pennsylvania.

Project Vote formed agreements with Colorado in 2008 and 2010. According to Judicial Watch, after Project Vote’s involvement “the percentage of invalid voter registration forms from Colorado public assistance agencies was four times the national average.”

Though largely unnoticed until now, this litigation tactic has been used since the 1980s, when Human SERVE’s legal allies sued state authorities for settlements creating localized versions of Motor Voter.

While capitalizing on the vote swamping strategy enabled by Motor Voter, ACORN and Project Vote picked up the torch for SERVE, which closed its doors in 2000. Frances Fox Piven serves today on Project Vote’s Board of Directors. Significantly, President Obama has named the voter registration initiative of his reelection effort “Project Vote.”

Piven also has many other connections to Obama.  She was a founding member of Progressives for Obama. Her Democratic Socialists of America bragged that it was responsible for the success of Obama’s “ground game” in 2008. Piven was one of 130 founding members of the radical left Campaign for America’s Future. Many CAF members also sit on the board of the Apollo Alliance, the executor of Obama’s “Green” jobs initiative.

DOJ and ACORN Team Up for 2012

Judicial Watch obtained several documents showing coordination between DOJ, Project Vote and the White House.[i] In one email, Project Vote demanded action on NVRA cases. Less than a month later, DOJ sued Rhode Island for NVRA noncompliance. Similarly, DOJ’s Louisiana NVRA suit followed Project Vote’s by a few months. Project Vote is promoting prospective employees for DOJ’s Voting Rights section.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

The VRA outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests for voting. Section 5 requires certain states and other political subdivisions to obtain “preclearance,” or permission, from either DOJ or the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, on any change affecting voting. Currently, preclearance states covered in whole or in part include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia. Set in 1982 to expire in 2007, Congress extended the VRA for another 25 years in 2006.

The VRA has come into sharp focus this year as the Holder administration has used VRA preclearance requirements to stall or prevent voter ID laws from being enacted. Non-preclearance states have faced stiff court challenges from other leftist groups.

Alabama – Alabama’s new photo ID law has a 2014 effective date. Alabama has not yet applied for pre-clearance.

Arizona – 9th Circuit upheld ID requirement of new law; struck requirement that voter prove citizenship.

Mississippi – A Voter ID amendment was approved by voters with a 62 percent margin in 2011. A bill to implement the amendment passed April 10, 2012. Requires preclearance. No word yet from Justice.

South Carolina – DOJ denied pre-clearance for new ID law in December 2011. State filed for reconsideration.

Texas – DOJ denied pre-clearance for new ID law. Texas filed suit with three-judge panel seeking pre-clearance; DOJ asked court to postpone trial.

Wisconsin – State judge ruled Wisconsin’s voter ID law unconstitutional (read the opinion). State will appeal.

The Wisconsin case is an example of independent groups working to sabotage reform efforts. In a suit brought by the League of Women Voters, the NAACP and others, the judge found ID laws “unconstitutional to the extent they serve as a condition for voting at the polls.” This was a bizarre ruling. Wisconsin’s Constitution clearly allows mechanisms to establish voter eligibility.

Despite the Left’s best efforts, voter ID laws have been proposed this year in 32 states.

A Personal Testimony

J. Christian Adams is a former DOJ election lawyer who worked on the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case. He resigned in protest of Eric Holder’s race-based application of the law. According to Adams’ new book, Injustice, Eric Holder became directly involved in the Black Panther case. Mr. Adams agreed to be interviewed for this report. Some highlights:

Read the full article here.

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‘Justice for Trayvon:’ 15 Whites Beaten By Gangs of Black Thugs… So Far

By Bob Owens | May 2, 2012 | PJ Media

And the case hasn’t even made it to trial yet.

The assaults on a pair of Virginian-Pilot reporters in Norfolk, Va., two weeks ago at the hands of 30 black youths, reported for the first time Tuesday, are the latest in a series of attacks driven by a warped sense of racial vigilantism hiding behind calls of “Justice for Trayvon.” At least 15 whites have been beaten not just with fists, but with potentially deadly weapons including hammers and lengths of chain. Many of the victims have been hospitalized, some may never fully recover, and one lingers on the verge of death.

David Forster and Marjon Rostami are just the latest victims of brutal beatings tied to the Trayvon Martin shooting, and some Virginians are outraged that the newspaper did not report the attack for “politically correct reasons.” The attack was revealed not as news, but in an opinion piece.

Trayvon Martin was a black teenager shot and killed by an off-duty neighborhood watch volunteer in February in a Sanford, Fla., gated community. It wasn’t until the Martin family’s attorney engaged a public relations firm and claims began circulating that charges weren’t brought because Martin was black and his killer was white that the case gained national attention. Race-baiting community activists, misleading news reports, and grandstanding politicians ignited deep-seated racial animosities which have now inspired violence. The fact that the shooter, George Zimmerman, self-identifies as Hispanic and is 1/8th black seems utterly irrelevant. He’s merely the excuse for a long list of violent crimes perpetrated against whites in recent weeks by a criminal under-class suddenly roused to violence.

Aaron Parsons is being held on $1 million bail in Baltimore for the videotaped assault and robbery of a tourist on Saint Patrick’s Day. The man who videotaped the beating and posted it online claimed “me an[sic] my boys helped get justice fore[sic] trayvon.” Three co-conspirators to the beating and robbery are still wanted by police.

On March 24-25, a string of attacks in Grand Rapids, Mich., by mobs of black youths injured seven whites in separate incidents. Five of the injured filed police reports. Examiner reporter Kyle Rogers interviewed one of the victims, Jacob Palasek, who had been beaten with a chain. Palasek stated that police investigators feel that all the attacks were related to the Trayvon Martin story. Local news media stand accused of burying the story to keep racial tensions from rising to a boiling point.

A day later, two black men savagely beat a 50-year-old man in a hammer attack in Sanford, Fla., just miles from where Trayvon Martin was shot. The attack is thought to be racially motivated, and the victim, Mark Slavin, has been in critical condition since the attack. He has multiple skull fractures and has developed respiratory problems. His prognosis is grim.

Seventy-eight-year-old Dallas Watts claims he was the victim of an April 3 assault in East Toledo, Ohio, in which a multiracial group of six youths (five black and one white) are alleged to have shouted, “This is for Trayvon. Kill that white.” Police officials have since attempted to claim Watts “exaggerated” the event, though they still admit an assault and robbery occurred and that Trayvon Martin was mentioned during the assault.

On April 9 in Gainesville, Fla., 5-8 black men jumped out of a car and screamed “Trayvon” before severely beating a white 27-year-old man walking home alone. The attackers had selected their target at random. The victim is coping with substantial injuries, including probable “permanent disfigurement to the left side of his face.”

Just two days later, in the same city, a white man that chased down a black purse snatcher had his hands stomped by a black crowd shouting “Trayvon.” They allowed the criminal to escape.

Read the full article here.

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Motivated By Media Lies About George Zimmerman, A Hate Crime Occurs in Chicago

By John Nolte | April 26, 2012 | Breitbart

We’re learning today that in Obama’s Chicago, 18 year-old Alton L. Hayes has just been charged by police with “attempted robbery and aggravated battery along with a hate crime” for attacking and robbing a 19 year-old man.  Hayes is black, the victim is white, and Hayes told investigators “he was angry about the [Trayvon] Martin shooting and decided to attack the victim because of his race.”

Now why would Hayes do this? For starters, Zimmerman is Hispanic, not Caucasian. Secondly, there’s absolutely zero proof Zimmerman was racially motivated to shoot Martin. In fact, an overwhelming amount of evidence suggests race had nothing to do with it.

My guess is that if Hayes is telling the truth about his sinister motives, he’s been watching too much CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC. After all, those are the media outlets guilty, in some cases, of outright racial fabrication in their zeal to aid Barack Obama’s re-election campaign by falsely attributing racism to Mr. Zimmerman’s motives.

The bottom line is that if Hayes’ professed motive for attacking another man is based on lies told over and over and over again by Obama’s Media Palace Guards.

For those of us who monitor the corrupt media, the Trayvon Martin story was on our radars as a media phenomenon. But what confirmed the political motive was when our divisive, polarizing President gave his media minions the green-light to go all-in after he cynically made the shooting of an unarmed Florida teenager all about race (“My son would look like Trayvon“).

Florida is a must-win swing state for the President and turnout is where his fortunes will live or die. Ginning up the base brings voters to the polls and nothing gins up Democrat voters like a good old-fashioned racial firestorm. And because the media’s in bed with Barack Obama, a racial firestorm (based on misinformation) is what we got.

First came the media’s obvious disappointment over the fact that the alleged shooter, a man with the name “Zimmerman,” was neither Caucasian nor Jewish. Never ones to let facts get in the way of a witch hunt (remember Tucson), the media solved that little factual problem by making up an entirely new racial category for Zimmerman: “white Hispanic.” Like our President, one of Zimmerman’s parents is white, and yet we never hear Obama described as a “white African-American.”

But of course we don’t. That wouldn’t fit the narrative. But in order to cast this story in the kind of light necessary to make enough voters angry to tip Florida Obama’s way, Zimmerman cannot simply be Hispanic because that’s another voting bloc Obama desperately needs to win the state.

The Narrative Beast was still hungry, though, and required constant feeding. Not only must Obama’s Media Palace Guards in some way make Zimmerman white, he must also be turned into a  — duh, duh-duhnnn — racist! And it was in this department that the sycophant media sold what was left of their souls.

To kick things off, before ABC News examined surveillance tape with the full technology available to them, the network released a half-baked and rushed examination of the tape with this hysterical headline:

Read the full article here.

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting

By Chris Francescani | April 25, 2012 | Reuters

Neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman leaves the Seminole County Jail after posting bail in Sanford, Florida, April 22, 2012. REUTERS-David Manning

(Reuters) – A pit bull named Big Boi began menacing George and Shellie Zimmerman in the fall of 2009.

The first time the dog ran free and cornered Shellie in their gated community in Sanford, Florida, George called the owner to complain. The second time, Big Boi frightened his mother-in-law’s dog. Zimmerman called Seminole County Animal Services and bought pepper spray. The third time he saw the dog on the loose, he called again. An officer came to the house, county records show.

“Don’t use pepper spray,” he told the Zimmermans, according to a friend. “It’ll take two or three seconds to take effect, but a quarter second for the dog to jump you,” he said.

“Get a gun.”

That November, the Zimmermans completed firearms training at a local lodge and received concealed-weapons gun permits. In early December, another source close to them told Reuters, the couple bought a pair of guns. George picked a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm handgun, a popular, lightweight weapon.

By June 2011, Zimmerman’s attention had shifted from a loose pit bull to a wave of robberies that rattled the community, called the Retreat at Twin Lakes. The homeowners association asked him to launch a neighborhood watch, and Zimmerman would begin to carry the Kel-Tec on his regular, dog-walking patrol – a violation of neighborhood watch guidelines but not a crime.

Few of his closest neighbors knew he carried a gun – until two months ago.

On February 26, George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in what Zimmerman says was self-defense. The furor that ensued has consumed the country and prompted a re-examination of guns, race and self-defense laws enacted in nearly half the United States.

During the time Zimmerman was in hiding, his detractors defined him as a vigilante who had decided Martin was suspicious merely because he was black. After Zimmerman was finally arrested on a charge of second-degree murder more than six weeks after the shooting, prosecutors portrayed him as a violent and angry man who disregarded authority by pursuing the 17-year-old.

But a more nuanced portrait of Zimmerman has emerged from a Reuters investigation into Zimmerman’s past and a series of incidents in the community in the months preceding the Martin shooting.

Based on extensive interviews with relatives, friends, neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers of Zimmerman in two states, law enforcement officials, and reviews of court documents and police reports, the story sheds new light on the man at the center of one of the most controversial homicide cases in America.

The 28-year-old insurance-fraud investigator comes from a deeply Catholic background and was taught in his early years to do right by those less fortunate. He was raised in a racially integrated household and himself has black roots through an Afro-Peruvian great-grandfather – the father of the maternal grandmother who helped raise him.

A criminal justice student who aspired to become a judge, Zimmerman also concerned himself with the safety of his neighbors after a series of break-ins committed by young African-American men.

Though civil rights demonstrators have argued Zimmerman should not have prejudged Martin, one black neighbor of the Zimmermans said recent history should be taken into account.

“Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m black, OK?” the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. “There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood,” she said. “That’s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.”


George Michael Zimmerman was born in 1983 to Robert and Gladys Zimmerman, the third of four children. Robert Zimmerman Sr. was a U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam in 1970, and was stationed at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, in 1975 with Gladys Mesa’s brother George. Zimmerman Sr. also served two tours in Korea, and spent the final 10 years of his 22-year military career in the Pentagon, working for the Department of Defense, a family member said.

In his final years in Virginia before retiring to Florida, Robert Zimmerman served as a magistrate in Fairfax County’s 19th Judicial District.

Robert and Gladys met in January 1975, when George Mesa brought along his army buddy to his sister’s birthday party. She was visiting from Peru, on vacation from her job there as a physical education teacher. Robert was a Baptist, Gladys was Catholic. They soon married, in a Catholic ceremony in Alexandria, and moved to nearby Manassas.

Gladys came to lead a small but growing Catholic Hispanic enclave within the All Saints Catholic Church parish in the late 1970s, where she was involved in the church’s outreach programs. Gladys would bring young George along with her on “home visits” to poor families, said a family friend, Teresa Post.

“It was part of their upbringing to know that there are people in need, people more in need than themselves,” said Post, a Peruvian immigrant who lived with the Zimmermans for a time.

Post recalls evening prayers before dinner in the ethnically diverse Zimmerman household, which included siblings Robert Jr., Grace, and Dawn. “It wasn’t only white or only Hispanic or only black – it was mixed,” she said.

Zimmerman’s maternal grandmother, Cristina, who had lived with the Zimmermans since 1978, worked as a babysitter for years during Zimmerman’s childhood. For several years she cared for two African-American girls who ate their meals at the Zimmerman house and went back and forth to school each day with the Zimmerman children.

“They were part of the household for years, until they were old enough to be on their own,” Post said.

Zimmerman served as an altar boy at All Saints from age 7 to 17, church members said.

“He wasn’t the type where, you know, ‘I’m being forced to do this,’ and a dragging-his-feet Catholic,” said Sandra Vega, who went to high school with George and his siblings. “He was an altar boy for years, and then worked in the rectory too. He has a really good heart.”

George grew up bilingual, and by age 10 he was often called to the Haydon Elementary School principal’s office to act as a translator between administrators and immigrant parents. At 14 he became obsessed with becoming a Marine, a relative said, joining the after-school ROTC program at Grace E. Metz Middle School and polishing his boots by night. At 15, he worked three part-time jobs – in a Mexican restaurant, for the rectory, and washing cars – on nights and weekends, to save up for a car.

After graduating from Osbourn High School in 2001, Zimmerman moved to Lake Mary, Florida, a town neighboring Sanford. His parents purchased a retirement home there in 2002, in part to bring Cristina, who suffers from arthritis, to a warmer climate.


On his own at 18, George got a job at an insurance agency and began to take classes at night to earn a license to sell insurance. He grew friendly with a real estate agent named Lee Ann Benjamin, who shared office space in the building, and later her husband, John Donnelly, a Sanford attorney.

“George impressed me right off the bat as just a real go-getter,” Donnelly said. “He was working days and taking all these classes at night, passing all the insurance classes, not just for home insurance, but auto insurance and everything. He wanted to open his own office – and he did.”

In 2004, Zimmerman partnered with an African-American friend and opened up an Allstate insurance satellite office, Donnelly said.

Read the full article here.

What If George Zimmerman Were Black: Liberals Think They’ve Found the Answer in Georgia

By  | April 25, 2012 | The Blaze

“If Trayvon Martin had been white and George Zimmerman had been black, would we feel the same way?”For many people, this question has been a persistently troubling one in the aftermath of George Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin and the racially charged media circus that has resulted from it. And leaving aside the fact that Zimmerman is hispanic, many liberal leaning bloggers, Salon’s Rania Khalek and MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry foremost among them, think they’ve found a test case that shows precisely this implied double standard at work.Meet John McNeil, the man who some are calling “the black George Zimmerman”:

Is Convicted Murderer John McNeils Case a Racially Reversed Parallel to George Zimmermans Actions in the Trayvon Martin Case?

McNeil is currently serving a life sentence for shooting Brian Epp, a young white construction worker, in a case with admittedly eerie factual similarities to the Martin case. Or at least, similarities that are eerie if you take the Left‘s bloggers’ word on it. Here‘s Salon’s description:

It all began in early 2005, when McNeil and his wife, Anita, hired Brian Epp’s construction company to build a new house in Cobb County, Ga. The McNeils testified that Epp was difficult to work with, which led to heated confrontations. They eventually decided to close on the house early to rid their lives of Epp, whom they found increasingly threatening. At the closing, both parties agreed that Epp would have 10 days to complete the work, after which he would stay away from the property, but he failed to keep up his end of the bargain.

On Dec. 6, 2005, John McNeil’s 15-year-old son, La’Ron, notified his dad over the phone that a man he didn’t recognize was lurking in the backyard. When La’Ron told the man to leave, an argument broke out. McNeil was still on the phone and immediately recognized Epp’s voice. According to La’Ron’s testimony, Epp pointed a folding utility knife at La’Ron’s face and said, “[w]hy don’t you make me leave?” at which point McNeil told his son to go inside and wait while he called 911 and headed home.

According to McNeil’s testimony, when he pulled up to his house, Epp was next door grabbing something from his truck and stuffing it in his pocket. McNeil quickly grabbed his gun from the glove compartment in plain view of Epp who was coming at him “fast.” McNeil jumped out of the car and fired a warning shot at the ground insisting that Epp back off. Instead of retreating, Epp charged at McNeil while reaching for his pocket, so McNeil fired again, this time fatally striking Epp in the head. (Epp was found to have a folding knife in his pocket, although it was shut.)

Making the story even more convenient for those citing it as a parallel to the Martin case, Georgia apparently both has a “Stand Your Ground” law similar to Florida’s and subscribes to the “Castle doctrine” that allows deadly force in defense of one’s own property. So if McNeil is behind bars, Zimmerman should be too, or if Zimmerman is let go, so should McNeil be, right?Not so fast. Unlike the Zimmerman/Martin case, which has yet to go to an official trial, the McNeil case left an ample legal paper trail to follow showing precisely why McNeil’s self-defense claim didn’t work. Readers are invited to form their own conclusions – the truth has no agenda – but for the sake of accuracy, here are a few of the facts that the Salon/MSNBC account leaves out:

Read the full article here.

‘Grand Wizard:’ More NBC Race-Baiting Under Steve Capus’s Watch

By John Nolte | April 24, 2012 | Breitbart

Not that we needed another example, but once again we have one more NBC “star” telegraphing to the world the poisonous leadership style Steve Capus has brought to the NBC Network.

Capus is the President of NBC News and MSNBC. According to the NBC/Universal Website, Capus is also the network’s “arbiter of issues involving ethics, style, standards, safety and other matters that affect the Division’s journalistic bearing.”

Which of course is pure nonsense.

At NBC News there simply are no standards or ethics, only an environment fostered by Capus that continually allows for the worst kind of divisive race-baiting we’ve seen in decades. And this cynical political maneuver that’s become a part of NBC’s DNA and identity, is a purely partisan tactical move designed only to keep Obama’s base angry and eager to vote against the “Grand Wizards” in the Republican party.

Yesterday, on the increasing execrable “Hardball,” the increasingly hateful Chris Matthews became the latest member of NBC News to connect the term “Grand Wizard” to the Republican Party (see the video below). If you remember, back in November, David Gregory, host of “Meet the Press” did the same.

This is no accident. It’s the planting of seeds using both subtext and text.

Read the full article here.

When is Race Important in Violent Deaths?

Staff Report | April 23, 2012 | WND

Question not even allowed at White House briefing

Jay Carney

Special-interest groups have injected the issue of race heavily into the high-profile Florida death of Trayvon Martin and the pending trial for suspect George Zimmerman. In fact, a recent poll revealed 6 of 10 say “race activists” are exploiting the tragedy.

But there apparently will be no more comment from the White House on the trend, as Press Secretary Jay Carney declined to allow Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House and the second-most senior reporter on the beat, to inquire.

At the daily briefing today, nearly two dozen reporters were not allowed to ask any questions, including Kinsolving. Instead, CNN was given seven and CBS and Fox six each.

Kinsolving wanted to ask if the president had any response to columnist Walter Williams’ recent revelation about how race is an issue only some of the time.

“Does the president have any response to Dr. Williams’ as he did about the death of Trayvon Martin?” Kinsolving wanted to ask. He also wanted to seek comment about a Kansas City child who was murdered by attackers who said, “You get what you deserve, white boy.”

The columnist talked about a Tulsa, Okla., case where “a white couple suffered a home invasion by Tyrone Woodfork, a 20-year-old black man. Ninety-year-old Bob Strait suffered a broken jaw and broken ribs in the attack. His 85-year-old wife, Nancy, was sexually assaulted and battered to death..”

Williams, whose writing focused on media dishonesty and race hustlers, also explained in Kansas City, Mo., “two black … youths doused a 13-year-old boy in gasoline and set him on fire, telling him, ‘You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

He also cited a Knoxville, Tenn., case where “a young white couple was kidnapped by four blacks. The girl was forced to witness her boyfriend’s rape, torture and subsequent murder before she was raped, tortured and murdered.”

“None of those black-on-white atrocities made anywhere near the news the Trayvon Martin case made, and it’s deliberate,” Williams wrote. “Editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune admitted to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons….”

Barack Obama, meanwhile, was among the first to link the Martin case to race, saying even as the case developed that if he’d had a son, he’d look like Martin.

Williams noted the violence is itself a tragedy.

“Even if the president and his liberal allies in the media and assorted civil rights hustlers don’t care much about blacks murdering whites, what about blacks murdering blacks?” he noted. “During a mid-March weekend in Chicago, 49 people were shot, 10 fatally, including a 6-year-old black girl, making for more than 100 murders this year. Philadelphia isn’t far behind, with murders clipping along at one a day since the beginning of 2012.”

He said only white-on-black crime fits the political narrative at hand, and so only that gets attention.

Read the full article here.

Stand Your Ground, America

By  |  April 18, 2012 | American Spectator

A sober look at the case against George Zimmerman.

How do you stand your ground if you are lying on your back getting pummeled in the face?

That one question alone shows that Stand Your Ground laws are not at issue in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin controversy. But the tragic death of young Trayvon is only seen by those on the left as a valuable media opportunity to further exploit the millions of gullible Americans to advance the left’s political interests and agenda. Indeed, we have some people in positions of influence, both leading politicians and figures in the major media, who see their interest as exploiting the death to incite race unrest across America.

There is only one solution to this budding insurrection. Enforce the damn law!! That applies most directly in Florida now, where conservatives are in power, and they have to start acting like it.

The Perfect Resolution for Zimmerman

Enforcing the damn law is exactly what is happening now in the Zimmerman case, and it’s the perfect resolution for all concerned.

This case needs to be resolved by a jury, and can only be resolved by a jury, which is the only way to satisfy the public interest in this matter. There are too many people in America today who will not listen to the evidence, and will follow only their own racial prejudice.

But the evidence needs to be laid out in a court of law, and resolved by a jury of Zimmerman’s peers. That is the only way to satisfy the fair minded that justice has been done. I will discuss those who are not fair-minded below.

Despite what I say about the evidence below, this is not too much of a burden for Zimmerman. Even staunch advocates of gun rights and self-defense need to recognize that if someone is shot and killed even in self-defense, the ensuing investigation is not going to be easy for the shooter, in any event. Indeed, it should not be. Moreover, a jury trial gives Zimmerman the opportunity he needs to clear his name.

But based on what the established evidence on the public record indisputably shows, Zimmerman is going to be easily found innocent of the charges. That is more than well proven by eyewitness testimony and the physical evidence, despite what those who think they will benefit politically or socially from race turmoil want to believe.

Zimmerman himself is from a ethnically mixed family. He has a history of positive relations with African-Americans, even voluntarily tutoring black children at his own expense. He also has a distinguished history as a neighborhood watch captain, providing evidence leading to the capture, arrest, and conviction of criminals before.

On the night of the shooting, Zimmerman going to the store himself observed a black youth, 6 foot plus, high school football player walking alone in the rain and looking around, possibly for opportunity, in a gated community that had been robbed many times before. Zimmerman knew the community’s residents, and correctly identified the youth Trayvon Martin as not one of those residents.

Zimmerman properly called 911 to report a suspicious person in the neighborhood. When Zimmerman indicated he was following the youth, the operator told him, “You don’t need to do that.”Zimmerman was not legally obligated to obey that suggestion.There is nothing illegal about following what you think is a suspicious person in your neighborhood. Based on these facts, this is not even a case of racial profiling.

But Zimmerman obeyed the suggestion anyway. The taped conversation with the operator showed he left the trail to go find an address so a cop could come by and pick up the investigation. While Zimmerman was walking back to his car after reporting the address to the 911 operator, as he later told police, Trayvon Martin came up behind Zimmerman and asked Zimmerman if he had a problem with him. Zimmerman whirled to say “No.” Martin replied, “You do now,” and proceeded to punch him in the nose, breaking the nose and knocking him down.

Martin then jumped on top of Zimmerman, grabbing his head and repeatedly slamming it into the ground. Zimmerman is recorded on a 911 call repeatedly screaming “help!”

Zimmerman was licensed with a conceal and carry permit to carry a handgun, which he had with him that night inside his waistbelt. One news report stated that Martin saw the gun and said, “Now you’re dead,” going for the weapon. But Zimmerman got there first, using it to shoot Martin in the chest once, killing him.

These facts are corroborated by the physical evidence as well as eyewitness testimony, medical and police records, and taped recordings, including Zimmerman’s own uncontradicted testimony, which is part of the record. The police report recorded the broken nose and head injuries, which are apparent in a video tape of Zimmerman at the police station thereafter. The police report also records grass and grass stains on the back of Zimmerman’s shirt. The coroner’s report stated that the gunshot was at close range.

Read the full article here.

Sharpton Should Have Been Shunned Long Ago

By  |  April 18, 2012 | American Spectator


We’ll know who to thank if Florida explodes.

Imagine a white preacher from the South.

Let us suppose this white, Southern preacher utters words full of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Mormon and homophobic venom.

Let us suppose that the hateful words uttered by this white, Southern preacher incited violence which resulted in the deaths of innocent people.

Let us further suppose that this white, Southern preacher bore false witness and accused a man of raping a girl and that this man successfully sued the white, Southern preacher for slander only to refuse to recompense his victim.

Today, this white preacher from the South would be a despised figure. He would not be welcome in polite society. He would be regarded as a hatemonger with neither credibility nor legitimacy. He would be persona non grata. He would be shunned.

But it is today and Reverend Al Sharpton has uttered words full of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Mormon and homophobic venom. Sharpton’s words have incited violence that resulting in the deaths of innocent people. Sharpton did slander an Assistant District Attorney for committing rape and was successfully sued but got others to pay that debt. And yet if a preacher is black instead of white and is based in Harlem instead of Hattiesburg, that preacher isn’t shunned but rather showered with praise and power. Consider what Jeff Jacoby wrote about Sharpton in the Boston Globe:

If Sharpton were a white skinhead, he would be a political leper, spurned everywhere but the fringe. But far from being spurned, he is shown much deference. Democrats embrace him. Politicians court him. And journalists report on his comings and goings while politely sidestepping his career as a hatemongering racial hustler.

Now consider that Jacoby wrote these words in January 2003.

Nearly a decade later little has changed and in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, Sharpton’s power might very arguably be at or near its zenith despite the dubious and incendiary nature of his statements regarding the case.

Here is what Sharpton said during a rally in support of Martin in Sanford, Florida on March 22, 2012:

Read the full article here.

Obama Politicizes Trayvon for Latino Audience

by Tony Lee | April 17, 2013 | Breitbart

In an appearance on the Spanish language station Univision’s “Al Punto” Sunday show, President Obama, with the help of host Enrique Acevedo, appealed to Latino voters by tying the Trayvon Martin case to the “anti-immigrant” sentiment Obama said Hispanics have recently faced.

In his final question to Obama, Acevedo asked, “Finally, Mr. President, why is it that half a century after the civil rights movement and after the American people elected their first African-American president do I have to stand today here in front of you and ask you about racial tensions in the U.S.? And of course, I’m referring to the Trayvon Martin case.”

It is worth noting that Acevedo–on a Spanish language network–made no mention of the fact that Zimmerman identified himself as a “Hispanic,” which would pierce the meme and narrative Acevedo wanted Obama to advance, which Obama obligingly did.

Obama could have noted that Zimmerman was as Hispanic as he is Black and could have said that since the facts of what happened on the night Martin died are still unknown, Americans shouldn’t hastily use the Trayon Martin tragedy as a symbol of “racial tensions in the U.S.,” as Acevedo suggested.

Of course, Obama did not respond this way for politicizing the Martin tragedy works to his political advantage and drives home the misconceived notion that America is a nation of systemic inequalities that needs to be fundamentally transformed.

Here is how Obama responded.

Read the full article here.

‘A Struggle Ensued’: Lynch Mob Justice In Florida

By Clarice Feldman | April 15, 2012 | American Thinker

From time to time the U.S. is engaged in its popular, charming pastime, following criminal cases. Once the special hobby of retirees who flooded the courthouses, since cable TV and the Internet, anyone can participate in these modern versions of morality plays.  The latest episode is the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman one, a story that shows how a media rife with malpractice and incompetence, a black grievance industry supported by a corrupt Attorney General , and a special prosecutor in a difficult re-election fight can twist facts and put to jeopardy a man already cleared of wrongdoing despite the lack of persuasive, dispositive new evidence sufficient to meet the  state’s burden of overcoming a claim of self-defense.

A.  Media Malpractice

American Thinker has already published a short course on how media malpractice turned an ordinary, everyday incident into a nationwide racial dispute.

More detailed day by day breakdowns of the media’s manipulation of the facts in the case, were made by Tom Maguire on Just One Minute. Here are some of the running accounts:

NBC and MSNBC were the worst offenders, but no major news outlet was spared the ignominy of sloppy reporting, sometimes followed by subtle, unannounced corrections of the record, and often simply perpetuating the false accounts  when the facts they reported were proven untrue.

Here’s a typical analysis by Tom  based on a video NBC and MSNBC played of George Zimmerman’s appearance at the Sanford, Florida police department soon after the shooting:

If NBC’s non-investigation of five appearances of the bogus Zimmerman 911 edit isn’t enough, let’s poke at this mystery – what “enhanced” police video did MSNBC air last month, what did it really show, and where is it now?

Bob Somerby of the Daily Howler called this out on April 4 but we can illustrate it with a screenshots.  Over to Bob:

Last Thursday afternoon, MSNBC played videotape of Zimmerman’s apparent injuries which was much more “enhanced,” much more clear. See THE DAILY HOWLER, 3/30/12.

Martin Bashir referred to this tape as “an extended and newly released surveillance video” which showed “new angles, never seen before, of George Zimmerman being brought into the Sanford police station.” This suggested that MSNBC had received a second tape from the Sanford police video system-that this was not the same old tape others had aired before.

 Bashir’s tape did provide a much clearer look at the back of Zimmerman’s head. It seemed to show a rather large goose-egg style bump on the back of his head, with a rather clear abrasion atop it.

This tape is much more “enhanced” than the ABC tape. And it has now disappeared.

He linked to a March 30 post which included this:

What videos does NBC have in its archives, and which are authentic?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Read the full article here.

Standing MLK on His Head: The New Civil Rights Movement [Video]

The following comparison between the “old” (MLK) and “new” (Sharpton/Jackson) civil rights movements is from Bradlee Dean’s blog at You Can Run International.

“In light of the recent mainstream media-created outrage over Trayvon Martin’s death, I couldn’t help but notice how far off the modern-day civil-rights leaders are from the creed of the civil-rights movement in the 1960s, led by a great man of God, Martin Luther King Jr. He was a prophet to the nation – a molder of consensus to guarantee equal rights under the law for all men, “endowed by their Creator,” as the Declaration of Independence rightly states.

Let me take you back to the 1960s. Every participant in the civil-rights marches was required to sign the following pledge before they could participate:

  • 1. Meditate on teachings of Jesus daily.
  • 2. Remember that the non-violent movement seeks justice and reconciliation, not just victory.
  • 3. Walk and talk in the manner of love/charity, for God is love.
  • 4. Pray daily to be used by God.
  • 5. Sacrifice personal needs. Greed has to go out the window.
  • 6. Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.
  • 7. Seek to perform regular service for others and for the world.
  • 8. 
Refrain from the violence of fist, tongue or heart.
  • 9. Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health.
  • 10. Follow the directions of the movement and of the captain of the demonstration.

However, the self-made civil-rights leaders of today, such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, have left out their Bibles and their morals, as they debase themselves and reap nothing but mockery and reproach. Let me contrast the original pledge with the modern version of the pledge, as demonstrated by their actions:

  • 1. Meditate on the media and anything but the teachings of Jesus.
  • 2. Practice civil disobedience to just laws, through force, in hopes of an unjust victory.
  • 3. Walk and talk in the manner of thuggery/pride!
  • 4. Play the race card as you are enslaved through deception by a godless administration daily.
  • 5. Sacrifice the needs of others, gain is the goal.
  • 6. Send threats to those who disagree with you.
  • 7. Seek to have it your way at all costs, lie if necessary.
  • 8. Use fear and force.
  • 9. Strive to take from others, because you deserve what you take!
  • 10. Follow the directions of an unconstitutional and unlawful administration.

These modern civil-rights leaders are demoralizers of the faithful. They have turned civil rights into uncivil distribution of privileges, derived by the state. They have left off the Declaration of Independence, therefore throwing off freedom. Under their directives, racism is being taught to a new generation under the guise of decrying racism.”

Obama as Farce

By William L. Gensert | April 11, 2012 | American Thinker

Karl Marx said history repeats itself, “first as tragedy, then as farce.”  Barack Obama has reversed that.  His first term was certainly farce; his second will be tragedy.

Obama has Forrest Gumped his way through his presidency, except without the success, charm, and endearing sweetness of the original.  He has given America three and a half years of farce, even if no one is laughing.

He is an adumbrated president, desperate about his re-election prospects.  Sold as a bipartisan moderate, a post-racial healer, a transformative leader — we were told he would not just solve our problems, but heal the earth and save humanity.

The president has governed as a hyper-partisanrace-baitingbarely present tyrant with absolutely no leadership skills and little regard for the constitution.  His daily ululations paint anyone who dares to disagree as evil and un-American.  People are either pro-Barack or an enemy of the nation — there is no in-between.

It is the intangible aspects of the presidency where Barack Obama is most adept: entertaining, vacationing, and golf.  The parties are legendary and extravagant.  Bringing the NBA to the White House, or the NFL or Motown or Broadway — when he feels like it, the party comes to him.  The vacations are even more extravagant, and the golf…everyone knows about the golf.  He may not be good, but at least he puts in the time.

America has to pay for it all, but this is an opportunity to see the true Barack Obama, surrounded by minions and sycophants constantly telling him how great he is.  Is it any surprise he wants four more years of this?

Obama hagiographer Davis Guggenheim has said, “I mean, the negative for me was there were too many accomplishments.”  Barack wholeheartedly agrees; after all didn’t he recently say, “My entire career has been a testimony to American exceptionalism”?

Popeil’s Pocket President, brought to you by Ronco, or Rahm Emanuel — one of those.  At least the Pocket Fisherman worked.  Barack doesn’t work; it’s all parties, vacations, and golf — in between, he practices verbal assassination of anyone who disagrees.  Chin up, he turns away and looks off in the distance, à la Mussolini, as the applause and adulation reverberate from the rafters.

“No, please,” he pleads, “I do this for you.”

In less than four years, he has reduced America to the laughingstock of the world.  We are threatened by Iran with nuclear Armageddon, while he lines up a putt and tells us what his imaginary son would look like.

He talks of “flexibility,” while he plots both unilateral disarmament and the scrapping of missile defense.  With no deterrent and no defensive capability, the nation will be defenseless and impotent.

Read the full article here.

Reaping the Rewards of a ‘Progressive’ America

By Frank Salvato | April 8, 2012 | Breitbart

 As the nation directs its attention to the events taking place at the United States Supreme Court, specifically, the oral arguments surrounding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, now may be a good time to evaluate some of the “progress” we have made, both as a country and as a culture, where the Progressive Movement’s efforts are concerned.

I say that now may be a good time for this evaluation because as the Justices of the Supreme Court debate the merits of the case before them, we stand on the precipice of the largest expansion in government authority since the institution of the income tax. And while both Republicans and Democrats; Conservatives and Liberals, have all had a hand in the expansion of government, no other group has celebrated that expansion over our liberties, over our freedoms, more than Progressives.

Now, I am not an overly religious man. As regular readers understand, my Mother would be very happy if I attended church more often. But even I can see that at the hand of the Progressive Movement the idea of secularism has become totalitarian. In a nation built, in part, as a sanctuary for the religious (this is the onus behind the First Amendment’s right to “Freedom of Religion”), people of the cloth are being placed under arrest for preaching on public grounds.

In Hemet, California, the Rev. Mark Mackey, a preacher with the Calvary Chapel, was arrested for “preaching to a captive audience” as he read passages from the bible outside a still closed Department of Motor Vehicles building. The arresting California Highway Patrol Officer said to Mackey, as he was leading him away in handcuffs, “You’re not allowed to preach here because this is a captive audience…You can preach on your own property.” One so-called constitutional attorney said Mackey was “creating an intimidating situation.”

In Florida, as the details of a highly publicized crime are still coming into focus, a volunteer neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, is in hiding because the New Black Panther Party has put a $10,000 bounty on his head, along with a “dead or alive” precursor, for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin (and we all thought vigilantism was a thing of the past). And as race-baiting activists – the likes of self-anointed Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both whom have become quite wealthy in their pursuits of keeping the nation divided along racial lines, and elected officials call for – and incredibly so – the arrest of a man before an investigation into the event is even concluded, racist organization La Raza (“The Race” in Spanish) has issued a statement questioning his ethnicity. “His background is not clear…Is he Latino? Is he white? Is he both? Who knows?,” La Raza spokeswoman Lisa Navarrete said in an interview with The Daily Caller. Zimmerman’s Mother is Hispanic.

Speaking of the New Black Panthers, as the men and women of our military fight and die to liberate whole national populations from the tyranny of Islamofascist oppression, our own Justice Department, led by Eric Holder – who is turning out to be not only a racist but a racial activist by proof of both his actions and inactions, refuses to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, paramilitary-clad, night-stick wielding New Black Panther racists who stood outside a Philadelphia polling place during the 2008 General Election intimidating every Caucasian voter who tried to enter. J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department Voting Rights Section attorney, who served in the Holder regime, has testified that orders were given not to prosecute any Black defendants…period.

Read the full article here.

Critical Race Theory: Of The Racists, By The Racists, And For The Racists

By Cardinal Lawyer | April 2, 2012 | Breitbart

Picture this: you are the president of a major law school. A visiting professor, assigned to teach an introductory law class, ignores the curriculum and instead usurps the class time to espouse a radical race theory he has recently developed.

First-year law students, mandatorily assigned to the class, stop attending the class, moonlighting instead at other sections of the same course being taught by other professors.

As an administrator, what do you do? To reasonable people, the course of action is obvious–you simply tell the visiting professor to stop it, and to stick to the curriculum.

But you don’t do that. Why not?

The answer is obvious, but complex: because you know you will be called a “racist” by activists, and you will do anything to avoid that. So you try to tiptoe around the problem, and you make it worse.

That’s one legacy of racialist Derrick Bell, when he was invited to teach at the home of political correctness, Stanford Law School, in the 1980’s.

The success of radical leftists in taking over administrative control of various institutions–the media, higher education and public worker unions–was partly based upon their tactic of accusing their opponents of being racist.

The truth is, it worked very well for a long time, and often still does. Human nature is to give in to avoid being called racist; it’s just not worth it for ordinary people doing everyday jobs–they didn’t sign up for that kind of harassment. The left knows it, and exploits it.

That partly explains how the left has used an intimidating culture of fear to turn institutions into bowls of milquetoast. It’s a decades-old legacy of ordinary people backing down again and again, giving in to the radical Left.

In the universities, the Marxist/collectivists didn’t call themselves “communists” or “socialists;” they used the brand name of “Critical Studies.”

Buried in Derrick Bell’s resume is an instructive episode showing how the racial intimidation of the “Critical Studies” race baiters helped move the Leftist’s agenda.

Bell–who died last year–objected to neutrality and color-blindness in the Constitution. Bell wanted race to become a permanent weapon of the left–in short, he was a race warrior and wanted constant racial strife.

To justify his race war, he argued that the existence of slavery at the time of the U.S. Constitution rendered that agreement unenforceable against blacks. He reasoned that the Constitution was fatally illegitimate, and could never be fixed–not by the Civil War or the resulting anti-slavery amendments, nor by the Civil Rights amendments. To Bell, the Constitution was merely a tool to keep the black race down–permanently. It was government of the racists, by the racists and for the racists.

And because it’s illegitimate, it does not have to be obeyed. That’s the intellectual justification. Got it?

Read the full article here.

Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School’s Racist Teaching

By Selwyn Duke | March 7, 2012 | American Thinker

The boy raised his hand, eager to answer the question.  “What would you know about it?” exclaimed the teacher dismissively.  “You’re not our race.”

This was not dialogue from a Hollywood movie.  According to a woman named Melissa Coon, it was what a teacher at East High School in Kansas City told her 13-year-old son, Allen, when he attempted to answer a question during Black History Month.  Coon identifies that teacher as Mrs. Karla Dorsey, who is black; Allen is white.

As has already been reported, Allen was a victim of a vicious racial attack last week in which two older black teens doused him with gasoline and set him alight, saying, “This is what you deserve.  You get what you deserve, white boy.”  Not surprisingly, Coon has pulled her son out of East High and, concerned about further racial violence, intends to leave the K.C. area.

While this crime is making headlines, Coon states that it was merely the horrible culmination of continual racial harassment her son had to endure at East High.  Moreover, after conducting an investigation that included extensive interviews with parents and students, I’ve learned that Coon’s son is not alone.  Other white students also report a pattern of racial harassment at the high school at the hands of their peers — and, shockingly, their teachers.

Two of these victims were the twin 14-year-old daughters (first names withheld upon request) of Karin Wildeisen.  Ever since their family relocated from Texas, they had endured racial animosity in the Kansas City school system and inappropriate behavior by staff, which included teachers laughing while boys humiliatingly manhandled the girls and a teacher slapping one of them on the backside.  But there was far worse to come.

Read the full article here.

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